Medicines for colitis - drugs, medicines for drug treatment, how to treat medications, what pills to drink?

To weaken active peristalsis and to remove multiple spasms, colitis is prescribed drugs based on mild antispasmodic agents, for example, No-Shpa. Such spasms can manifest as a pain syndrome. For the treatment of colitis, many doctors recommend the use of cholinergic drugs and adenoblockers, while they indicate their high rate of effectiveness, but use of such medications is allowed only under medical supervision in a hospital. This is due to the fact that such medications for the treatment of colitis in some cases can lead to complications in the cardiovascular system, as well as provoke exacerbations of another type of disease.

An important factor in the medical treatment of colitis is that cells that produce mucus from the intestinal shell, in the process of inflammation, begin to intensify the production of mucus. This type of mucus has a different chemical composition, which differs from normal, since it is more aggressive. That is why, while it is in the intestinal lumen, the mucus is a strong irritant, which forces the gut to quickly expel the contents. How to treat such a symptom? What medications are needed for this?

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What medicines to drink when colitis?

To prevent and prevent such a process in the treatment of colitis, it is recommended to use enveloping and astringent drugs to reduce the irritant effect of mucus on the mucosal intestinal membrane. Thanks to such medication, irritation decreases, and the mucus secretion decreases. Calcium carbonate is the best pill for colitis. Along with them, the use of other means having a vegetable origin is recommended. It is prescribed for 1 - 1.5 grams of the medicine inside 1.5 hours after the food was taken. In the event that when irritation of the colon showed a decrease in the acidity level of gastric juice, the administration of Acidinum pepsin or hydrochloric acid during food intake is prescribed. Preference should be given to enzyme medicines.

Bacterial medicines for colitis

The normal state of the intestinal microflora begins to worsen due to antibacterial agents, and, therefore, it is necessary to replenish it through the use of bacterial preparations. These medications are prescribed only after the reception of antiseptic drugs has been completed. Bacterial agents can prevent the frequent occurrence and reduce the severity of pain symptoms. Bacterial therapy in the process of drug treatment of colitis begins with the administration of such Kolibacterin for a month. Later, such medications as Bifidumbacterin or Bifikol may be prescribed to fix the results.

Soothing tablets for colitis

Colitis is preferred for soft soothing pills, since frequent diarrhea, which is accompanied by painful pain symptoms in the abdomen, can depress the mental state of the patient. To reduce painful sensations in colitis, use antispasmodics, vitamin therapy and laxatives. Spazmolitiki need to take 1-2 tablets twice a day. Vitaminotherapy is reduced to injections of B vitamins, which should alternate every week. It is also allowed to take multivitamin medicines for 1 pills several times a day for 2 weeks.

Laxative drugs for colitis

Laxatives in colitis boil down to vegetable oils. Such drugs are very effective, since there is no irritant effect on the mucous membrane, rather than with chemical laxatives.

In the process of taking funds for colitis, the use of Vaseline oil is recommended. This is due to the fact that such a drug has the ability to lubricate the intestinal wall, while there will be no irritation, mild stools will soften, and their progress will be accelerated. It is also allowed to take a remedy such as olive oil, which should be taken on an empty stomach with a subsequent intake of 300 ml of mineral water or 15-30 ml of castor oil. However, in the latter case, long-term treatment with colitis is not desirable, since the intestinal reaction may not subsequently occur, therefore it is recommended to use it for periodic constipation.

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