How to recognize myoma of the uterus by the signs and methods of its treatment

Uterine neoplasms of benign origin are considered quite common in women.
The leading number of cases of this pathology is in myomoneous tumors, which are more often found in patients 30-45 years of age. For this pathology, uncontrolled proliferation of muscle tissues is characteristic, as a result of which one, and more often several nodes of different size, braided by a vascular network are formed.

Causes of the disease

Specialists believe that the main cause of such a hormone-dependent tumor, as fibroids, are violations of the hormonal background of a woman. This factor is considered to be fundamental in the development of myomatous formations.

In a separate etiological group, experts classify factors that contribute to malfunctions and impairments of hormonal status.

Such factors include:

  1. Lack of regularity in sexual life, especially after the onset of 25 years of age. The absence of orgasms leads to stagnant phenomena in the low-tidal organs;
  2. Lack of delivery in a 30-year-old woman;
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  4. Genetic predisposition to myomoneous formations;
  5. Chronic pathologies of the genital area of ​​inflammatory origin such as adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis, adenomyosis, etc.;
  6. Hypodynamic features of a way of life;
  7. Mechanical damages of the uterus, resulting from scraping, gynecological surgery, surgical termination of pregnancy, childbirth with complications, etc.;
  8. Concomitant endocrine pathologies, such as functional disorders of the thyroid gland, diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, and hypertension;
  9. Stress conditions, which have a depressing effect on the adrenal, ovarian and thyroid activity.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids in the early stages of

Usually, the disease begins asymptomatically, however, with the growth of uterine myomatous formation, a characteristic clinical picture appears that is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Uterine bleeding between menstruation, menorrhagia, delayed menstrual and cycle failures. An increase in the volume of menstrual blood indicates worsened contractions in uterine muscle tissue. If the bleeding is of intermenstrual nature, then we are talking about the bleeding of the uterine walls caused by tumor irritation;
  • Pain syndrome. Usually, painful symptoms are localized in the lumbar region and the lower suprapubic part of the abdomen. Pain has a different characteristic, manifested as aching or cramping sensations. Such a sign never appears at the initial stage, so painful feelings indicate the active development of the miomnogo process;
  • Sometimes, in the background of the progression of myoma, the patient develops heart pain , caused by a decreased tone of the heart muscle. Sometimes soreness is accompanied by increased blood pressure. Such violations require mandatory cardiac examination;
  • Infertility;
  • Problems with defecation or urination of due to tumor pressure on intestinal or bladder tissue;
  • If there is a complication in the form of torsion of myoma formation, then necrotic processes begin in the tumor, accompanied by general toxoxic symptoms such as weakness, temperature rise , etc.;
  • If the formation reaches a significant size, in a patient with uterine myoma begins to grow abdomen , and the body weight increases very slightly;
  • Against the background of permanent bleeding , hemoglobin levels decrease and anemia of iron deficiency type develops.

Since myoma does not manifest itself immediately, it is recommended that a gynecological examination be performed annually to prevent the development of a tumor. Then the myoma will be found in the initial stage, which lends itself to conservative methods of therapy.

Forms and their symptoms

Some clinical features depend on a particular type of education.

There are 5 different miomial species:

  1. Subserosal tumor - similar to myoma localized on the outer layer, often has a leg and grows into the low-dose and retroperitoneal space. An increase in the abdomen does not cause such a tumor, but it can be manifested by urinary disorders, constipation, discomfort in the lower half of the abdomen or painful sensations in the suprapubic and lumbar region, hemorrhoids and cramping pains;
  2. Interstitial myomatous form - is formed in the uterine muscular layer, but can grow inside or out of the uterus. It is accompanied by traditional morbidity over the pubis, urinary disorders and constipation, heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding;
  3. Submucosal form of tumor, or submucosa. Such a tumor grows in the uterine cavity, is characterized by rapid development and is characterized by abundant prolonged bleeding between the menstrual period and during them, weakness, infertility, lumbar and abdominal pains;
  4. Neck form of myomoneous tumor - this formation is formed in the uterine neck and is relatively rare. Such a tumor does not cause menstrual failures and disorders, and the main signs of the tumor are traditional pain, problems with reproduction, squeezing nearby structures;
  5. Intraligamentary myomal tumor - is formed in the interconnected space and develops asymptomatically. With progression to large parameters, myoma begins to press on adjacent tissues, provoking constipation and frequent urination.

Manifestations of uterine fibroids

Myomatic symptoms may differ slightly in accordance with certain stages of the patient's life.

With hormonal bursts, the tumor begins to suddenly manifest, causing pain or discomfort. Especially, such changes are felt during the gestation of the child and in the climacteric period.

Miomnoe education, although it is benign, can deliver a lot of trouble to the patient, having a negative impact on its organic structures. In accordance with the nature and manifestations of fibroids, the specialist selects the necessary therapeutic technique, conservative or surgical.

Symptoms in menopause

If the uterine myoma before the menopause is not particularly worried, then during menopause it is quite capable of dissolving. Similar changes are caused by a sharp decrease in the hormonal background. But regression of fibroids is possible only with the normal onset of menopause.

The tumor can grow to a relatively large size, then it will be accompanied by heavy bleeding and severe pain. In this situation, surgical treatment is necessary.

If the myoma develops in parallel with the adenomyosis process, then women often suffer from severe forms of anemia. In addition, with such a combination, the likelihood of malignancy of myoma formation is high.

In pregnancy

Quite often, myomoneous formations begin to develop in pregnant women, which is also associated with changes in the hormonal background.

Not all tumors can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, however, when finding fibroids, strict follow-up of medical recommendations should be strictly followed.

Although myoma is a benign tumor, it can increase the risk of developing various complications such as:

  • Inflammatory process and tenderness that increase the tone of the uterus, and hence the risk of miscarriage;
  • Premature delivery or spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage;
  • Placental abruption, which leads to abnormal fetal development;
  • Hypoxic damage to the fetus.

Therefore, it is extremely important to clearly implement all the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist, if pregnancy was detected myoma.

Usually, when locating nodes far from the placental location of pregnancy disorders is not observed, but if the tumor is formed next to the embryo, then the probability of miscarriage or early delivery is high.

How to identify the disease

An experienced and qualified specialist is easy to identify the uterine fibroids at the first gynecological examination.

To confirm the diagnosis, an additional diagnosis is appointed, such as:

  1. Ultrasound;
  2. Laparoscopic diagnosis;
  3. Hysteroscopy;
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging;
  5. Hysterosalpingography, etc.

Methods of treatment

On the basis of the obtained diagnostic data, the specialist selects the necessary therapy: surgical or medicamentous.

Drug treatment is used with relatively small parameters of myomas neoplasm. Such an approach to tumor therapy allows to preserve the uterine body, which in future gives the woman the opportunity of a happy motherhood.

The patient is prescribed hormonal drugs, as well as drugs for the elimination of myomatous symptoms such as painkillers or relieving muscle tension. Usually the basis of conservative therapy is made by drugs like Gestrinone, Zoradex, Buserelin, etc.

If the formations reach large sizes, then surgical treatment of myoma is used, which can be performed in several ways:

  • Hysterectomy is the most radical method, involving the removal of the uterine body;
  • Laparoscopy is the most popular method, in which removal of nodes is performed through small incisions on the abdominal wall. The operation is organ-preserving, so the patient in the future will be able to conceive and give birth;
  • FUS ablation is a relatively new technique. It consists in ultrasonic evaporation of the formation;
  • Arterial embolization - this intervention involves blockage of the artery feeding the myoma, resulting in the tumor dying off.

Video on the symptoms and treatment of uterine fibroids:

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