Treatment of angina in a child at home: follicular, lacunar, viral

Angina is a serious disease that is associated with the development of the inflammatory process in the throat. Defeat affects the tonsils. The majority of cases are observed in the winter-spring period, when the defenses of the body decrease. Especially often the disease is found in children.

Treatment of angina in children

At the first signs of angina( pain when swallowing, sore throat, cough), you should start rinsing or use antiseptic sprays.

Particular care must be taken before bedtime. If the disease has become more serious, then you should drink as much pure water as possible.

This should be done regardless of whether there is a high fever and dehydration. This allows the body to quickly cleanse itself of infection and renew blood.

General recommendations for treatment include:

  • Isolating the patient from healthy children.
  • Regular airing at home.
  • Daily wet cleaning.
  • Observance of pastel mode.

How to treat angina in a child, says Dr. Komarovsky:

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For treatment, antibiotics, antipyretics and topical drugs are used. The advisability of their admission is determined by the attending physician. First he reveals the form of angina. It is worth noting that bacterial( catarrhal, lacunar, follicular angina), viral( herpes) and fungal infection is treated differently, therefore, in no case should one engage in self-medication.

If antibiotics are indispensable, then a study is conducted to identify the bacterial flora to different types of antibacterial agents.


Such drugs destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also useful. Therefore, their appointment should be justified. Usually you can not do without them, if:

  • There is a white coating on the tonsils.
  • The temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  • The sore throat is combined with a strong lethargy.

The administration of antibiotics is advisable only for bacterial form. A typical pathogen are streptococci. But in some cases it is caused by pneumococci, staphylococci. Treatment is carried out at home, but hospitalization is necessary in case of severe illness and in the presence of complications. The most commonly prescribed are

  1. Penicillins. They are well tolerated by babies, are taken regardless of food. Preparations destroy such microorganisms as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci.
  2. Macrolides. They are prescribed when the penicillins did not help. The most widespread was Sumamed, which is taken once a day. It accumulates in the tissues, which significantly reduces the duration of the course of treatment.
  3. Cephalosporins. They help to cope with many types of pathogens. Against their background, more often than with other medications, dysbacteriosis develops.

Treatment with antibiotics is conducted in courses. Duration is determined by the doctor, but not less than 5 days. Do not interrupt treatment immediately after the improvement of the condition, as this is fraught with the development of complications. If the medicine is not recommended to be combined with food, then it is taken one hour before a meal or two hours after.

Note: Ascorbic acid may reduce the absorption of antibiotic. Children should not be given sulfonamide preparations, such as Biseptol, Bactrim, because they are not currently used to treat children. Parents are advised to follow all the doctor's recommendations carefully. Only this will help to avoid the severe consequences of angina.

What distinguishes viral angina from bacterial


Symptomatic treatment reduces the duration of treatment by 1 day. Therefore, they should not be neglected. It includes funds for pain in the throat, antipyretic, vasoconstrictive. The form of the drug depends on the age of the patient. If it's a baby, it's better to give preference to syrups or candles. The latter are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, so they start to act faster.

If you want to relieve pain, there are a large number of drugs with anesthetic effect. Many of them are issued in the form of sugar candies. Their reception is possible only at an older age. Remember that with the appointment of antibiotics, the pain syndrome subsides in about 2 days.

If you choose a spray, it allows you to create a protective film on the tonsils. It is not only able to relieve pain, but also to partially reduce inflammation.

Aerosols exert local action, but can not be applied until 3 years. The most common are:

  • Hexoral,
  • Ingalipt,
  • Chlorophyllipt.

Antihistamines can reduce allergic reactions and remove swelling. To combat the latter, vasoconstrictive drugs are also used. Use before them washing the nose with salt water. There are many special means for children: Aquamoris, Aqualor and others. They get into the nasopharynx, moisturize the mucous membrane and help speed up the healing process.


Local treatment involves exposure to drugs at the site of infection, which increases the effectiveness of the therapy. Sprays and tablets are used for this purpose. They consist of antibacterial, antiseptic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

The medication should be administered no earlier than 15-20 minutes after ingestion. This is due to the fact that immediately after eating a large amount of saliva is released, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

After such treatment should refrain from taking liquids and food for 2-3 hours. Can be assigned:

  • Tharyngept. Children can dissolve the pill every 8 hours.
  • Strepsils. No more than 8 tablets a day.
  • Travisil. It is prescribed from the age of 5, it is possible to take every 8 hours.
  • Lysobact. To desaturate should be 2 tablets every 6-8 hours.

Spray administration is not limited to the use of modern drugs, for example, Tantum Verde. You can use Lugol's solution. He, too, is in the form of a spray. Has antiseptic and analgesic effect. Since the main active ingredient is iodine, it should be taken only if there are no problems with the thyroid gland.

Folk remedies

One of the popular means is gargling with a soda solution. The procedure is easy, so it is available from 2 years. To prepare a glass of water, add 1 tsp.salt and soda. Rinse is done after each meal.

Excellent proven sea buckthorn, which reveals its anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent the spread of bacteria to the lower larynx. Convenient forms are the fruit drinks, prepared from sea-buckthorn, viburnum, cranberry, honey.

Another means is garlic. But it can only be given to older children, because it burns the mucous membrane. Teenagers and children of primary school age should be given 1 tsp.juice twice a day. Do not use with purulent angina, as it will further lead to irritation of the vessels and swelling.

Folk recipes for sore throats:

Rinses: recipes and recommendations

Rinses are a simple remedy that helps moisten the palate, throat and tonsils. The therapeutic solution flushes pathogenic organisms, raids, relieves pain and swelling.

Rinsing is recommended 3-10 times a day, because too few procedures will not bring the desired effect. Use only warm solution. Make sure that it is not hot, otherwise the discomfort will repel the desire to repeat the procedures. For each treatment, select at least 30 seconds. One-year-old children who are not yet able to repeat the procedure are thus not treated.

In addition to the above solution of soda and salt, use furatsilin or light pink solution of potassium permanganate. Strain the prepared mixture through several layers of gauze, so that large particles are not in the mouth of the child.

On the photo throat with angina


Compresses for tonsillitis can not always be done. Contraindication is purulent angina, which is characterized by the presence of abscesses and films on the tonsils. You can not do this procedure against the background of high body temperature. Compress promotes blood circulation, has an anesthetic effect. But it is worth remembering that this procedure is only ancillary.

Dry compresses - a warm bandage around the neck. The purpose of this action is to keep the heat. Wets are made with the use of various medicinal compounds. These include herbal infusions, warm mashed potatoes. There is a warming bandage on the submaxillary and anterolateral cervical region. It is necessary to try so that the bandage does not affect the area of ​​the heart.

Compresses using essential oil of lavender and eucalyptus are effective. They, getting into the bloodstream, have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. But these same components often cause allergic reactions in children. Therefore it is necessary to use the compounds with great care.

Bandages are also prescribed with medicinal preparations. It can be camphor oil, Dimexid, a sage broth. The amount of the desired substance will be prompted by the doctor, guided by the patient's age. In the water, the component is diluted, the gauze is wetted. The compress is superimposed on the throat, chest, calf muscles and forehead.

Features of feeding a sick child

Improper nutrition can increase pain and worsen a patient's well-being. You can not eat fatty and fried foods, as they overload the food, they require a lot of energy. It is not recommended to abuse lamb, pork, fatty fish, salted varieties of cheese, cream and sour cream. You can not eat hot food, because it irritates the sore throat.

You can diversify the diet:

  • Porridge on water and milk. Rinsed soups and broths.
  • Bread.
  • Small pasta.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Steam dishes.

Features of treatment of baby's angina, see in our video:

How to avoid complications of

One of the serious consequences of the disease is its development in a chronic form. It leads to the fact that in the body all the time there is a source of infection. This can lead to the emergence of many other diseases, cause a deterioration in health. Problems can arise in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is important to observe bed rest until the time of complete cure.

If the patient is in the house: how not to get infected

If there is a sick person in the apartment, several times a day, wet cleaning and airing the room. If possible, create the following conditions: lower the temperature of the air to 18-20 degrees, and humidity increase to 60%.In this case, the mucous membranes can recover faster, on wet surfaces of tissue envelopes it is easier to fight pathogenic bacteria.

The patient should be in a mask, have a separate towel, as well as dishes. In order not to get infected with healthy family members, it is recommended to wash the nose 4 times a day with salt water, use the fruit cocktail from lingonberry to maintain immunity. On the neck you can send beads from garlic. The volatile substances contained in it will kill bacteria that are in the air.

Prevention and recovery

Particular attention is paid to people who have chronic foci of infection. They are monitored and treated regularly. As preventive measures, cleaning of premises with disinfectants, observance of cooking technology, sports and hardening are used. Abandonment of smoking increases resistance to the causative agents of angina.

How not to get infected when there is a sick child in the house

One of the main tasks is the restoration of immunity. Angina destroys the body's defenses, making the baby easy prey for other ailments. Immunity remains low for several more months, so at this time, hypothermia, stress, various activities are contraindicated.

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