There are several dozens of nematodes( more than 30) that are dangerous to humans, but the most known are eight helminthiases( non-katorosis, enterobiasis, ascariasis, trichinosis, strongyloidiasis, hookworm disease and trichostrongylodosis).Invasions, caused by roundworms, experts divide into two large groups. Those that provoke geogelminthes( development occurs without a change of owner).Eggs ripen in them in the soil or in water. And those that arise due to infection with biogelminthes - worms, the development of which occurs with the change of one or several hosts.
Nematodes are dangerous to humans, because they can parasitize almost all internal organs and all body systems, causing deterioration of health. Sexually mature individuals most often live in the intestine( ascarids, whipworms and pinworms) or in muscles( Trichinella).In the stage of migration of larvae, ascarids can cause a number of dangerous diseases that cause irreparable harm to health. On the blood vessels, nematode larvae easily enter the liver, into the lungs and into the respiratory tract. And even in the subcutaneous tissue can live representatives of roundworms( rishta).The lymphatic system undergoes an attack of the vecherium larvae. If a sick person is bitten by a mosquito, he will become an intermediate host, which will facilitate the transformation of newborn larvae into invasive larvae. If such a mosquito bites again, but already another person, he will develop a dangerous disease - vucerioriosis, which can lead to a complete blockage of lymphatic vessels. Such a state is dangerous for a person because it causes the development of an elephant disease, inflammation of testicles in men, the appearance of mastitis in women, other complications, which will be extremely difficult to combat.
Diseases caused by nematodes in humans
In order to list all the dangerous diseases caused by nematodes in humans, it is necessary to understand the damage caused by the migration of larvae or parasitizing already adult individuals within the intestine of a sick person.
Where the adult individuals and larvae of nematodes settle, tissue damage occurs, this leads to the formation of inflammatory processes, the violation of the functions of internal organs. The products of the vital activity of roundworms contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions. They also become the causes of the symptoms of general intoxication of the human body. Where the larvae die, granulomas are formed - inflammatory foci. If such a focus appears in the brain, irreversible consequences will begin.
What else are dangerous diseases caused by nematodes? Adult specimens of roundworms, parasitizing, absorb a large number of nutrients. A person, not receiving them, experiences a general malaise. It often causes the loss of human capacity, in patients with nematodes, anemia, general poisoning of the organism is almost always observed, and the processes of decomposition of dead worms aggravate the course of other already existing diseases that are not related to invasion. Against the background of any helminthiasis, protective functions are markedly reduced, immunity is suppressed. And this causes preconditions for the development of infectious diseases. In children, nematodes provoke the development of nervous disorders, which is also very dangerous for a fragile organism.
Abscesses of the liver, pneumonia, peritonitis, acute pancreatitis - this is far from a complete list of diseases caused by nematodes. Dangerous complications - asphyxia, intestinal obstruction, edema of the brain - the most dangerous complications of nematode, can lead to death.