Indinol( Forto): composition, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, side effects

Indinol is referred to phytopreparations, which are characterized by antitumor and anti-estrogenic activity. It prevents the development of estrogen-dependent disorders by normalizing the metabolism of hormones in the female body.

The use of the tool also allows you to cope with the pathologies that are provoked by the human papillomavirus( HPV).The drug is widely used to treat many disorders of the female reproductive system.

Composition, form and packaging

One capsule of Indinola contains 100 mg of indole-3-carbinol, which is isolated from medicinal plants( the family is cruciferous).Its mass is 33.3% of the mass of the whole powder. As auxiliary substances, starch, magnesium, stearate, microcellulose, lactose are used.

Bioadditive can be purchased in the form of Indinol Forto, which has a similar composition, but the amount of indole-3-carbinol is 200 mg. Capsules are available in size 0, have a white body and an orange cap, are packed in blisters or in a plastic jar( 60, 90 capsules).

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What is the difference between Indinol and Indinol Forto?

Indinol - a bioadditive, which contains 100 mg of indole-3-carbinol. In Indinol Forto, the active ingredient is 200 mg. Both products are produced by one pharmaceutical company, containing an identical active ingredient.

Photo of the drug Indinola Forto

The term "forto" is usually added to a drug in which the concentration of active substances is increased compared to the original drug.

This form is convenient when a patient is assigned to take several tablets at the same time.


The drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company MiraxBioPharma.

Indications for use

Bioadditive is widely prescribed in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • Disorders of the hormonal background( infertility, PMS);
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Malignant formations in the mammary gland, cervix, ovary;
  • hormone-dependent pathologies, including oncology, endometriosis, mastopathy, dysplasia;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Pathologies provoked by HPV.

Indin is prescribed concomitantly with preparations for chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunomodulators, against the background of an operative intervention.


Bioadditive is not allowed for use with:

  • Presence of hereditary lactose intolerance;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Simultaneous use of products that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • The presence of glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • When the patient's age is less than 18 years.

Pharmacological action

Indinol is a selective modulator of estrogen receptors, therefore it is used for the therapy of conditions provoked by an increase in the level of estrogens.

It allows you to correct hyperplastic processes in the mammary glands, is effective during the therapy of hormone-dependent tumors.

Instructions for use Indinola

Bioadditive is taken during meals, with plenty of water. The scheme of reception is determined by the pathology:

  • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis: 2 capsules of the drug( 1 capsule of Indinola Forto) twice daily. Duration of the course is 6 months. To increase the effectiveness you need to use with Epigallate;
  • Prevention of recurrence of fibroids. After surgery, take 200 mg of indole-3 carbinol twice per day for 12 weeks;
  • Mastopathy: 2 capsules( 1 capsule of Indinola Forto) up to twice a day. Duration of the course is 6 months. After therapy, ultrasound is required to evaluate the effectiveness. If Indinol caused a decrease in the size of the formation, then it is necessary to repeat the therapy after 1-2 months;
  • Diseases provoked by HPV: 1 capsule per day concurrently with immunomodulators until the symptoms of pathology disappear. Dose increase, if necessary, up to 400 mg per day. Both partners should be treated simultaneously to avoid re-infection.

Side effects of

Indigo in rare cases causes the following unpleasant actions:

  • From the side of the digestive organs: epigastric pain, nausea, development of diarrhea;
  • Allergy: skin rash, itching, anaphylactic reactions;
  • Increase or decrease the cycle time;
  • Minor change in body weight.

In most cases, the symptomatology does not require special therapy.


No cases were recorded. However, with excessive admission, it is possible to develop side effects. Specific antidote has not been developed, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

Special instructions

Does not affect the ability to work with machinery or drive a car. The duration of the course of treatment should be coordinated with the attending physician in order to reduce the development of negative consequences for the body.


Indinol promotes changes in the activity of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes.

During therapy Indinol should not drink alcohol.

Comments of doctors about the preparation of

Vera Alekseevna, mammologist, Moscow:

Indinol - phytopreparation, which proved high efficiency in complex therapy of mastopathy. It is classified as bioadditive, but it has a pronounced antitumor and anti-estrogenic effect, normalizes metabolic processes.

Irina Vitalevna, gynecologist, St. Petersburg:

I often use Indinol for the treatment of endometriosis, myoma of the uterus, disorders of the menstrual cycle. Indinol is an effective remedy that is well tolerated and promotes recovery.

Which drug is better?

Mastodinone is often used to treat pathologies associated with impaired estrogen production.

It is worthwhile to understand what the differences and common features of the drugs are:

  1. Mastodinone is used for insufficient production of estrogens, Indinol - blocks the synthesis of hormones.
  2. The first drug is a homeopathic remedy with hormone-like activity. Indinol is a bioadditive.
  3. They have similar contraindications, are well tolerated.
  4. Indinol is a domestic supplement in capsules, Mastodinone is a German preparation in tablet form and in the form of drops.
  5. Due to different pharmacological effects, indications for the use of drugs differ.

Mastodinone and Indinol are agents from various pharmacological groups that are used for various pathologies. Therefore, to compare their effectiveness is incorrect.

Indole and Indinol are synonymous drugs that have the same active substance and action.

Promisan - a bioadditive based on the extract of green tea. The drug is widely used for the therapy and prevention of hyperplastic pathologies in women.

What is more effective: Indinol or Promysan? The effect of Promisan is similar to the action that is shared by Epigallat and Indinol.

Prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The cost of the drug from the company MiraxBioPharma in the pharmacies of the capital varies from 2.2 to 2.7 thousand rubles for 120 capsules, and in St. Petersburg - from 2.4 to 3 thousand rubles.

Cost of Indino Forto - from 2.0 to 3.2 thousand rubles for 60 capsules.

Preparation Indole forte from the company Evalar costs from 750 to 800 rubles for 60 capsules in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Analogues and their cost

Analyzers analogues Indinola:

  • Brest Cair( 1950 rubles per 100 capsules);
  • Mastofit Evalar( from 200 rubles per packing);
  • Milona-5( 160 rubles per 100 tablets);
  • Biolift( 630 rubles for 60 capsules);
  • Epigallat( 1970 rubles for 120 capsules);
  • Medicine( from 3,5 thousand rubles for 60 capsules);
  • Klimaton( from 375 rubles per package);
  • Femivell( from 760 rubles for 60 tablets).

Synonyms for


  • Indole Forte;
  • Hypotrilone;
  • Indol Evalar;
  • Indole-3-carbinol.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

You do not need a doctor's prescription to buy Indinol.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Should be stored in a place where direct sunlight can not penetrate. Temperature regime - no more than 25 ° C.Bioadditive should be used for two years from the date of manufacture.

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