Atrophic red flat lichen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lishay has different manifestations. Red flat lichen can have a warty shape, or may be atrophic. About the symptoms and treatment of the disease, red flat atrophic lichen in humans, we'll talk today. To understand how the red flat atrophic lichen looks, photos will help.

Features of the disease

Red flat lichen with atrophic form of the disease is primary and secondary.

  • The primary form of is considered a type of superficial scleroderma, but can also be taken as a separate disease. The disease often affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, women fall ill more often than men. In children, red flat atrophic lichen is rare. The clinical picture is characterized by white spots about 2-3 mm, having the color of ivory or gray pea with a pearly hue. The main location of the rashes: on the chest and neck, on the genitals and shoulders, can appear on the hips, back and stomach, but less often.
  • With , the secondary version of , atrophy manifests itself after disappearing the typical for depriving rashes. Acute diarrhea quickly turns into regression, but in most cases its course becomes chronic. The localization of the rashes is preserved, but the periods of exacerbation are replaced by attenuation of manifestations for several years.
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Next, we'll tell you what forms have a red flat lichen atrophic shape, show the photo of the disease.

Classification of red flat atrophic lichen

Depending on the course of lichen, there may be:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • subacute.

In this case:

  • If the duration of the disease does not exceed 1 month, it is considered acute .
  • From 2 to 6 months - subacute ,
  • and over six months - chronic .

Let's now consider the causes of the disease red lichen planus.

Causes of

The causes of the appearance of a red flat atrophic lichen are completely unknown. The disease is considered to be multi-causal when external and internal factors exert influence.

  • There is a violation in the immune system and in metabolic processes.
  • An inadequate response to stimuli is observed on the part of the tissues.
  • One of the factors of the appearance of rashes can be considered heredity.
  • There are cases of the disease after exposure to chemicals on the skin and mucous membranes and some medications.

Symptoms of

  • Foci of atrophic red flat lichen ring-shaped resemble a scarring basaloma, similar to Bowen's disease, need to be compared with discoid lupus erythematosus and annular granuloma.
  • If the rash is located in the occipital region, along the sides of the neck or behind - elastosis perforating serpiginating, and on the outer genitals - orbicular syphilide.

Differential diagnostics for ailment of red flat lichen atrophic form is considered below.


When diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account the similarity of rashes with manifestations of hypovitaminosis group B, PP, with a deficiency in the body of folic acid, with atrophic glossitis with syphilis. A comparative picture is necessary in case of erythematous-atrophic form of candidymycosis of the tongue.

It's time to talk, what to treat and how to cure a man at a flat lichen atrophic type.


To eliminate the triggers and normalize the general condition, use:

  • hypnotics and sedatives;
  • antihistamines;
  • preparations of quinoline series;
  • aromatic retinoids.

Special ointments and other medications for treating red flat lichen can be used. resort to corticosteroids only in acute stage and with a common form of lichen.

Helps cryodestruction and cryomassage, a good effect shows:

  • photochemotherapy,
  • laser therapy and
  • magnetotherapy.

To reduce the itching and improve the skin condition,

  • is prescribed with water-soluble suspensions with anesthesin and menthol, capable of cooling;
  • hormonal ointments and under occlusive dressing;
  • injection of large foci with hormones or novocaine.

Prevention of the disease

  • There is no specific prevention of the disease, but a rational approach will be to get rid of chronic foci of infection, eliminate stressful and other irritating situations.
  • Good sleep and full nutrition with vitamins, correction of medicines used.
  • On the diet for people who have red lichen planus, we tell you separately.


As unpleasant complications of depriving may appear painful sensations, especially on the genitals. Some factors can provoke the development of cancer after suffering a hair loss.


Prognosis favorable for timely treatment, if you start the disease, the healing process can be delayed and lead to the attachment of a bacterial infection.

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