Whether there are worms in chicken eggs( photo), whether there can be helminths in meat and liver, are it dangerous, like helminths of chickens are transmitted to a person, whether it is possible to catch worms from geese?

Often, from people who care about their health, you can hear the question of whether there can be worms in chicken eggs. Yes, these parasitic worms are not only in animals, but also in poultry. They not only poison the laying hens' organisms, but also make it impossible for a person to consume products from them, since they affect various bird organs. The danger is that the sick laying hen very quickly infects all the birds in the household with helminths. Larvae of worms can be found not only in the meat and liver of a hen, but also in its eggs. The threat of this bird disease for a person can arise when he consumes contaminated foods and eats raw chicken eggs.

It's easy to see that a bird is infected with worms. The main signs of the disease manifest very quickly: the laying hen loses her appetite and her appearance worsens. At any forum on poultry farming, you can see the photos of sick individuals to represent the signs of a bird should be shown to a veterinarian and begin treatment. If this is not done, the bird will lose its immunity and get more dangerous infections. While therapeutic antiparasitic measures last, it is absolutely not recommended to eat chicken eggs and other meat products even in well-cooked form, since they can pose a danger of infection with worms.

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Although some argue that the worms are not transmitted to humans and the threats do not represent, as they can not survive in their digestive system, this opinion is not entirely true. Yes, there is no direct danger from worms in chicken eggs, as they can develop in adult worms only in the body of a bird. But in humans, the larvae of these parasites begin to migrate throughout the body and come out in the most unexpected places. It is quite dangerous for people to have such a disease of the bird with ascariasis.

Geese are also vulnerable to helminth infections and can be infected. The process of development in geese helminthic invasion occurs in the same way as in chickens. First, parasite cysts enter the digestive system of the bird and are fixed in it. Further, an adult grows out of them, capable of rapid reproduction. The larvae of parasites are able to affect not only the eggs, but also the liver and meat, so there is a product from the diseased individuals until their complete recovery is impossible. It is also recommended to apply careful heat treatment during cooking.

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