Symptoms of Giardia in the eyes

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Giardiasis is a fairly common infection. Anyone can infect it: both adults and children. Usually the disease is asymptomatic, but there are cases when parasitism of simple flagellar microorganisms leads to serious disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Eye damage is a rather rare complication. But it is possible. When lumbles appear in the organs of vision, there are manifestations that indicate the damage to the choroid or the retina of the eyes.

The Giardiasis Clinic is well studied today. Its manifestations are related to the peculiarities of the life cycle of parasites. The simplest microorganisms settle in the small intestine, in those parts where the greatest number of parietal juices( the upper divisions of the duodenum) is present. Clinical manifestations are recorded only in ten percent of infected people, these patients indicate signs of dyspeptic disorders( nausea and vomiting, bitter belching and constant bloating, pain in the right hypochondrium).If the lambliasis passes into a chronic stage, allergic rashes, skin itch, signs of fever and syndromes of nervous system disorders appear in patients.

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In the organs of vision, the simplest flagellum microorganisms are extremely rare, but if this occurs, there are lesions of the choroid and the retina of the eye. This is why uveitis and iridocyclitis, retinitis and maculopathy become possible. Medicine knows cases when giardiasis led to the appearance of two hemorrhages at once in one eye. Examples of the emergence of central serous retinopathy are described. With proper adequate treatment, it is possible to successfully eliminate such manifestations. It is important to understand that giardia can not parasitize in the visual organs, complications affecting the eyes, appear only with prolonged development of the intestinal form of the disease. The listed lesions of the eyes can not lead to loss of vision, but ignoring their manifestations can provoke a significant deterioration in the quality of life of the patient.

Symptoms of Giardia in the eyes of

Giardiasis of the eye has quite distinctive features. All of them are related to the type of disease that arose as a prolonged parasitism of microorganisms. Seeking help from an ophthalmologist is necessary if:

  1. The patient has a fog in front of his eyes.
  2. Any manifestations of vision impairment.
  3. Redness of the organs of vision, which does not go away after the application of special drops.
  4. Abundant lacrimation.
  5. Photophobia.

Similar manifestations indicate inflammation that engulfs the vascular membranes of the eyes. Inflammation of the retina manifests somewhat differently:

  1. The visual acuity is noticeably reduced.
  2. Color perception is violated.
  3. The "tunnel vision" effect occurs.
  4. Adaptation to darkness occurs with great difficulty.

Vagueness of objects, a sense of the presence of flashes of light, hemorrhages in the retina - this is not a complete list of symptoms of lambliosis of the eyes. Having discovered at least one of the above signs of infection of the eyes, it is necessary to immediately seek help from an ophthalmologist and gastroenterologist. Consultation with two doctors helps to form the correct therapeutic scheme, which must consist of two stages: treatment of the intestinal form of lambliasis, elimination of concomitant manifestations indicating damage to the organs of vision.

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