Pilonidal sinus: treatment, symptoms, prognosis, features of the disease

Pilonidal sinus( cyst) is an innate feature of the structure of the skin in the region of the coccyx and sacrum. In the area of ​​the interannual fold in the disease, fistula is found. Provoke an exacerbation of the disease is capable of cold, hair, trauma.

Without therapy, pathology very often recurs. What are its features, what kind of doctor to handle a boil, and how can you cure such a furunculosis( pilonidal sinus) at home?

Features of the disease

Symptoms of the disease usually manifest at the age of 16 and up to 25 years.

  • The Arabs and Caucasians are most susceptible to it, and the African Americans are less likely to be defeated.
  • More often in 3 times the cyst is diagnosed in men, rather than in women. Often this is related to professional activities. So, drivers and people, whose work is associated with long pedestrian crossings, suffer from pathology more often.

Pilonidal sine( photo-diagram)

Classification of the pilonidal sinus

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Pilonidal sinus is divided into several types:

  • sluggish form,
  • uncomplicated form,
  • complicated form,
  • remission.

The acute stage is divided into abscessed and infiltrative form. Several types of the disease are allocated to the chronic stage:

  1. Abscess recurrent.
  2. Fistula with pus.
  3. Stage of infiltration.

The causes of the disease( the appearance of boils) and the symptoms of such a furunculosis as a pilonidal sinus, will tell this video:

Causes of

Many experts agree that the pathology is congenital, but it can also develop under external causes.

In the coccygeal-sacral region, hair that sprouts into the subcutaneous tissue sometimes grows wrong, which provokes the initial stage of the disease. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the pilonidal traces are found in other areas( armpits, between the fingers, etc.).

Symptoms of

No signs are present if the disease is uncomplicated flow. Only sometimes there can be greased pain, which becomes brighter if you injure the area of ​​the coccyx or stay in a sitting position for a long time. Sometimes patients can mark small discharge in between the buttocks, and sometimes there is maceration of the skin or itching.

In case of a complicated course of the cyst, the following symptoms are observed:

  • temperature;
  • pain intensifies, acquires a pulsating character;
  • is more difficult to sit;
  • appears suppuration;
  • hyperemia;
  • occurrence of scars on old fistulas.


Local changes are very typical, so the cyst is diagnosed already at the inspection stage. At the moment of diagnosis, the signs characteristic of the disease are revealed: meningocele, anal fistula, dermoid coccygeal, coccyx teratoma. An abscess or a scar from it may be present in the interannual fold. During the examination, the doctor conducts a digital examination of the back entrance, which helps to differentiate the sine from other diseases.

In addition, diagnostic methods are prescribed such as:

  • fistulography,
  • colonoscopy,
  • sigmoidoscopy,
  • irrigoscopy.

Knowing the causes of furunculosis, let's talk about its treatment with traditional and folk remedies at home.



It is impossible to completely cure the pilonidal sinus with ointments, however they are used to shorten the duration of the acute phase of the disease. Excellent help lotions, moistened in furatsiline, ointments based on Nitrofural. Regularly make sessile basins based on chamomile.


The medication technique of treatment is suitable for the initial stages of the pathology, when there is still no abscess and the drugs help prevent it.

Among drugs for the treatment of cysts in the acute phase use antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The cavity with pus must be drained.


Operative treatment is most preferable, as there is a constant infection of fistulas. Before the surgical intervention, complex therapy is conducted, aimed at attenuation of the acute stage.

  • Immediately before the intervention, all fistulous inputs are stained with a special composition, and then the excision is performed.
  • After the intervention, hygiene is very carefully observed, and the sewn area is regularly treated.

Next, the prevention of furunculosis of this type will be considered.

Operative treatment of pilonidal sinus is presented in the video below:

Prevention of

disease Prevention of recurrence of cysts after surgery includes 3 important recommendations:

  1. It is mandatory for about 6 months in the field of surgery to perform regular epilation.
  2. Limit for 3 weeks need to lift weights. It is forbidden to sit.
  3. When the seams are removed, the hygienic procedures will need to be supplemented by washing the interannual folds.

Complications of

The cyst may become complicated due to the appearance of a large number of fistulas or a deepening of the pilonidal sinus. Sometimes purulent lesions spread to other areas. Especially often the sacrum, inguinal folds, perineum and abdominal wall are affected.

Very dangerous consequences such as the appearance of squamous cell carcinoma and pyoderma.


Provided a radical method, treatment gives a favorable prognosis for any form of the disease.

About the pilonidal sinus and related ailments the doctor will describe in this video:

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