Characteristic signs and symptoms of drug addiction at its various stages in adults and adolescents

No one is immune from drug addiction - this trouble can come to any home and to any family. A diligent student, a crazy party-goer, a successful businessman - today there are victims of drug addiction in all social strata and age groups, beginning with adolescents. Unlike alcoholism, obvious signs of dependence at the first stage are difficult to recognize, besides, beginning addicts are very cautious and try to hide everything. But there are general alarming signals - in behavior, appearance, health - that will help to understand that a misfortune has happened to a loved one and have time to save it.

The main signs of addiction

Addiction is not only insidious, but also multifaceted. There are many types of drugs, and each affects the defenseless human body in its own way. Changes in appearance, mentality, behavior - in the "cocaine", the lover of marijuana and the toxicant, these signs may vary significantly. But there are general symptoms that clearly say: before you - a drug addict. What kind?- we will consider further.

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First of all external signs of drug addiction appear:

  • the skin becomes pale or suspiciously red, peeling off or acquiring a greasy sheen;
  • in the eyes appears unhealthy shine, they turn red;
  • pupils are constantly dilated or narrowed to invisibility;
  • mimicry changes: the face becomes either too alive, or acquires an unchanged expression( masculinity);
  • a strong irritation may appear around the mouth or in the corners of the lips;
  • on the tongue appears plaque or longitudinal cracks;
  • on the body, you can see single traces from injections or entire injection paths, as well as bruises or scratches( in the arms, under the arms, in the groin, etc.).

The appearance of a person also changes: he ceases to follow himself, wears dirty and crumpled clothes, gives preference to dark colors in the wardrobe. Goes to closed things with long sleeves to hide the marks from the needles. Dirty greasy hair, unwashed nails and stale clothes, sunglasses at any time of the day - the classic appearance of a drug addict.

Visible signs of the development of drug addiction in humans

Health problems

If a native person begins to behave strangely or ceases to follow himself, it is necessary to pay attention to his health. Poor state of health and constant sores are the true companions of drug addiction.

On the use of banned drugs can say the following symptoms:

  • a sharp weight loss;
  • a drug addict complains about "sushnyak" and drinks a lot of fluids;
  • appetite disorders( long starvation, binge eating, a sharp love of sweet);
  • insomnia and violation of the regime of the day( at night a person can not fall asleep, and in the afternoon sleep or are in a sleepy state);
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • a persistent runny nose and cough that are not treated with classical medicines;
  • yellow teeth and a strange smell from the mouth( for some types of dependence, odor comes from clothes);
  • gastrointestinal disorders( constipation followed by diarrhea).

Changes in behavior

Unusual behavior, new friends, the manner of communication - these are the very first bells that can signal the development of drug abuse in adolescents and adults:

  • the addict sharply changes the sphere of interests( favorite hobbies, studies cease to please, a person refuses to talk about previous hobbies);
  • circle of communication also becomes different( with former friends, the addict does not communicate much, often a new, suspicious company appears);
  • addicts are always very secretive, suspicious, stop sharing with their own experiences, do not want to talk about their lives;
  • teens become absent-minded, they can freeze in one pose for a long time, dips in memory occur;
  • the speech style changes: drug addicts say sketchily, get off with sharp short phrases, often keep silent;
  • begins problems with study, bad grades, drug addicts often skip school / college / university;
  • in people who take illegal drugs, the character changes significantly( they become irritable, closed, with difficulty going to contact);
  • there are sharp changes in mood and condition: from euphoria and serenity to nervousness and scandals, from strong excitation to complete apathy;
  • even the quietest begin to outbursts of anger, unmotivated aggression, rudeness towards family members and loved ones;
  • young people in the speech there are specific words and slang( "grass", "plan", "arrival", "wheels", "salt", etc.);
  • people begin to lie to their loved ones, ask for money under the most strange pretexts, in the later stages - to take things out of the house.

On the video about changes in the behavior and appearance of a drug dependent person:

Unusual objects

If it is suspected that a native person has sat down on illegal drugs, it is necessary to look closely if his unusual personal belongings have appeared.

Drug reception often requires special "attributes", so the following items can tell about possible drug addiction:

  • ampoules, syringes or needles;
  • unknown tablets;
  • smoking pipes and hookah;
  • dense lumps with a strong odor, similar to plasticine;
  • long cigarettes - "jambs";
  • mini scales;
  • plaits, cords or tapes for pinching veins;
  • blackened from the fire spoons;
  • various tubes;
  • glue, bottles with acetone or solvent.

Symptoms at different stages of

dependency Despite the type of drug dependence and the drugs taken, any addict passes through three stages of dependence. Except those cases when a person has enough strength and support from doctors and relatives to stop at the first or second.


At the initial stage, by external signs it is difficult to determine that a person has fallen into the trap of drug dependence. The skin is still healthy, sometimes it can enlarge / narrow the pupils. The main changes are in behavior. A person becomes nervous, irritable, looking for a new company of "like-minded people".

Near the end of the first stage, characteristic signs begin to develop in the form of small health problems - a constant runny nose, tears, weight loss. There are sharp changes in mood.

On the video about the first signs of addiction:

The second

At this time, the physical dependence on drugs develops, which affects the appearance and health. The addict looks worse: a dull puffy skin, circles under the eyes, bruises and traces of injections on the skin. A man easily catches a cold, suffers from pressure surges, insomnia. There are muscle pains, cramps, loss of appetite.

There are problems with studying, conflicts in the family and at work. Communication with former friends is reduced to a minimum, the person is fenced off from relatives, becomes secretive and aggressive. Jumping moods are becoming more frequent: tears and fits of self-pity are replaced by anger and scandals. At this time, drug addicts begin to lie to their relatives, ask for money, steal and take valuables out of the house.


In the third stage, the physical and psychological degradation of a person reaches its climax. The addict is very thin( chronic diarrhea only contributes to this), ceases to follow himself. Because of bad skin, shattered teeth, dull hair and nails looks very haggard, much older than their years. Health problems are aggravated, painful bouts of withdrawal are added during withdrawal,

Features of narcotic substances

Signs and the rate of development of drug dependence depend not only on the personality and state of health of a novice addict, but also on the drug that a person takes. It is very important to know and recognize these nuances in behavior and appearance to understand what substance a native person uses and take the necessary measures.


Heroin and other opioids immerse a person in a state of apathy. The most obvious signs of behavior are calmness, inhibition, slow speech. Drugs kill in a person all the instincts, vivid emotions and desires. Drug addict refuses to eat, sex, usual entertainment. A notable sign is a pathological love for sweet foods( from other drug addicts it's just nauseous).

Dry skin, narrow pupils, glass eyes also speak of opioid dependence. The muscles of the face sag, the mimicry calm, detached. The voice changes - it becomes nasal, hoarse. A person suffers from the classic cold symptoms - a runny nose, cough, tears, fever and chills. Problems with the intestines and perpetual constipation are also a sign of the use of opiates.

Signs of heroin addiction


Marijuana on the first stage, on the contrary, makes a person hyperexcited, cheerful, active, incredibly sociable and enthusiastic. Rapid speech, rapid movements, problems with coordination in space - signs of cannabinoid dependence.

Subsequently, depression develops, mental processes suffer, which affects learning and work. Often a person suffers from panic attacks, persecution mania, hallucinations.

External signs are red eyes, dilated pupils, acute reaction to external stimuli. The most noticeable sign of a person who recently used marijuana or hashish is an incredibly strong appetite and thirst.


Psychostimulants provoke an even more powerful burst of activity, which can last several days. The addict needs to run somewhere, do something, he speaks quickly and moves. The speech may be unrelated.

Subsequently, psychoses, paranoid thoughts, panic attacks and hallucinations develop. In behavior, unmotivated aggression intensifies.


Constant hallucinations - the main symptom of the fact that a person "sits" on hallucinogens. If he talks to himself or to inanimate objects, he sees and hears non-existent objects - it's time to sound the alarm.

Hallucinogens quickly cause changes in appearance( dry skin, dilated pupils), health problems( rapid pulse, hypertension, hand trembling).Sharply changing behavior: a person becomes suspicious, quick-tempered, aggressive, suicide attempts are not uncommon.

Sedative-hypnotic drugs

About intoxication and abuse of sedatives / hypnotics say first of all changes in mood. Euphoria can be replaced by complete apathy or aggression( up to attempts of physical violence) in relation to relatives. Difficulties with attention, motor disorders, intellectual disorders are also the consequences of such dependence.

The main physical manifestations - inhibition, slurred speech, "drunken gait", rashes on the skin, convulsive seizures, sweating. The facial expression suffers, the face turns into a kind of mask. Subsequently, depression, paroxia, hallucinations and even mental disability can develop.

Volatile drugs

You can recognize the toxicomaniac primarily by external signs: a strange smell( glue, gasoline) from clothes, paint stains or solvents on things, empty bottles or rags that a person hides in his room.

Behavior of a teenager( they often become toxic addicts) is very strange: he sniffs his clothes furtively, pushes handles or markers to the nose when he sits behind lessons or a computer. The thinking processes suffer, as a result the child learns badly, conflicts with teachers.

Toxicomans suffer from insomnia, become angry and irritable. Possible hallucinations( auditory and visual), depression and suicide attempts.

Comparison Chart signs of drug dependence Table 1:

Symptoms Opiates Stimulants Cannabinoids
Dilated pupils + + +
pupillary + + +
Glass look + + +
Dry skin is bloated + + +
Red Face + +
Loss of smell or taste
Face Mask +
Constant cold( cold, cough) + - -
Halitosis or clothing - + -
needle marks, bruises and scratches + - +
Strong euphoria - + +
Rudeness and unmotivated aggression + - +
Unrestrained Activity - + +
Increased appetite - + -
appetite loss + - +
sweet tooth + + -
Insomnia + + +
arushennaya motor coordination - + +
Slow or slurred speech + - +
Full apathy + - -
pressure surges and / or arrhythmia + + +
Gastrointestinal disorders + + +
Hallucinations( auditory and visual) - + -
Severe headache + - -

Comparative table of signs of drug dependence Table 2:

Symptoms Hallucinogens sedative-hypnotics Volatile drugs
Dilated pupils + - +
pupillary - - -
Dry bloated skin + + +
Red face - - -
irritation around the lips - - -
Loss of smell or taste - - +
mask-like face - + -
Constant cold( runny nose, cough) - - -
smella mouth, or from clothing - - +
needle marks, bruises and scratches - - -
Strong euphoria + + +
coarseness and unmotivated aggression + + +
unrestrained activity + - +
Increased appetite - - -
appetite loss + + +
sweet tooth - - -
Insomnia + + +
Impaired coordination of movements + + +
Slow or notintelligible speech - + +
Full apathy - - -
pressure surges and / or arrhythmia + + +
Gastrointestinal disorders + + +
Hallucinations( auditory and visual) + + +
Severe headache + +
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