Herpetiform psoriatic impetigo: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Diseases of the skin are very common environment of the European population. Such diseases as psoriasis, about 7% of Russia, 3.5% of the Ukrainian population are ill. This disease not only causes discomfort due to itching, burning, scaling of the skin, but can also be very dangerous. Consider one of the varieties of impetigo, which carries a life threat and is manifested mainly in pregnant women.

Features of the disease

Herpetiform psoriatic impetigo is the result of an exacerbation of ordinary psoriasis, which is manifested in pregnant women. Herpetiform impetigo( impetigo herpetiformis) is a disease of the epidermis, which is characterized by a pustular rash, similar to herpetic. This pathology is characterized by the manifestation of septic fever.

This disease is very rare. Unfortunately, the exact etiology of this pathology by scientists has not been clarified. The presumable cause of its occurrence is the manifestation of endocrine disorders, most often with impaired parathyroid function. This disease is often credited to the toxicosis of pregnant women. In some cases, this form of skin diseases develops with hypocalcemia.

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In the medical literature there are cases of this pathology not only in pregnant women. It was also found in men, children, and non-pregnant women. The danger of the disease lies in an unfavorable prognosis( in some cases a lethal outcome is possible).

About what has a herpetiform impetigo reasons, we will tell below.

About the impetigo of pregnant women and other types of illness tells the video below:

Causes of

Usually the appearance of impetigo of pregnant women is provoked by neuroendocrine disorders. Most experts believe that this pathology is a form of generalized pustular psoriasis. Usually, the mother's condition stabilizes after the birth of the baby, but subsequent pregnancies will pass with the same pathology.

About the symptoms that has herpetiform impetigo of Gebra-Kaposi, read below.

Symptoms of herpetiform psoriatic impetigo

Symptoms of herpetiform psoriatic impetigo

The onset of the disease is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • the onset of fever;
  • appearance of foci of edematous erythema in the epidermis of the thighs( their inner region).

Pustules are formed on the affected areas, after which the impetigonous crusts are formed. There is a growth of foci along the periphery.

The formation of new foci is noted in the following areas:

  • around the navel;
  • under the mammary glands;
  • joint bends;
  • vagina;
  • mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • mucosa of the respiratory tract;
  • the intestinal mucosa, esophagus( very rarely).

The condition of the pregnant woman deteriorates significantly. It becomes very heavy, there are:

  • convulsions;
  • fever septic type;
  • delirium;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • chills.

When the outbreaks spread around the periphery, the affected areas become very large. Inside the large rings, rings with a smaller diameter are formed. Inside the pustule contains pus( greenish-yellow).After the rupture of the pustule, pus follows, there are empty scaly collars.

The diagnosis and treatment required by the herpetic impetigo are described below.


Usually, the diagnosis is established by the expert, based on the clinical picture, the data obtained after the histological examination of the epidermis. This pathology must be differentiated from the following lesions of the dermis:

  • herpes pregnant;
  • pustular psoriasis;
  • herpetiform dermatitis;
  • acrodermatitis Allopo;
  • subcorneal pustulosis.

Treatment of

Treatment of this dangerous disease with its consequences is carried out in a dermatological hospital. If the case is very severe, it does not respond to therapy, the specialist can recommend to terminate the pregnancy.


From the therapeutic procedures of the herpetiform psoriasis impetigo, it is prescribed:

  • AUFOK .Autotransfusion of photomodified blood is represented by a reverse transfusion of the patient's own blood. Blood from the patient is taken from the vein, placed in a container with a stabilizer, irradiated with light from a mercury lamp, a laser. This procedure increases the bactericidal ability of the blood;
  • LAYER .At the heart of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood is the effect of the laser beam( low intensity) on platelets, leukocytes, red blood cells within the cardiovascular system. This procedure is necessary for the speedy restoration of damaged tissues, elimination of signs of oxygen starvation, improving blood circulation, accelerating the metabolism, reducing the level of toxins in the blood, reducing allergy symptoms.
  • Baths with potassium permanganate .
  • Plasmapheresis .This extracorporeal( performed outside the body) procedure involves the return to the bloodstream of the patient's purified blood.
  • Hemosorption .This procedure consists in removing toxins from the blood, regulating hemostasis by contacting blood with a sorbent that takes place outside the body.

Drug medication

Therapy, medicated, involves the use of:

  • Topical preparations .They include Fukortsin, ointments with antibiotics, corticosteroids, aniline dyes.
  • Corticosteroids .Among the hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended "Tigazon", "Prednisolon", "Diprospan".
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics .Specialists recommend sulfonamide-type antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, medicines containing iron, antimalarial medicines.
  • of the Vitamin .Vitaminotherapy should be carried out by taking such vitamins: D, B, C.

In case of severe illness, specialists recommend:

  • "Myelopid";
  • intravenous introduction of "Neohemodeza", "Rheosorbylacta";
  • "Timogen";
  • Splenin;
  • "Parathyroidin" + preparations of calcium chloride;
  • Timoptin;

Prevention of

After successful treatment, do not forget about prevention. With this pathology, it is:

  • strengthening the body;
  • carrying out vitamin therapy;
  • compliance with diet( refusal of salt, alcohol, fatty);
  • giving up smoking;
  • periodic resort and sanatorium treatment.

Complications of

The pathology under consideration can have the most dangerous complications. They consist in:

  • premature birth;
  • stillbirth;
  • death of a child soon after birth;
  • death of a pregnant woman.


With proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable. This pathology is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy in the future. The main thing is to properly prepare. For this it is necessary to pass:

  • course of vitamin therapy;
  • resort and spa treatment;
  • restorative procedures.

In some cases, damage to the dermis can last for several years( more than 10).

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