Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs for 3 weeks

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1 General recommendations

Treatment of hypertension without drugs begins with a review of the routine schedule and revision of their own habits, which often provoke attacks of hypertension.

So, to begin with, minimize the effects of stress. It is the stress factors that cause pressure jumps. If a person reacts to various external stimuli too violently, and alone can not cope with it, then a professional psychologist will come to the rescue.

It is necessary to refuse categorically from the use of coffee and strong black tea. If a person is a "caffeine", then this drink can be replaced with chicory, and black tea - green or herbal.

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Smoking should be immediately quit once and for all. Alcoholic beverages are consumed in minimum quantities and only on holidays.

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You need to radically revise your diet. Oily, saturated with all sorts of chemical additives, sugar-containing components, food leads to an increase in body weight and to the deposition of cholesterol. Both are provoked by pressure jumps.

A salt-free diet helps cure. Hypertonics should arrange themselves a kind of "unloading" days, when its consumption should be reduced to a minimum.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs involves certain douche procedures. Regular dousing with cold water will not only strengthen the walls of the vessels, but will also harden the whole organism.

Plus, it is important to name and small, but regular physical activities that a person should give himself. For example, a rhythmic step for half an hour in the fresh air perfectly helps to fight with increased pressure. The main thing is the regularity and consistency of such procedures.

Patients with hypertension should try to sleep at least 8 hours a day and even in the daytime, if possible, give yourself at least a small rest.

There are many ways of independent psychological regulation of body biorhythms, they include meditation and respiratory gymnastics. They soothe, relax and tidy up the entire circulatory system.

It should be remembered that in the treatment of hypertension with alternative folk remedies, some side effects or individual allergic reactions are possible. The palette of such funds is very rich, and most people will not have much difficulty finding a suitable medicine.

2 Useful recipes

You can treat hypertension at home with the help of viburnum berries. It is viburnum - the most popular remedy, recommended by folk healers.

The infusion of berries is prepared as follows:

  • about 600 g of berries are poured into a glass three-liter jar;
  • they are poured in 2 liters of boiled water;
  • bank closes and is placed for 4-5 hours in a warm place, but without direct sunlight;
  • is thoroughly filtered after the infusion, and 0.5 kg of natural honey is added to the berries;
  • the resulting composition is ground with a sieve and placed in enameled dishes.

The product should be taken three times a day for 1/3 cup before or after meals. The main course of treatment is 3 weeks. After a week break, you can repeat it.

Many "herbalists" recommend preparing a fresh portion of this infusion for every day.10 g of berries are ground and heated with 200 g of boiling water in a water bath for 15 minutes. The infusion is cooled to room temperature, filtered and filled with boiled water up to 200 g.

Good sources of increased pressure are not only the berries of the viburnum, but also its bark. Such a broth is prepared as follows.15 g of a well crushed bark is poured into 2 tbsp.l of boiled water. After this, the composition is boiled for 30 minutes, filtered and squeezed. Boiled water is again brought to the initial volume. Decoction should take 1-2 tbsp.l.after eating 3 times a day.


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For preventive purposes, you can use fresh berries, rubbed with sugar, or a pre-cooked syrup.

Treatment of hypertension without drugs involves the use of infusion of ordinary corn flour.2 tbsp.l.pour 200 g of boiling water on the flour. It is important to use glassware, and an ordinary faceted glass will do. Poured flour must "come" all night. In the morning, the accumulated water above should be carefully drained. The thicket itself is not accepted, only liquid should be drunk. Daily use of this drug normalizes the pressure within 3 weeks.

A good medicine for hypertension is a mixture of carrot, beet and horseradish juices. They are mixed in equal proportions of 250 g. Horseradish juice is prepared without any problems. The plant can be simply grated on a small grater, allowed to stand and diluted with boiled water. In addition to the above ingredients, 1 lemon is squeezed into the mixture and 5 tablespoons are added.l.of natural honey. After careful mixing, the infusion goes to a dry dark place for a day. Infusion to use three times a day for 1 tbsp.l. It is important to remember that after eating the food you can take food no earlier than an hour later.

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3 Proven means

Honey and garlic have long been famous for their healing properties. These drugs are also used at increased pressure. How to get rid of hypertension with the help of such medicinal products? It's very simple, for the best effect they need to be connected.1 kg of natural honey mixed with 5 heads of garlic, which must be grinded in advance on a small grater. There is also added 10 lemons of medium size juice. The ingredients are again thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 7 days. Take the drug should be once a day for 4 tsp.

Another recipe suggests using honey and beets. To prepare this beet, the beet is pre-rubbed, then mixed in equal proportions with honey. You take this medicine for 1 tbsp.l.before meals. It is best to prepare this composition in small portions, so that the ingredients do not lose their useful qualities.

You can make garlic tincture.1 head of garlic is poured into 100 ml of vodka or a good home-brew. Before use, tincture should be in a tightly closed container in a dark place for 7 days. Periodically it should be shaken. In parallel with this tincture, you need to prepare a mint broth, which is added to it. Ready tincture at the rate of 20-25 ml at one time is mixed with 3 tablespoons of boiled water and taken before meals.

Garlic can be used on its own.3 days in a row you need to eat a clove of garlic. After this, a break for 2-3 days, then the course is repeated. Contraindications for such treatment are various diseases of the digestive tract, liver or kidney problems.

Citrus fruits also have the ability to reduce pressure. The medicine on their basis is not only useful, but also tasty. Lemon and medium-sized orange one by one are rubbed with a blender or a plain grater. It is better to refrain from adding sugar to such a mixture. The product should be taken for 3 tsp.during the day. It must be cooked every day anew.

4 Treatment with phytogens

How to treat hypertension in the home, will prompt and traditional recipes of "herbalists", which for this purpose are advised to use certain phytogens. It should be added that such charges do not act quickly, but the effect of their application is long and provides a long period of remission. To achieve the best effect, the collections should be made from various herbs, periodically changing them.

The horsetail of the field, the leaves of the birch and adonis of spring are taken in equal amounts - this will be one part of the collection. Two other parts - the color of hawthorn, marsh swamp, motherwort.1 tbsp.l.mixture is poured into one glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes. It is permissible, adding to the composition the right amount of boiling water, pour it into the thermos and insist for an hour. After careful straining, the infusion is ready for use. It should be drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This remedy is especially good if high blood pressure worries a person against a background of heart failure.

The next collection is especially suited to female representatives after 40 years. Ingredients for this collection: chamomile pharmacy, goatee goose, peppermint, yarrow and buckthorn bark. All this is mixed in equal proportions, is prepared and adopted in a manner similar to the previous recipe.

5 Special exercises

In addition to receiving various tinctures and fees, special exercises can also help to overcome hypertension. Thanks to them, tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which prevents the increase in blood pressure.

First you should just walk around, moving your hands in a circle. Then change the step from heels to socks and vice versa. In parallel, you can rotate the pelvis and the entire body. Exercise should be done for 5 minutes.

In the sitting position, you should put your feet 30-40 cm apart and make slopes. Hands should be laid back. When doing the exercise, you need to move smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.

Exercise standing. Legs are shoulder width apart, arms are located at the waist. At the inhalation, inclinations are carried out from side to side, with inspiration - return to the starting position.

Also in the standing position, hands are spread apart. The legs alternately rise, retract at the sides and stay at a height of 30-40 cm.

If it is hard to perform this type of exercise, you can sit on a chair, spread your arms and, lifting your knee bent in the knee to your chest, try to hold it with your hands. Exercise is performed 6-8 times for each leg.

In parallel, it is possible and necessary to conduct sessions of special respiratory gymnastics. In addition to positive effects on blood vessels and the entire body as a whole, such exercises help to get rid of stress and help to concentrate. Through the nose you need to take a deep breath, and then hold your breath. Then a slow exhalation through the mouth. It is important to conduct these sessions regularly.

Apparently, getting rid of hypertension in 3 weeks is real. To achieve the best effect, you can combine taking several decoctions or tinctures with exercises. Alternate them and not allow stress to control life.

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