Erosive antral gastritis of the stomach is chronic, erosive-hemorrhagic, acute - symptoms, treatment and diet

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Erosive antral gastritis is one of the types of this disease, manifested by the formation of small wounds( erosions) of various shapes and sizes on the surface of the mucosa of the terminal stomach.

The erosive gastritis of the antral part of the stomach is of type B and is divided into acute and chronic. The acute form develops rather quickly, especially if it causes stress.

The chronic stage of the disease is characterized by the constant presence of antrum erosion on the mucosa in different stages of healing.

With increased gastric vascular permeability and easy damage to its walls, bleeding occurs, which is characteristic of the erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis of the antrum.

An established form of the disease can lead to serious complications, including ulcers and tumors.

Causes of erosive antral gastritis

Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which affect the mucous membrane of the antrum of the stomach, are the most common pathology.

In this disease, there are both single lesions, and the fusion of several small wounds, often leading to bleeding.

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The appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane of the antrum is triggered by such factors:

  • of the gastrointestinal tract, not cured superficial gastritis;
  • passion for spicy, fried and fatty foods;
  • excessive or inadequate nutrition, prolonged extreme diets;
  • an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of certain medicines( hormonal, cytostatics and anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • smoking and uncontrolled drinking;
  • the use of carbonated, very hot or cold drinks, strong coffee and tea;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • stress and neurosis.

Exacerbation of chronic erosive gastritis most often occurs in the spring and autumn.

Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis

In the initial stage of the disease the symptoms are somewhat blurred, the acidity of the gastric juice is normal or slightly elevated, the excretory abilities of the glands do not change.

As the inflammatory process develops, pain in the epigastric region may occur, which has a cramping character, acidic eructations, nausea, and heartburn. First, the pain appears 1-2 hours after eating, then they can also bother on an empty stomach.

The work of the excretory glands is broken, which further increases acidity and leads to erosion of the mucous membrane and the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

The patient is concerned about weakness, sweating and dry mouth.

Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis often resemble manifestations of other types of it( increased gas production and bloating, vomiting and defecation disorders).Fecal masses may be black in color, vomiting blood is also observed in the vomit. Diagnostics plays an important role in the timely and successful cure of the disease.

If suspicion of erosive antral gastritis should be used instrumental methods, such as gastrofibroscopy, biopsy and X-ray examination.

Treatment of erosive antral gastritis

Treatment of acute erosive antral gastritis should be performed in a hospital under the supervision of a physician to prevent gastric bleeding and death of the patient.

First, the body must be cleansed to discharge and restore the functions of the digestive tract. For this purpose, complete fasting is prescribed for several days. At this time, the use of mineral water and weak tea is allowed.

Then you can start eating. Food is cooked steamed, boiled or baked without crusting. The diet menu includes mashed dishes from vegetables and lean meat, porridges and vegetable purees. Soups are prepared on vegetable broth. Prohibited raw vegetables and fruits, greens, rich broths and most juices. The diet is very important: food should be taken often and in small portions, you must not allow hunger.

Individually for each case a set of medicines is selected. Most often these are antibiotics, antibacterial drugs and products with healing and enveloping action. Additionally, vitamins and minerals are prescribed. The course of drug treatment of erosive antral gastritis usually ranges from ten days to two weeks.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine recipes can be used only with mild disease and as additional and prophylactic agents. Before use, consult a gastroenterologist. Good results are obtained by the use of honey and aloe juice. Among the recipes of traditional medicine is to pay attention to the infusion of flaxseed, freshly squeezed from cabbage and potato juices, tinctures from the roots of ara swamp and burdock, which are usually taken on an empty stomach or before eating.

To avoid the transformation of the disease into severe form, the first symptoms of erosive antral gastritis should be addressed to medical specialists who will prescribe the necessary treatment and diet.

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