Treatment of polyps in the body and the cervix by folk remedies: reviews about the hog uterus and the cleanness

Endometrial and cervical polyposis occurs relatively frequently in gynecological practice. But many patients, fearing operations, do not rush to specialists, but treat such pathologies themselves, through methods of traditional medicine.

Often, such treatment is quite effective, but to avoid all kinds of complications, it is better to discuss the details of such therapy with the doctor in advance. Only after medical approval you can start folk treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment of polyps of the uterus and cervix

Immediately specify that folk remedies can cope with polyposis only if the growth is at the initial stage of development.

When running polyps, folk medicine, as a rule, is a waste of time.

Folk remedies can be used in combination with traditional medicines or homeopathic medicines.

Such treatment has many advantages:

  • In comparison with drugs of hormonal origin and other medicines, traditional medicine has virtually no adverse reactions and contraindications;
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  • Folk remedies are safe, although the therapeutic effect becomes noticeable much later.

Decoctions for the reception of

In the arsenal of folk medicine there are many recipes for the preparation of decoctions effective in the treatment of uterine and cervical polyposis:

  1. Coniferous decoction. Needles of pine or firs need to be crushed and poured with boiling water( 1 liter of water is taken on the soup spoon of raw material).Then you need to slowly boil the mixture for half an hour, and then, after pouring it into the thermos, insist for another 3 hours. Drink a half cup before eating. The duration of such therapy is about 3-4 weeks;
  2. Red brush. Pour in 20 gr.dry grass with a glass of boiling water, after which they wrap themselves and stand for about an hour. The broth is drunk after filtering on a large spoon before eating;
  3. Herbal and berry extract. Nettle( 2 tsp), rosehip fruit( 3 tsp) and black currant berries( 1 large spoon) - all grind and mix thoroughly. Then a half-liter of boiling water is covered with a dessert spoon of the mixture, everything is mixed and covered with a lid. Withstand the mixture for about an hour. Drink should be divided into 4 parts and consumed throughout the day. For a more pleasant taste, you can sweeten the broth with honey.
  4. Spirituous tincture of a golden mustache. For 3 takes 50 g. of a golden mustache. The mixture must be insisted in a dark place for about 10 days, systematically shaking. The obtained tincture is applied according to a special scheme:
  • 1 day course - 10 drops of tincture mix with 3 tablespoons of water, on an empty stomach to drink in the morning and at night;
  • 2 day course - 11 drops of tincture and 3 tablespoons of water, before meals for half an hour. On day 2 of the reception;
  • 3 day course - 12 drops of tincture diluted with 3 tablespoons of water, drink the same as the second day.

The number of drops should be increased daily by one until 25 drops are reached. Then, their amount is reduced by a similar principle, until 10 drops remain. Then the treatment is stopped. The course is repeated again after a week. In total, five such courses are conducted.

Herbal decoction for syringing

Very effective in douching polyposis, which kill harmful microflora, improve blood circulation and provide healing effect.

There are many different fees and infusions whose solutions are used for douching:

  • Take celandine( 3 hours), crayfish, marigold flowers and St. John's wort( 2 hours each), banyag( 1 hour). All components are mixed, then a large spoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water and kept in a container, closed tightly with a lid, about 6 hours. The solution is sprinkled twice a day;
  • Shiitake mushroom. To make the syringe solution, take 30 g of powdered mushroom and pour half a liter of boiling water. Withstand such infusion a couple of weeks, and then douche it twice a day for 10 days. The main thing is to use only high-quality raw materials, so it's better to buy it at pharmacy points;
  • A mixture of herbs. Mix one part of chamomile and oak bark, five pieces of sporelet and 3 parts of nettle leaves. Take 2 large spoons of this mixture, pour boiling water( 1 liter) and until ready to keep on the stove for another 7 minutes. Douching is carried out for 2-3 p / d. This product has a high resorption effect;
  • Well proven in the treatment of polyposis and such a syringing solution. Take 3 parts of the bark of the calyx, 2 parts of the root of the angelica, the grass of the tentacle and the hog queen, 1 part of the nettle, cinnamon and cumin. Ready mix( 2 large spoons) pour half a liter of boiling water, about half an hour stand in a bath, then filter. Douche twice a day. The agent can be used to impregnate vaginal tampons and for internal administration.

Treatment of polypas of the uterus with celandine

One of the known medicinal plants, highly effective in treating the polyposis of the endometrium and cervix, is the celandine grass.

Cure means based on celandine are prepared in various ways:

  1. Young shoots of grass are laid in a tightly clogged container of glass, pour boiling water and cork. Wrap up the dishes with a shawl, woolen blanket, so that the heat can be maintained for as long as possible. Stir the mixture for 12 hours. Take three times a day. You need to start with a dose of a large spoon, with each intake increasing the amount of medicine, bringing it to 100 ml. Duration of admission - 2 weeks, then a three-week break. After the course is repeated again;
  2. Young shoots of a plant are ground with a blender or a meat grinder. The resulting porridge is left to stand for 2 days in a glass container with a closed lid. Then separate the separated juice from the pulp and mix with vodka 1: 1.Take the medicine on a teaspoonful 3 r / day. It is better to expect reception for a time about half an hour before a meal. The course lasts for a month then 10 days of rest;
  3. To prepare the syringe solution on a glass of boiling water take a large spoon of grass and stand for a couple of hours, then apply for syringing.

Before using such folk remedies, it is important to get acquainted with the opinion of the treating doctor.

Boron uterus

One of the effective medicinal plants, often used in a variety of gynecological pathologies, is the hog uterus or one-sided orthility. A representative of the flora refers to female queen-plants.

The harrow is known for its incredible benefits:

  • Diuretic effect;
  • Effective anticoagulant( blood thinning agent);
  • Anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Antitumor activity;
  • Hormonal corrector( normalizes progesterone and estrogen);
  • Immunostaining properties;
  • Lowers cholesterol.

The bovine uterus is used for the preparation of various drugs. For tincture, the plant( 5 large spoons) is mixed with vodka( 0.5 liters) and kept for 3 weeks. A bottle of medicine is shaken 2-3 times a day. Take in dosage - 15 drops before meals( about an hour).

To make a decoction from a plant, you need to pour 4 large spoons of herb into a half-liter of water and boil for about 7 minutes. Then leave the mixture under the lid for another half an hour. Reception is carried out three times a day, the dose is 1 large spoon.

Reviews about therapy folk remedies


When I found polyps, I was frightened, I thought they would delete. Though the doctor only hormonal has appointed or nominated. At me from these tablets such pobochki have begun, that inflow, the head hurts, the wild famine assorts, simply horror. My mother told me that when she was young, her grandmother recounted the recipe with celandine. I prepared an infusion of it and began to be treated. I took the inside of the broth and syringed. I was treated for 2 months, then went to the gynecologist and was pleasantly surprised, because there were no polyps left.


When I found a polyp on the neck, I decided to try to treat him with a hogweed. I heard a lot about this herb good, she works miracles, that's what I believed in a miracle. Has started to drink spirituous infusion of this plant. Then she decided to supplement the treatment with syringing. I do not know if a match or a grass helped, but I got rid of polyps.


The sooner I did not treat my polyps, but I had several of them, 2 on the cervix and 1 in the uterus. What kind of herbs did not drink, than just did not wash, different tinctures accepted, tampons candles did. Nothing helps. While they all did not delete me, I would have been tortured, probably. So without surgery, polyps can not be cured.

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