Nevus Spitz: photo, causes and symptoms, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Nevus Spitz is a small round education. Since most often the tumor appears in children, it is called juvenile. The nevus is benign in nature, but has a predisposition for a rapid increase in size.


For the first time about this new growth began talking in 1948, when in the work of pathologist S. Spitz found an organic node with a diameter of about 1 cm. After the studies it became clear that the nevus is red, brown, yellow.

Sometimes the disease is called:

  • spindle cell nevus,
  • youthful melanoma,
  • juvenile nevus.

Reasons for the formation of

Why this stain appears can not be identified, but in 10% of cases it is congenital. There is a nevus from the embryonic rudiment, the cells of the neural crest.

Specialists note that the influence of heredity on the appearance of education is not proven, but it is sometimes revealed in blood relatives. Education in the same amount occurs in men and women, often occurs on the head.

Symptoms of nevus Spitz

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A nodule that appeared in childhood has a round, smooth surface. Sometimes the form takes the form of a wart. Hair on education does not grow, and the shade depends on vascularization.

In most cases, education has a pink tone, which is notable for its uniformity. Clear symptoms are considered one of the symptoms of the disease.

Complaints to those who apply to a doctor usually do not arise and they come to see a doctor solely in order to diagnose a new education. The diameter of the nevus Spitz rarely reaches two centimeters, most often it varies from 0.2 to 2 cm.

Photo of the nevus Spitz on the face of the child

A characteristic feature is the bleeding of the formation, even with the slightest trauma.

Diagnostics most often reveal single formations, but sometimes it is a question of their multiplicity. Around the formation in some situations, vascular reticules that appear through the skin are found.

A nevus is formed on the face, mostly on the cheeks. Sometimes it is found on the limbs, but this, rather, is an exception.

Clinical variants of the disease

The nevus always appears suddenly and grows rapidly. There are four clinical variants of neoplasm:

  1. Elastic nodule of light tones. When pressing with a slide glass, the formation is temporarily discolored.
  2. Malopigmented tumor with a denser structure. This form is often accompanied by vascular mesh.
  3. Intensively pigmented growth, which has a smooth surface. Minor peeling may occur.
  4. Differs in the appearance of a large number of nodules , the basis of which are pigmented spots. Sometimes there are multiple birthmarks on the background of a giant nevus.

Complications of

Nevus rarely causes trouble, since it is a benign tumor.

As a last resort, it is converted to a non-celled nevus, and if it is not removed in time, fibrosis develops. This can become a complication in further diagnosis.


In differential diagnosis it is important to correctly diagnose a diagnosis without confusing it with:

  • tetanegiektaticheskaya granuloma,
  • molluscum contagiosum,
  • hemangioma,
  • dermatofibroma,
  • nodal melanoma.

The main research method is dermatoscopy. It makes it possible to reveal the features of the structure of formation( globular, stellate, reticular, homogeneous).Due to this type of research, it is possible to distinguish the neoplasm from melanoma.

Since the nevus does not present difficulties in diagnosis, a biopsy is taken in extremely rare cases. For this, education should have the features of melanoma.

This phenomenon is observed at an early stage of the disease. Therefore, it is worth to visit a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of nevus Spitza

Treatment is performed using classical surgery or laser techniques. The neoplasm is removed by a single element with the capture of healthy tissues. A histological examination of the excised nevus is mandatory.

The main requirement for treatment is the simultaneous removal of the entire tumor. In the opposite case, relapses may appear.

They are 10-15% and often appear in the first year after surgery. For the affected area, medical supervision is necessary for 12 months.

Prognosis and prevention

Nevus Spitz is a benign entity, therefore the prognosis is favorable in treatment. Despite the fact that at first the tumor grows, it does not cause any inconvenience.

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