Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents in school and in families: content, tasks, recommendations

The topic of drug addiction today is considered especially relevant, as its widespread distribution requires taking serious measures to prevent its becoming a habit among both young people and teenagers, because this category is most vulnerable to negative influence and external influence.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents at

The adolescents, being the most receptive category of the population, require particularly careful preventive work. And the school, which is actually the second home for teenagers, can perfectly cope with this task.

The tasks assigned to school teachers include the following:

  • lecture activities that explain the harm to adolescents and the negative consequences of getting to know drugs;
  • themed activities that provide food for thought to adolescents;
  • conducting specialized interviews on the subject of drug addiction, available information on this topic and personal attitude to the issue of drug abuse in general;
  • diagnostic measures, allowing to reveal the presence of pathological craving for narcotic drugs in adolescents who have already tried these substances.
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According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at least once, 56% of boys and 28% of girls took drugs, 49% of boys and 18% of girls continue to take drugs.

The main content and tasks of

Since it is the youth and adolescents that are the most dangerous in terms of the emergence of drug dependence by a group of people, all measures that are used to prevent drug addiction are sent to work with them. And the effectiveness of the measures taken depends to a large extent on how accurately preventive measures are designed for the age-specific characteristics of adolescents, the ability to present information in the right form and direct the impact even on those who already have experience in the use of narcotic drugs.

And that the measures taken to prevent drug addiction among young people have yielded tangible results, they should meet the following requirements:

  • consistency of measures allows them to be taken consistently, as they impact on the fragile mentality of adolescents;
  • complex impact also allows you to get the most pronounced results from preventive measures that should be taken together with teachers and school teachers;
  • joint work of parents, teachers and employees of drug services.

The benefits of preventive measures taken will become more pronounced when they are carried out by people specially trained for these activities. To do this, school teachers, social workers, as well as parents should also be trained in all types of preventive work with adolescents. Thanks to teamwork, it is possible not only to prevent teenagers from acquiring practical knowledge of drugs, but also to identify existing problems and to start treatment in a timely manner if necessary.

All preventive measures in schools and families aimed at helping and identifying dependence on narcotic drugs allow not only to determine the existence of a harmful habit, but also to bring the life of a minor back to normal, which will create the correct value system for young people, prevent the disintegration of the individual, while forming a correct attitude towards drugs for the future.


As recommendations for the prevention of drug abuse in adolescent environments, the following advice can be given:

  • The maximum informative value of the data given to adolescents will allow them to obtain the necessary information about the harm to health and socialization in society when taking drugs, and their negative impact on the quality of the individual. This item is necessary for carrying out preventive measures with adolescents who have not yet had experience of using them and who have already started active use of drugs.
  • Providing psychological and medical assistance to adolescents who have already tried drugs;
    work with parents of adolescents in terms of prevention and the most effective measures to identify the already existing drug addiction.
  • Complete anonymity, which allows you to seek the help of all those who became victims of the use of narcotic drugs, as well as those wishing to receive information about their harm and negative impact on the person.
  • Works to prevent youth addiction and create opportunities for the proper development of the individual. Such work allows creating new life goals and values ​​for adolescents, as well as creating skills in the ability to critically evaluate the information received about narcotic drugs.

Also important are methods that allow you to identify a risk group and the ability to work with its representatives.

Drug prevention prevention in the

training environment Prevention in the family

The most effective work is with minors in the family, because it is here that the impact on the growing child is from the youngest age, when the person has basic life values ​​and priorities.

Because the influence of the family can not be overemphasized, and the prevention of drug addiction with the help of parents is crucial in shaping the worldview of the adolescent and his attitude towards drugs.

Healthy family type

This type is the most priority, since all relationships in it are regulated by the desire to create the most healthy environment between family members. And for a healthy family it is normal to conduct confidential conversations that allow to influence the teenager, providing him with the necessary information about the harm of drug addiction and methods of its prevention.

It is in a healthy family that the most rapid detection of serious problems that are solved in the most constructive way, without affecting the personal qualities of the adolescent, without humiliating him and creating the opportunity for further improvement of relations within the family.


As the name implies, in such families there are often disputes, conflicts with active clarification of relations. And adolescents, growing up in such families, get negative experience of managing family relationships, which do not allow the creation of trust between members of such a family.

This means that in a conflict family a teenager can not always get real help if he has problems with taking drugs. Preventive work with a growing child in a conflict family is rare, which is also considered a negative factor and requires work already with the parents of the teenager.


In dysfunctional families there is a change in the standard distribution of functions, with the balance in such a family aimed only at avoiding possible changes and related anxieties and unrest. Often here, family ties represent a certain method for preserving the habitual balance, and the possibility of adapting the adolescent to life, as well as control of his condition in terms of familiarizing himself with drugs, approaches a minimum value.

In a dysfunctional family, the child is not always an object of care and support from adults. There are cases when, as a result of the shifting of functions to the child, the basic tasks of adults are shifted. This can happen when one of the parents is absent or seriously ill, and the second is not able to cope with the duties assigned to him.

Assistance to a teenager from such a family is often borne by teachers and educators, as his parents are not able to give enough attention to the adolescent.


An associative family is characterized by an unhealthy situation, which has an extremely negative effect on the formation of the adolescent's world view. It is in such families that the child most often becomes involved in drugs, he is not protected by his parents and needs constant monitoring by the school and teachers.

What measures for child prevention of addiction are important?

Methods for dealing with problem teenagers

In order to neutralize the negative situation in the adolescent's family and carry out preventive work with him to prevent drug cravings, it is first of all necessary to create trust with him, which will allow to notice changes in the mood, condition and behavior of a teenager in time.

Teachers and teachers are considered the most appropriate category of mentors who can correctly approach "suspicious" adolescents, since they have the necessary skills for this and practical experience. And to avoid the appearance of cravings in the child for drugs and interest in this topic, you should pay attention to changes in his behavior.

To avoid possible drug addiction, parents should, together with teachers and school psychologists, talk with a teenager about the negative impact on the health and identity of drugs, the need to love themselves and strive to develop as a person, and show the value of living without drugs. High self-esteem will allow a teenager to resist the negative influence of the environment.

A call to a specialist who will help solve problems within the family and help the child overcome cravings and interest in drugs will be an excellent opportunity if the parents are not completely sure of their own abilities to provide the necessary assistance to their child.

Prevention in the Learning Environment

The importance of schools, teachers and psychologists in preventive work with adolescents can not be overemphasized. After all, pedagogical prophylaxis after prevention in the family occupies an important place in the life of adolescents, and the ability to find an approach to the child, talk with him, identify the presence of certain problems and help solve them - every teacher who values ​​healthy relationships with adolescents and knows how to correctlybuild a preventive work.

To identify existing cases of drug addiction, departments should be established to identify and manage working groups for risk groups, and providing non-medical workers with special methodical tools for determining the onset of drug dependence will help to detect such cases in a timely manner. Such work is successfully carried out in the Rostov region, and its result has been to help adolescents who already have experience of using narcotic drugs.

The Samara region is carrying out works aimed at finding students who have fallen into dependence on psychotropic and narcotic drugs, putting them on record and working to provide them with medical and psychological assistance.

Video about the tasks of drug prevention among adolescents:

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