Mummy with gastritis, treatment, how to take, drink?

In order to understand the medicinal properties of the substance, you need to first understand what it is? So, mummy is a substance of natural origin, which includes soluble organic and inorganic components. It can be found in cracks and crusts of rocks. The agent helps stimulate the human body. This is a specific substance that has a pungent smell and a bitter taste. When it is used, cells are actively dividing, the protein, nucleic acids are exchanged, and the body is cleansed.

Mumio in the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is one of the most developed diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to date. Timely treatment can stop the severe, irreversible effects of the disease, as well as prevent the emergence of other such ailments.

It has long been known that mummies have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. With it, you can get rid of uncomfortable pains in the upper abdomen, eliminate weakness, heal ulcers and wounds of the gastric mucosa. This unique substance is the basis of many drinking tinctures, designed to combat gastritis.

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In the treatment of gastritis mummies are recommended to take as follows: before eating, for an hour and a half to drink 0.4 grams.substance. The duration of this treatment is about three weeks. It should be noted that the above treatment method is suitable even for pregnant women, without causing harm.

Another common method allows you to reduce the vulnerability of the gastric mucosa. It is used in a diet that is prescribed by a patient with gastritis. This auxiliary recipe is based on mummies and water. Drink, which includes about 5 g.natural remedies and a liter of water, are advised to take 3 times a day on an empty stomach daily. Drink a drink and continue treatment is recommended 10 days.

Strengthen the effect of folk recipes and fight against gastritis will help drug treatment and a personal diet developed by a specialist.

This mountain mummy can only be purchased under the order or while traveling through rocky terrain. In any pharmacy in the city, you can also buy it. Although it will be in the form of conventional tablets, but almost not inferior in properties to the natural product.

Contraindications to mummies with gastritis

Given all the listed advantages of mummies, do not forget about the shortcomings of the remedy. It is strongly recommended that you visit a gastroenterologist before a treatment with this drug and undergo an internal examination. It should be remembered that the use of a large amount of funds can trigger an overdose of the drug. Therefore, it is contraindicated to take more than one and a half grams of a day. Not everyone knows that it is contraindicated to use in combination with alcohol products, as well as people with an individual intolerance to the substance, children under the age of 12, hypertensive patients.

Since the mummy has a set of useful properties. It is suitable for prevention, not only gastritis, but also a variety of other diseases, and also fruitfully affects the human immune system.

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