Honey and propolis in colitis of intestines

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The medicinal properties of honey and its products have been known since ancient times. A valuable dietary high-calorie product has a dual effect on the secretory function of the digestive tract, depending on the method and conditions of use, and it also facilitates the work of the intestine. If there are processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine, which are manifested with excessive gas formation and swelling, honey restores the microflora to its natural form. The antibiotics contained in the product inhibit the multiplication of harmful bacteria. Biogenic stimulants affect the performance of a person, namely: the mental and physical vitality significantly improves.

In folk medicine, the expression "Honey is a man's friend" is very popular because it has the properties of an effective normalizing effect on the inflamed surface of the intestinal mucosa, regulatory and secretory function. Also, honey is inherent in the enveloping and analgesic effect, which, in turn, contribute to the healing of symptoms on the surface of the intestinal mucosa.

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As is known, the main signs of colitis are pain in the intestines, manifestations of constipation or diarrhea, nausea, and other unpleasant manifestations. Based on the numerous healing properties of honey, it is a valuable tool in the complex therapy of colitis of the intestine. So, the most common ways to use it for healing are:

  1. The reception of honey in a clean, unchanged consistency, can only be washed down with warm water, tea, yogurt.
  2. Internal reception in the form of mixtures of various concentrations, it is possible to dissolve with other substances.
  3. Enlarged enemas or microclysters with honey.

To regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, to suppress putrefactive and pathogenic microflora in colitis of the intestine, a seven-day tincture of the tea fungus containing honey and sugar at five percent is quite effective. Especially it is useful for children, when used instead of gas.water and kvass. In colitis spastic type for reasons of a nervous nature, accompanied by constipation, requires a course lasting exactly three months. It should be taken daily before meals or after 1 tbsp.spoon of the product or its thick aqueous solution. An excellent result can be obtained during the treatment of inflammation with erosions, ulcers. It consists that patients are given microclysters with honey, or with ointment of Konkov. There are many recipes for preparing mixtures with honey from colitis of the intestine.

Propolis in colitis of intestine

Bee-glue, propolis, being the best national antibiotic, is used to kill harmful microbes and does not hurt a healthy microflora. The use of it in the preparations intensifies astringent, antitumor effect, along with it the immunity of the patient considerably increases. The structure of propolis includes:

  • flavones;
  • flavonoids;
  • Phenic Acids;
  • benzoic acid.

In addition, note the presence of esters of phenolic acids and other substances. The use of propolis simultaneously with antibiotics enhances their effects and at the same time retains their own intestinal microflora. Due to special cells( phagocytes) he removes the destroyed cells of microorganisms, which reduces the poisoning of the organism. With ulcerative colitis helps self-healing intact mucosa of the colon.

Take propolis with colitis in the form of tinctures on alcohol, dissolving in cold tea or milk three times a day for an hour before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks. To treat proctitis, use candles with and bandages with ointment based on it. Using honey and other bee products in the treatment of colitis, you should know that they have a strong allergic effect. Therefore, self-medication is by no means possible.

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