Keratoma of the skin: removal, treatment, photos of seborrheic and senile age warts

Exposure to sunlight on the skin has a positive effect, but only in the case of its normal use - with an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation, it can inadequately react and on its surface, various neoplasms can form.

And keratoma is one of the types of formations that bring a lot of inconvenience to life and can become a reason to call a doctor, since the nature of this new growth can grow into malignant growth.

What is this state and what are the reasons for its appearance?

Brief description of skin keratosis and their localization

Under the action of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin can begin to become denser, the upper part of the formation acquires a pronounced pigmentation, and the skin density can be characterized by the formation of the stratum corneum.

The benign character of such education is determined by laboratory methods, however, it is not necessary to delay the visit to the doctor - continuation of the keratinization process and further growth of the tumor may indicate a deepening of the process of skin changes and a change in the nature of such formation is possible.

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The most often keratomas are located in places that are most accessible to the action of sunlight - often the area of ​​the face, neck, hands of .Often, after an active growth process, the keratoma can self-detach itself without requiring any intervention.

Advice from the author: since the considered formation is located mainly on the face skin, the appearance of keratoma can be considered as a cosmetic problem. For this reason, it should also be in case of any obvious education on the skin that you need to see a doctor to establish his character and make a diagnosis - this will allow you to get rid of unnecessary education more quickly and not experience psychological discomfort.

This formation can have several of the most common types and forms, which differ from each other in external manifestations and methods of influencing them. Let us consider them in more detail.

Species and symptoms of keratosis

Since keratomas are subdivided into certain species, one should be able to distinguish them - this affects the possibility of influencing it, one can predict the probable prospect of its further development and determine the most effective method of influencing it.

There are the following varieties of keratas:

  • senile;
  • solar;
  • seborrheic;
  • is follicular;
  • horny;
  • angiokeratoma.

The old variety

As it is clear from the name, this type of benign formation is most often found in people who have crossed a certain age line - this type is diagnosed after 30 years of age. Externally, the formation is grayish or white, a surface protruding above the skin;An unpleasant quality of this type of build-up should be considered the possibility of inflammation.

This species is also called age keratoma. Another name is senile. Such formation is often multiple, single insignificant in size growths can be located not far from numerous. With further growth observed the formation of plaques, which increase in size.

It is located mainly on the neck, the occipital part of the head, the face, on the hands, and more rarely on the back and stomach. The surface of formation gradually changes its structure, becomes more friable, small fine scales appear on it, which flake and fall off.

This photo shows a senile wart( age keratoma or senile)

Stary keratoma does not pose a health and life hazard, but it causes severe soreness in traumatizing areas with neoplasms, and they are also considered a cosmetic defect.


This variety of the examined neoplasm is also called ketakticheskoy;affects this condition most often men, whose age is more than 40 years. There are such formations on the skin of the face and hands, less often on the shoulders and upper chest. This form appears under the influence of sun rays, so the site of the dislocation of this type of education should be considered those areas that are constantly open for the action of ultraviolet.

This condition can be considered a precancerous , therefore it is necessary to be cautious about these manifestations: small pigmented areas are gradually covered with dry scales of gray color that grow and can be combined with other types of neoplasms, such as vulgar warts, radiation dermatitis.

Photo of solar keratoma on the skin surface

The danger of this condition is the imperceptible development of the pathological process, which gradually and imperceptibly for both the patient and the doctor changes from benign to malignant.

The peculiarity of this variety can be considered its ability to disappear without any external influence, and also unexpectedly appear in the same place.


This kind of keratoma arises unexpectedly and rapidly develops: first a pigmented spot appears on the surface of the skin, which has limited dimensions. Then there is its active increase in size, darkening and can manifest such unpleasant phenomena as itching, soreness, burning sensation of the affected area.

The skin itself with the development of the pathological process is darker and significantly coarser, deep cracks form on its surface. The surface of such a tumor can periodically disappear on its own, and at its place remains an open wound that bleeds and disturbs the patient.

In addition, an infection can easily penetrate into such a place, the wound becomes infected with inflammation. When traumatizing this kind of keratoma should always see the doctor, and after disinfection and treatment of the surface of the diagnosis of the condition proceed to treatment.

This variety is often located in the open areas of the body - the face, hands, neck, and on the hair-covered head, arms. Usually such neoplasms are not unique, but numerous, and when diagnosing this disease should be distinguished from vulgar warts, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, melanoma.

Seborrheic keratoma of the skin of the back

The transition of this condition to malignant is rare, however, seborrheic keratosis brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, can become a source of inflammation on the skin and its deeper layers.


This type of disease is much less common than previous species, and more often it is diagnosed in the female half of the population. The area of ​​the lesion is located more often on the scalp and in the area of ​​the upper lip.

Follicular keratoma is a pronounced pigmented nodule of fairly large sizes - their diameter can be more than 1.5 cm. Nodules have either grayish or pink hues, they do not cause special soreness, however they become a cosmetic skin defect.


The medical term "cutaneous horn" also characterizes this disease, which manifests itself as a build-up on the surface of the skin and can have a conical, pointed, upward shape. The surface of this new growth is quite stiff, it can be even, small grooves can form on its surface.

The peculiarity of the considered form of the disease is its ability to quickly develop into a malignant form of - this region is located at the base of this tumor, and for this reason, when detecting horny keratoma, it is first of all necessary to establish its character.

Photo of horny keratoma on facial skin

The dimensions of this type of lesions may vary and be significant - up to 3-5 cm in length. The outgrowths can be single, and numerous, and the appearance is both linear and conical, similar to a horn - hence the name of this form.


This kind of education on the skin is formed from the cells of the upper part of the epidermis, in which there are also small blood vessels. Represented in the form of outgrowths of small height, they can grow into small plaques, the color of which varies from red to dark brown and purple.

Typically, this type of formation is scattered, less often - in a single specimen.

What can cause the formation of such neoplasms?

Causes of the appearance of

The main reason for the appearance of kerat of any kind is long exposure to direct sunlight, and on the average and older age from the influence of ultraviolet there is a disruption of the processes in the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which there is a pronounced compaction of the skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

Advice from the author: to prevent the appearance of areas with pronounced pigmentation on the surface of the skin and the formation of various types of kerat on it, it is necessary to control the time spent in the sun, and also on sunny days to prefer light clothing and constantly use sunscreen products - this combination will help limit exposuresun rays on the skin.

Additional causes of

Additional causes of keratitis of various kinds include the following:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • imbalance of metabolic processes in the body;
  • mechanical skin damage;
  • heredity - this disease is especially often transmitted through the male line;
  • malnutrition - a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, vitamin A;
  • chemical skin burns;
  • lowering the level of immunity.

Should the appearance on the skin of such neoplasms be considered dangerous?

Do keratomas present a danger?

The danger itself does not present this disease, but some of its forms can degenerate into malignant. The reason for this may be a subjective predisposition, as well as heredity, as well as mechanical and chemical damage to the skin.

Some varieties of this condition are also considered more often regenerating into an oncology, so it should be checked for any appearance of tumors and listen to the doctor's recommendations.


As diagnostic measures when detection of new growths on the surface of the skin, the following manipulations should be performed:

  • visual inspection will detect changes in the skin of the body;
  • cytological analysis of the taken piece of affected tissue - this laboratory method is used when there is a suspicion of a malignant nature of the disease;
  • can also be performed by ultrasound examination of tissues affected by keratoma.

With the help of a biopsy, a piece of tissue of the neoplasm is examined, which makes it possible to diagnose the nature of the formation.

Advice from the author: therapeutic intervention at an early stage of the disease can reduce the possible claims of its development and restore skin health. Calling a doctor is a decisive measure on the way to health, do not neglect it!

Treatment with conservative methods

Methods that can affect the growth dynamics of an existing keratoma and reduce the risk of new formations include the available methods, which include:

  • reception shock doses of ascorbic acid - this allows you to stop the pathological process of keratinization of the upper layer of the epidermis, improve the overall condition of the affected skin and stop the inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • application of external hormonal ointments , improving the condition of the upper surface of the kerat by increasing blood supply and slowing down the inflammatory process in the skin;
  • use before each exit to the street special sunscreen , which can significantly reduce the negative impact on the skin of ultraviolet radiation;
  • introduction of changes in diet and diet - a doctor can recommend the replacement of vegetable fats with all kinds of animal dirovs;
  • stabilization of the psychological atmosphere of the - this can concern both the home microclimate and the state at work, and, if necessary, the replacement of the place of work.

As a conservative method is used for the development of follicular keratome scraping of the cavity of the follicle of the hair sac. With seborrhoeic and senile form of the disease, applications can be prescribed with hormonal ointments - they allow to reduce the degree of inflammation on the surface of the skin, improve the general condition of the skin.

The listed methods do not require an operative intervention, but they are quite effective and can bring a significant benefit to the general condition and reduce the manifestations of any skin lesions.

How to get rid of education on the skin?

The most effective way to get rid of kerat today is to remove them.

This can be done in several ways, involving surgical intervention and allowing you to get an early solution to the problem - this applies to both the cosmetology and the health of the person as a whole.

Surgical methods for kerat removal include:

  • laser removal with a powerful light beam;
  • removal of foci of pigmentation and keratinization using liquid nitrogen;
  • using radio waves;
  • removal of skin areas with pathological process by electrocoagulation;
  • surgical intervention;
  • removal using acids.

These methods are very diverse, almost all have high performance and no relapse. Let's consider each method in more detail.

Laser removal

The most modern method, laser removal should be attributed to the most progressive - thanks to it the skin is restored as quickly as possible, its surface is damaged minimally. At the same time, it is required to perform a laser neoplasm removal procedure once, and relapses after it occur rarely.

The use of neodymium or erbium laser allows you to remove the affected area of ​​the skin without leaving scars and traces of interference.

Liquid nitrogen

The method of cryodestruction can be successfully used in the development of seborrhoeic and sunny form of the disease, it is applied to this effect on the affected area of ​​liquid nitrogen.

The effectiveness of this method is also considered high, however, when it is used, pain is felt, which increases after the operation and the departure of the local anesthesia.

Radio wave method

Also called the method of radio wave excision, the radio wave method implies the impact on the keratom section of the radio wave - rapid operation without leaving traces on the skin is considered one of the most modern.


Electrosound is used to excise the affected area of ​​the skin, with a slight damage to adjacent tissues and a rapid recovery after the intervention.

Surgical method

Surgical intervention removes usually voluminous neoplasms, which manifested aggressive development and continues to increase the size of the area of ​​the affected skin.

This method is also popular today, its effectiveness is high enough, however, it requires removal of some of the adjacent tissues. For this reason, surgical intervention can often leave scars on the skin and require a long period of time to restore the patient after surgery.

Acid Degradation

The use of acids for kerat removal is also popular due to the effectiveness of this method. Glycolic acid and some types of cytostatics are applied to the surface of the neoplasm to stop their growth and destroy the tumor cells.

This method of treatment is carried out only in a medical institution, because excessive concentration of the solution or a long time of exposure to the affected area can lead to chemical burns and cause the appearance of ugly scars on the skin.

Advice from the author: , having decided to remove keratomas of any origin and form, should be contacted for an operation in a medical institution that has an excellent reputation. After all, the quality of the work of specialists depends not only on beauty, but also on human health. Be respectful of your own health, contact only well-tried medical institutions!

What kind of reviews have the listed methods of exposure and treatment of keratosis?


If we talk about the most effective methods of removing these lesions, then the reviews of those who used laser removal of keratomas are the most positive. Least traumatizing skin leaving no scars and traces, as well as the distinct need to perform this manipulation only once - all this should be considered the main advantages of this method of treating the kerat.

With the help of surgery, many patients also got rid of ugly areas of keratinization and skin pigmentation, however it is longer in time and leaves in the majority of cases fish on the skin. But it is this technique that allows one to get rid of bulky neoplasms without recurrence of their formation.

The use of acids that destroy tumor cells also produces pronounced results, but its soreness is quite high. The use of liquid nitrogen is considered one of the most commonly used methods of getting rid of keratas, therefore, reviews about this method can be heard often and mostly they are positive: the use of cryodestruction to get rid of various keratomas is not too painful, the duration of the operation is small, and the effectiveness is high.

What is the cost of these methods of influence?

The prices of any medical procedure, and the removal of any kind of envy from several components by the kerat, to which include:
  • location in a certain city - the larger the settlement, the higher the cost will be for any medical assistance;
  • availability of high-quality specialists - professionals of any profile are always valued, and their services for removal of tumors will also have a higher cost;
  • the size of the affected skin and the location on the body;
  • is a well-known "name" of medical institution - it also affects the level of prices in this medical institution.

If we talk about average prices for kerat removal services, then we can present them in the following list:

  • laser removal of keratas , depending on the size of skin lesion and body location - from 470 to 2 245 rubles in Moscow;
  • removal of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen ( also depending on the location and size of the affected skin) - from 500 to 795 rubles;
  • removal by surgical intervention - from 2,500 to 3,750 rubles;
  • radio wave method - from 1,100 to 3,000 rubles.

Are there any methods for preventing this disease and what is its prognosis?

Forecast and Prevention

This disease is not considered dangerous for human life, but its negative impact on quality of life and the possibility of developing into a malignant neoplasm should be considered the reason for the initiation of treatment and the use of preventive measures.

As a preventive measure, the following can be recommended:

  • not too long exposure to the sun, the use of sunscreens in sunny weather;
  • a complete diet containing all the necessary vitamins and substances;
  • strengthening of immunity by hardening, taking firming drugs;
  • regular outdoor activities;
  • rational planning of your day - a combination of work and leisure;
  • avoidance of stress.

Preventive examination and health care are the basic rules of healthy life and health.

Video on the removal of seborrheic keratoma:

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