Cystic acne: treatment of furunculosis at home, drugs, causes

Cystic acne is the most severe form of rashes known to every person. When the disease develops cysts in the subcutaneous tissue, which are filled with pus and processed sebum. The formations are nodular, often even protruding on the skin, inflamed, and sometimes have a cyanotic shade. After such rashes, scars remain.

Treating cystic acne is more difficult than any other. Even if you managed to defeat the symptoms of the disease, it can recur in the distant future. What to do to prevent this from happening and how to achieve recovery? Answers to these questions, as well as to others regarding the treatment of drugs, the symptoms of such furunculosis on the face and other skin areas like cystic acne, its causes you will find in this article.

Features of the disease

Acne is a common phenomenon in the adolescent period. Sometimes cystic acne passes after growing up, which is usually associated with the normalization of the hormonal background. However, this does not mean that the disease can not appear at another age!

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It occurs even in 30 years, which is associated not only with internal pathologies, but also with the chronic course of this type of acne. Relapse occurs under the influence of microorganism-friendly factors. It is worth noting that this does not happen suddenly, since the disease goes through all the stages and the early form of cystic acne is much easier to treat.

The disease is more severe for men, they also have a longer duration. So, the treatment process is quite long and takes sometimes more than 4 months.

Acid-cystic conglobate acne( photo)

Cystic acne stages

The disease is divided into 3 stages:

  1. The first .Black dots or acne begin to appear on the skin.
  2. The second stage is .Acne becomes deep, there are purulent papules. They can be located not only on the face, but also on the shoulders, on the chest or on the back.
  3. The third stage is .Nodules and purulent pimples develop. In some places, they pass to the final stage of development, in which a pigmented spot or scar is formed.

The specialist in the video below talks about different types of acne, as well as their treatment:

Classification of

Classification of cystic acne is still possible by severity:

  • I degree. Eruptions focus on one area of ​​the body, they are not too numerous and more often open. Pustules arise, but are extremely rare and are encountered singly.
  • II degree. Defeat affects a large area. In this case, both comedones and pustules appear equally.
  • III degree. There are deep pustules, in these areas an inflammatory process develops. Gradual formation of scars occurs.
  • IV degree. Nodes are significantly enlarged in size, syringe inputs appear. Sometimes the rashes are not too extensive, but in the diagnosis of the main role will only play the nature of acne.

Highlights the same:

  • spherical,
  • pink,
  • youthful,
  • inverse acne shape.

About the causes of nodular-cystic acne in severe or other forms read further in the article.

Causes of

Violation of the functioning of the sebaceous gland is considered the main cause of the appearance of acne cysts, but sometimes provokes acne and other causes:

  1. Hyperkeratosis. Thickening of skin scales is quite capable of leading to clogging of the glands and the subsequent development of cysts. The cause of hyperkeratosis can be even avitaminosis.
  2. Hormonal dysfunction. This is especially typical for adolescents and women who have undergone abortion, gynecological disease, pregnancy.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Use of certain categories of medicines. Especially often, these inflammations develop under the influence of steroid medications.
  6. Stresses.
  7. Poor hygiene or permanent contact of dirty hands with face.
  8. Heredity.

Extrusion of a pimple also sometimes provokes the appearance of a cyst, therefore such independent "cleansing" of the face should be minimized.

Symptoms of

The acariform cyst looks outwardly like a tubercle that rises above the skin. Often it is painful if you try to press on it, but still has a characteristic bluish-red tinge. Sometimes the cyst under the skin is somewhat in one area.


Diagnosing the disease helps the inspection and poll. Histological examinations and tests can be performed. This contributes not so much to clarifying the diagnosis as to the selection of good medications.

Differentiate cystic acne from a number of pathologies:

  1. Fat seborrhea.
  2. Tuberous sarcoidosis.
  3. Rosacea( in the pustular stage).
  4. Syphilis.
  5. Tuberous sclerosis.
  6. Folliculitis. Demodecosis
  7. .

Next, a scheme and methods for treating such a form of furunculosis as cystic-acne( conglobate acne) will be proposed.


Therapeutic method

  • Considerable importance is given to nutrition, since the diet greatly affects the effectiveness of therapy. So, it is necessary to maintain proper nutrition and not eat various fatty foods, salinity or fast food.
  • One of the main places in the treatment of this problem are ointments.
    • Thus, benzoyl peroxide-based agents help restore sebaceous glands and dissolve the stratum corneum.
    • You can lubricate areas with inflammations with ointments with azelaic acid.
    • Such agents also have an antibacterial effect, like zinc ointment and salicylic acid.
    • If the doctor selects antibiotic-based ointments, then they are only used according to the treatment regimen.
  • Physiotherapy is also used in treatment, and the best results are given by such sessions as:
    • electrophoresis,
    • UV irradiation,
    • cryotherapy,
    • electrocoagulation of the rashes.

Drug method

An integrated approach in the treatment of this severe form of acne is the most important aspect of the success of therapy. Among other methods of treatment, medicamental is the main and most extensive. Often, a dermatologist selects a whole group of medicines that have cardinally different effects on the body.

Use medicines from this list:

  1. Antibacterial agents. Systemic and local exposure to antibiotics is necessary for the destruction of infection and inflammation. The doctor does not just pick up a suitable remedy, but also develops a scheme of reception. If you choose these tools yourself, the result may not be so good. Moreover, pathogenic organisms will become less susceptible to drugs.
  2. Antimicrobial medication.
  3. Antiandrogens and retinoids. Both types of drugs help regulate the production of sebum, improve healing and have an additional anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Immunocorrective medicines.
  5. Vitamins, individually selected.
  6. Hormones. More often selected for women, most prone to cystic acne. Selection of such serious drugs is performed only by a doctor!

The entire period of therapy is controlled by a dermatologist.

The antibiotic in the treatment of cystic acne will be described by the physician in this video:

Other methods of

With the help of laser therapy, VLOK manages to remove extensive inflammation. The procedure relieves of large abscesses and even scars from them, thus the activity of the sebaceous gland, which was inflamed, also normalizes. Such influence is achieved due to laser irradiation of blood. Almost all systems in the body are activated, restoring the work of all skin areas.

The effectiveness of the treatment is high, and the first signs of this do not have to be expected for long. In addition, the procedure is painless, but not for everyone it is suitable, because it has a sufficient number of contraindications. Despite the high efficiency, laser therapy is always combined with the treatment of medications and ointments.

Laser therapy is also used for point-use. A directional beam destroys pathogenic organisms, which quickly leads to the removal of inflammation.

And now we learn how to treat this type of furunculosis at home.

Folk methods

Cystic acne is very difficult to cure, so in addition to medical and therapeutic measures, you need to try other methods of treatment. There are many recipes, but to apply them better in a complex way, in the first place, to choose the right one, and secondly, to achieve the result faster.

  1. You can get rid of large pimples with gruel made from soda. In 2 tsp.the agents add very little water until a pasty consistency is obtained, which is applied to the site with inflammation. After 20 minutes wash. In addition to the drying effect, soda will have an antibacterial effect, remove excess fat and light up the skin.
  2. Tea tree oil has long been known for its healing properties. This is one of those oils, which are useful to use even with oily skin. Moreover, it allows to regulate fat content, while also having an anti-inflammatory effect. It is better to use tea tree oil in a diluted form( 1:10), stirring it with water. The face of the resulting solution is wiped up to 3 times per day, necessarily flushing after 10 minutes.
  3. Clay dries strongly the skin, if not moisturize it periodically, so you can choose any kind of this natural remedy( pink, white, black, etc.).Apply a paste-like consistency to the whole face. Often additional components are added to the clay( for example, lemon juice, butter).
  4. Aspirin in tablets is used after pulverizing them. In it add a little water, and after the means point lubricated lesions. You can wash yourself after 15 minutes.
  5. Even oily skin with cystic acne requires moisturizing. Coconut oil is able to give this effect, and additionally and will reduce most of the inflammations. Lubricate their face better point-wise and only once a week completely smeared face skin, necessarily washing after a while.
  6. Aloe juice is applied to a site with cystic acne. The procedure is repeated several times a day, since in this way the pathogenic microflora is neutralized. For best effect, it is permissible to mix the juice with honey in an equal proportion.

Prevention of disease

Cystic acne can be avoided by monitoring the hormonal background. Influence on it is negatively capable not only of hormonal outbursts and diseases, but also stresses. It is enough to check regularly with a gynecologist or an endocrinologist in order to find out the malfunctions in the body in a timely manner. It will also require the therapy of all chronic pathologies.

It is necessary to strictly monitor yourself and not allow any mechanical extrusion. Thus, it is easy enough to injure the skin, which in the future will lead to the formation of a cyst. It is desirable to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and monitor the condition of your skin. An important influence is the daily care for her, so they also select the means that fit according to individual parameters.

Complications of

The main complication of the disease is destructive skin changes. Coping with such a complication is very difficult, as most cosmetic procedures improve the condition of the skin, but will not return its former appearance.

There is a possibility of development of furunculosis, which will bring the risk of more dangerous complications. One of them is sepsis. This list is supplemented with other problems:

  • spread of suppuration to healthy tissue;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • frequent exacerbations of the disease;
  • redness.


Depends on the prognosis for cystic acne is entirely on how good and timely treatment will be. If the inflammation is healed, then removing the scars will be very difficult. It is very important to minimize manifestations of cystic acne, and when it appears, follow the instructions and perform complex therapy.

On how to treat cystic acne at home, for example, the girl from the video will tell the following:

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