The benefits of marijuana: medicinal properties, application in medicine, side effects

Hemp has long been used as a raw material for medicines, even threads have been made from it. I must say, marijuana( hemp) is quite inconsistent with her attitude. Many people associate marijuana with the image of a pale drug addict, in some it causes thoughts of relaxation and relaxation, and in people with severe pain, the idea of ​​cannabis is closely related to getting rid of ill-fated and exhausting pains. But what kind of medicinal properties does the plant have and how useful are its seeds?


In fact, marijuana is a herb that has medicinal properties. As studies of scientists show, the bioactive components present in the cannabis are able to fight with rather severe pathological conditions. Even in ancient times it was used for medicinal purposes in medicine, for example, as an effective aphrodisiac it was used by ancient Greeks and Egyptians, and Indians disinfected hemp tincture with deep wounds.

In connection with the war against drugs, marijuana has practically lost its medicinal value, although in recent years, research on the healing potential of the plant has resumed. So what is the use of cannabis, and what is the negative side of its application? All this further. But first of all, I want to clarify that the materials of the article should be regarded as fact-finding and informative information, and not to perceive the use of marijuana as an appeal to its use.

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The use of

In traditional medicine, hemp has been widely used due to its rich composition.

The plant contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Minerals;
  • Fatty oils;
  • Vitamins and other components of no lesser value.

Seeds of marijuana favorably affect digestion, and the fats contained in them prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies. From hemp seeds, many peoples were preparing porridge, something resembling oatmeal. In a handful of seeds contains a daily rate of fats and proteins.

Seed hemp oil is used as food or as a paint base. From hemp make fiber - canvas, fiber, ropes, ropes. Benefit brings the flesh of the plant, which is used in paper production. It is fair to say that substances of psychotropic action are contained only in the leaves and inflorescences of the plant, and the seeds are absolutely safe and are not capable of provoking narcotic intoxication. Therefore, to consume seeds or oil, from which it is made, is absolutely safe.
Interesting facts about the properties of marijuana:

Therapeutic properties of

When studying the effects of cannabis, its therapeutic properties were revealed and proven:

  1. Wound healing;
  2. Painkiller;
  3. Restorative;
  4. Expectorant;
  5. choleretic;
  6. Soothing;
  7. Anti-cancer, etc.

Seeds can be used to make poultices with burn lesions, abscesses, rheumatic pains or eye diseases. Ointment based on the powder of hemp seed is recommended to lubricate deep wound damage. And if you take the seeds inside, you can solve the problem of disturbing the metabolic processes.

The healing properties of cannabis consist in the fact that its seeds are used as a diuretic. In addition, they are recommended for use in the treatment of tuberculosis, as well as for the external treatment of injuries and wounds. Seeds treat kidney stones, bronchial asthma, epileptic seizures, herpes, etc.

Oil obtained by cold pressing of seeds is widely used as the strongest external wound-healing agent. Hemp oil is rich in carotene and phytosterols, antioxidants and phospholipids, vitamins and proteins, protein and amino acids. In addition to accelerated healing, cannabis oil accelerates regenerative processes, etc.

Decoctions or tinctures of marijuana seeds are used in folk medicine for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, jaundice, cystitis, cough, hemorrhoids, etc. If you combine hemp oil with salt, you can get an anthelmintic effect. Infusion from the top of the plant is used as a sedative.

Application in medicine

The main chemically active component of marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol. According to research, this substance can cause the processes of self-digestion of oncocells. Initially, experiments were performed on mice, then volunteers with cancerous lesions participated in the experiment. The results were overwhelming - in 10 days the growth of cancer tumors was halved, and there were no toxic effects that traditionally occur in chemotherapy.

To date, THC( tetrahydrocannabinol) is an officially authorized substance for use in official medicine in Western European countries, Canada and the United States. Drugs based on marijuana are used to stop sharp slimming in AIDS or adverse chemotherapeutic reactions in the treatment of cancer. In Russian medicine, THC is not used, and storage, production or sale of this substance is prohibited by law.

But scientists in addition to tetrahydrocannabinol have been able to identify other cannabinoids, which have a strong bioactivity, however, do not cause a traditional toxic effect. One of these substances is active against candidiasis, the second is effective against candidiasis, the second is effective against malaria, the third against staphylococcus aureus, the fourth against leishmaniasis, etc.

Contraindications and side effects of

The main side effect of using medical marijuana is the psychoactive effect of tetrahydrocannabinol, which adversely affects the psyche. In addition, with frequent use of the leaf and apical part of the plant, dependence can develop.

When abusing cannabis, there are reactions such as:

  1. Dimming, cloudiness of vision;
  2. Headaches;
  3. Male infertility;
  4. Hyperpotency;
  5. Vertigo;
  6. Frequent syncope;
  7. Nauseous syndrome;
  8. Tremor of the hands;
  9. Paranoid state;
  10. Hallucinations, delusions, obsessions and ideas;
  11. Deceleration of speech and thought processes;
  12. Coordination violations, etc.

Thus, the benefits of smoking marijuana without evidence and in unreasonable amounts, is highly questionable.

There are also cannabis and a list of contraindications like:

  • Dosage excess;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Acute gastric pathologies;
  • Unstable mental state;
  • Hypersensitivity to the plant.


So is there any benefit from cannabis? Indeed, medical marijuana can provide tremendous therapeutic help to oncologists and HIV-infected people, with its help treat anorexia and epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and glaucoma, cancer and mental illness. On its basis, today medicament preparations are produced, which are given only by prescription, for example, Satievex( Canada), Marinol, Cannador, Dronabinol, etc. But these preparations are not used in our country.

Perhaps over time, and our medical science will begin to use the healing abilities of cannabis, which will greatly facilitate the life of many seriously ill patients. Of course, we are talking only about the medical use of cannabis and derived from it marijuana. But here smoking this herb is nothing but harm and heavy dependence will not bring. Such people are only waiting for problems in the respiratory, cardiovascular and psychoemotional, reproductive and sexual spheres.
Documentary about the therapeutic properties of marijuana:

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