Garlic from worms in adults and children, helps, kills and removes helminths, the recipe for getting rid of it, how to get rid of tincture, water, tablets?

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Many people know that garlic against worms is very effective. It helps to remove parasites from the body in both adults and children. That's why patients who have helminthiasis diagnosed are interested in recipes, with which you can simply get rid of this scourge. Moreover, the treatment of worms with folk remedies based on garlic has a gentle and gentle effect on the human body, and, killing parasites, does not disturb the microflora and internal balance of the intestine.

Quite successfully it is possible to withdraw worms with garlic water or tincture, as well as cooked decoctions and oil on it, since this vegetable has a pronounced antiparasitic effect. In addition, it contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements, which are needed by the damaged organism. The silicon in it eliminates the harmful effect of toxins released by parasites as a result of vital activity or decomposition. Garlic from worms can be taken or used as enemas. Both methods are quite effective.

How to get rid of worms with garlic?

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Due to the fact that this acute vegetable is a natural anthelmintic effect, it should be included in the diet and is in fairly large quantities. Of course, everyone understands that in large volumes to eat it is unrealistic. This immediately causes problems with the digestive system. And the smell of this vegetable, coming out of the patient's mouth is quite unpleasant for others. That's why many people avoid using it. In this case, garlic pills from worms will come to the rescue. To drink such miracle pills is necessary 3 times a day until the symptomatology of infestation disappears. Specialists also recommend the following recipes with garlic when infected with worms:

  • Very well affects the excretion of parasites and the decoction of this vegetable, cooked on milk. The recipe is quite simple and time-consuming. Within 15 minutes, you should boil 5 peeled but not crushed garlic cloves in a glass of milk. This broth is taken on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day for 1 tsp. Such a drug kills adult worms that are present in the intestines of a person quite quickly;
  • Many positive reviews of patients deserved and tincture of garlic from worms. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, so the child is not recommended to use it. This drug is intended only for the treatment of adults. The recipe for making tinctures is that 10 crushed denticles of this spicy vegetable are poured with 400 ml of alcohol and placed for a week in a dark place so that it is saturated with phytoncides that kill parasites;
  • Effective disposal of worms and contributes to the use of garlic oil. There is it can be not only in medical, but also for preventive purposes. The oil, cooked on the basis of this vegetable, has the properties of killing sexually mature specimens of helminths and preventing their appearance in the human body;
  • Quite good recommendations have garlic water from worms. For its preparation, 5-6 squeezed denticles of an acute vegetable should be filled with a liter of hot, but not boiling water. It helps in the treatment of helminths not only when ingested, but also in the form of enemas.

All these folk remedies against parasites have a pronounced effect and contribute to getting rid of the stricken misfortune in the shortest possible time. But, despite this, apply them for therapeutic purposes should, after all, after consulting a specialist to avoid any adverse effects associated with the individual characteristics of the body.

Garlic from worms for children

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of folk remedies when the child is infected. The organism of the little man is not prepared for the effect of many potent drugs, so recipes designed to remove parasites in children should be chosen with particular care. Many parents who have encountered the problem of enterobiasis are advised to rub 2-3 cloves of this vegetable within 3 days and add them to a glass of milk, which is necessary to remove acuity. To drink it the kid should on an empty stomach, and in the evening it is necessary to make an antihelminthic garlic enema, for which one clove is squeezed out into a glass of water, boiled for 5 minutes and insisted until complete cooling. It usually takes a few days to remove parasites from children. Help babies and the following tools:

  • Freshly squeezed from 300 g of fresh garlic juice mixed with 500 g of honey and aged in a water bath for half an hour. This folk remedy effectively enough helps the child to cope with the invasion, if you take it before meals 3-4 times a day for one dessert spoon;
  • Affects the prompt elimination of worms in baby and garlic with olive oil and rye flour. The prepared mixture must be infused for 3 days in a dark and cool place before drinking it.

Prevention of worms garlic

For preventive purposes, to prevent the ingress of eggs of parasites through the oral cavity, this vegetable is the most effective and safe remedy. In order that there is no invasion, it is advisable to eat several denticles in fresh form. If, due to individual circumstances, this is not possible, it will help to prevent worms and the addition of chopped garlic to ready meals. Its effect on parasites from this will not change.

Strengthen the strength of the body and prevent possible infection with parasites and the next mixture. For its preparation you need to take 2 tablespoons.collected in the spring of nettle powder, leaves and leaves of the birch, crushed walnut and hips. Prepared components mixed with 500 g of liquid honey and 100 g of garlic juice. This anthelmintic mixture is thoroughly mixed and stored in a cool place. Apply it should be one dessert spoon 2 times a day for any suspicion of possible infection with parasites.

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