How to determine the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and the treatment of the disease at home

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3 Treatment measures

If you have inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, treatment is required in the mandatory regime. It is best to immediately contact a qualified specialist who, after diagnosis, can prescribe medication. The doctor, as a rule, prescribes such agents as carbamazepine, Pipolphen, Diclofenac, Neuromultivitis, Phenibut, Glycine for therapy. Sometimes the patient is prescribed neuroleptics, tranquilizers, venotonic drugs or vitamin injections. Independently to choose for itself medicamental therapy is inadmissible, after all neurologic diseases are very dangerous and self-treatment in what good does not result or bring. Using medicines without consulting a doctor, you run the risk of further aggravating your condition.

If it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor or you prefer to eliminate the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve folk remedies, then you will be interested to know what treatment at home you can try to apply.

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Traditional healers have in their arsenal a huge number of recipes that will help get rid of inflammation without using medication. So, among the most effective recipes, the following options can be noted:

  1. Buckwheat is heated in a frying pan, then covered in a small bag of cotton cloth. This pouch is still hot applied to the painful part of the face. These compresses should be done 2 times a day. They will be more effective if they are supplemented with infusions of chamomile, which are kept in the mouth for a minute in the part of the mouth where the inflamed nerve.
  2. The root of the althea is poured with boiling water and it is insisted for 8 hours. Better, of course, if the root is dried and shabby, in the shredded form take 4 tbsp.l.for a glass of boiling water. Next, gauze is moistened in tincture and applied to the sick cheek. Hold the compress for an hour and a half, after which they take off and wrap their head in a warm kerchief. It is best to do such a compress before going to bed.
  3. A method with fir oil is very effective, but it has its drawbacks. Fir oil with a cotton swab rubbed into the skin in the affected area. Pain with this method is already 3 days later and no longer comes back, but the cheek in the place of rubbing can swell and blush. After a couple of days it will pass.
  4. You can calm down a lot of pain with an ordinary chicken egg. You need to boil the egg hard-boiled and peel off the shell, then cut it in half and put it in a yolk to the sore spot. According to people who have tried this method, a fit of pain stops after a couple of minutes.
  5. Black radish juice helps to eliminate pain when it is atypical. You need to squeeze out the juice from the radish and wipe the skin 2 times a day, until the inflammatory process stops completely.
  6. Raspberry leaves, preferably fresh, pour vodka or alcohol. Insist the medication for 5 days, after which take 50 g before meals. Such an application will alleviate the pain during chewing and will favorably affect the inflammation.
  7. Ordinary clay is mixed with apple cider vinegar and small plates are made. These plates are applied to the inflamed cheek every evening for a week. On top, to keep clay better, you can wrap the wrap with a woolen shawl.
  8. The crushed leaves of the room geranium on a woolen plaque are applied to the site of inflammation and are kept for half an hour. During this time, as a rule, the pain subsides, but such treatment is characterized by a non-prolonged effect. Horseradish leaves can also rest for a short while, they are applied in the same way as geraniums.
  9. To avoid paralysis, which triggers neuralgia, you need to eat chopped dates with garlic. To improve the taste of the medicine, you can mix dates with milk or water.
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1 General information and symptoms of the disease

To better understand what a disease is, you need to know that the trigeminal nerve is the 5th nerve from the existing 12 pairs that are in the cranium. Accordingly, one trigeminal nerve is located on the right side, and the other - with the left. Due to the normal functionality of the trigeminal nerves, the sensitivity of the lips, eyes, forehead, eyelids and nostrils is assured. The inflammatory process of the trigeminal nerve begins, as a rule, after irritation and squeezing, which destroys the nerve shell and makes it more sensitive to irritants. The provoking factor of inflammation is a blow to the face, reception from a dentist, a fall from a height or a car accident, and a number of other cases are also possible.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve symptoms is pronounced. And it's not at all strange, because a bare nerve will react to any irritation with severe pain. As a rule, the localization of trigeminal pain is observed in the lower part of the face. At the first stages, most people perceive such sensations as problems with teeth and immediately go to the dentist. To the chagrin of patients, after the treatment of teeth the pain still does not stop. It constantly intensifies after eating, during conversation and exposure to cold.

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2 Typical and atypical pain

There are painful sensations typical and atypical. To a typical kind of painful sensations it is possible to carry a pain that is of a non-permanent nature, that is, it appears, then passes. In this case the pain is more like an electric shock and starts from a slight touch to a certain area of ​​the face.

"Shooting" pain appears in the lower jaw. This kind of pain can bother in different ways, some appear once an hour, and others - every few days. As for the atypical pain symptom, he worries the patient constantly. Unpleasant sensations cover almost the entire part of the face and may not subside for several days. Pain is relieved only after neuralgia is treated.

Inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve can be characterized by a number of additional signs, for example:

  • tear and drooling;
  • numbness of individual parts of the face, such as lips, eyelids, cheeks and nose;
  • hearing disorders;
  • dysfunction of the motor function of the eyes;
  • redness of the skin on the face;
  • involuntary muscle contractions on the face.

Due to the fact that patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia constantly use only one part of their face so as not to provoke painful feelings by chewing, they can eventually form a tightening in the muscles. If the disease is started and not treated for a long time, the seals will increase and, possibly, dystrophy of the masticatory muscles, or they will completely lose their sensitivity.

4 Gymnastics against neuralgia

Treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve can also be performed with the help of gymnastic procedures. It is important to note that correctly coordinated movements will help to eliminate pain and reduce pressure on the inflamed nerve. It is best to practice using a mirror. So, do the following exercises:

  • gently rotate the head around the clockwise for 2 minutes, then make the head incline in different directions, trying to reach up to the shoulder;
  • stretch first lips in a big smile, and then roll them into a pipe, repeat the movement at least 6 times;
  • close your eyes, and then open them wide, repeat the exercises at least 10 times;
  • tightly put your palm to your forehead and raise your eyebrows as high as possible, then lower them, repeat 5 times.

5 Massage procedures

Excellent massage affects the treatment of inflammation of the affected areas. During massaging movements, blood circulation in the skin and muscles of the face is normalized, and the clamping of the nerve is removed. Massage is carried out in a sitting position, while the head reclines. Head tilted to relax the muscles of the neck.

Massage begins with slow, stroking or rubbing movements from the bottom up. The main thing is not to press hard on the painful zones. Better, of course, that the massage was done by a qualified specialist, but if there are no such specialists in your environment, you can ask your relatives. The main thing is that the person does not overdo it with pressure and does not pinch any of the healthy nerves. Practically for 5 sessions of massage the person gets rid of an inflammation and a dysfunction of muscles on the face.

Regardless of the type of therapy you choose, do not ignore the symptoms at all and do not neglect treatment. Due to persistent pain, a person begins to lose weight, as it is difficult for him to chew and eat, talk less, which leads to the need to avoid social ties, he starts depression and mental disorders. This is the easiest consequence of neglected neuralgia, if you do not treat inflammation, then even paralysis is possible.

In case you were diagnosed with neuralgia, do not panic, on the whole the prognosis is favorable, but the timely treatment is of great importance.

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