Can conjunctivitis be contagious and how to treat the disease?

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1 Kinds of inflammation of the eyes

Physicians distinguish several types of conjunctivitis:

  • ophthalmicosis;
  • viral eye damage;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • is an inflammation of bacterial nature;
  • ophthalmoccidiosis;
  • dystrophic conjunctivitis.

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Each type of inflammation has characteristics and proceeds in different ways. Only a doctor can answer the question, fungal conjunctivitis is contagious or not. It is necessary to be afraid of any form of the disease, which is of an infectious nature. Ophthalmomycosis, or fungal conjunctivitis, is characterized by a prolonged course of the disease and inflammation of the entire mucosa of the eyes. The disease is accompanied by minor purulent discharge. Often patients note the formation of mucous membranes of eyes with greenish or yellowish grains. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of purulent granulomas. When the organs of vision are damaged by fungi of the Candida genus, a plaque is formed on the mucous membrane.

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Viral variety of conjunctivitis is often accompanied by ARVI and such diseases of the upper respiratory tract as pneumonia and tonsillitis. In medical practice, cases predominate when the disease first affects one eye, and the second passes a little later. The virus type of the disease is distinguished by abundant mucus secretion and rapid development of conjunctival hyperemia. Under the hyperemia of the conjunctiva is meant a strong reddening of the mucous membranes.

An allergic variety of conjunctivitis is not of an infectious nature, so it can not be contagious. The disease manifests itself with intense exposure to the organs of vision of an allergen. Most often the reaction in the form of inflammation is manifested in cosmetics, animal hair, a large amount of dust, as well as pollen. Conjunctivitis of the allergic type can be determined by severe redness, increased tear and unpleasant burning of the mucous membranes of the eyeballs.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is infectious, so contact with the patient should be limited. It is strictly forbidden to use one glasses, lenses or touching the area around the eyes of a person suffering from this type of disease. Development of the disease is observed when harmful bacteria enter the protective shell of the eyeball. Most often, the causative agent of the disease becomes gonococcal, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, diphtheria or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Symptoms of conjunctivitis will vary depending on the type of bacteria. Among the common signs of the development of bacterial damage to the organs of vision, one can distinguish compaction or severe edema of the eyelids, the presence of liquid watery or purulent discharge, the formation of a white coating on the mucosa of the eyes.

If infectious conjunctivitis is widespread, then the dystrophic variant of the ailment is characteristic only of employees of industrial enterprises. The disease progresses with constant long-term contact of the eye with harmful gases and vapors of substances.

Ophthalmic chlamydiosis, in turn, is characterized by a strong edema of the eyelids, the release of a large amount of pus from the eyeballs, an increase in parotid glands. In some cases, patients distinguish themselves with a decrease in hearing acuity.

2 Ways to get rid of infection

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of conjunctivitis. Take any measures to get rid of the disease can only after consulting with your doctor. Negligent attitude towards the solution of this issue threatens with serious consequences.

An ophthalmologist will not only determine whether or not conjunctivitis is contagious, but will also make an effective treatment program.


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The first thing an expert should do is to identify the causative agent of the disease. For example, a bacterial type of conjunctivitis can be eliminated only by strong antibiotics. They are available in the form of ointments and drops. If the patient does not hurry up with the reference to the doctor, then in the neglected case prescribe the introduction of injections with medications. One of the often prescribed drugs is the solution of Albucida. Doctors recommend patients to instill in eyes several times a day. No less effective are the drops of Vitabact, Ciprofloxacin, Cyproed. Small patients are prescribed drops of sparing exposure to Tobrex.

To speed up recovery, it is recommended to lay tetracyclin ointment for the time of sleep. To combat viral conjunctivitis, which is very contagious, they practice frequent eyewash and actively use immunostimulating drugs. It is necessary to understand that the means of antibacterial action in this case will not provide the proper result. A good effect in the treatment of the viral type of conjunctivitis is the use of droplets Poludan, Tebrofen, Ophthalmoferon and Florenal. To activate the protective function of the body, doctors prescribe drugs based on interferon.

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In allergic conjunctivitis, it is first necessary to exclude the effect of the stimulus on the patient's vision. To facilitate the patient's condition, eye drops are prescribed:

  • Opatanol;
  • Allergodyl.

In addition to drops, you should take antihistamines, such as Claritin, Zodak or Suprastin.

Modern pharmaceutical companies do not manufacture antifungal eye drops. Such compositions can be made according to an individual prescription in medical institutions. The course of therapy may also include the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Regardless of the degree of severity, any fungal conjunctivitis threatens the patient with a prolonged recovery. On average, infection treatment lasts 4-5 weeks.

3 Traditional methods of therapy

There are methods of getting rid of conjunctivitis, which were used by our grandmothers. They are based on the use of natural means. For example, patients are recommended to buy a camomile and wash their eyes with infusion several times a day. Before use, infusion of chamomile filter. The patient must moisten a piece of sterile cotton wool in the infusion and gently treat the eyes. Doctors recommend moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.

No less effective in treating conjunctivitis has a solution of penicillin. The product is poured with boiled water at room temperature. The composition is thoroughly mixed, after which the eyes are wiped with cotton wool soaked in it. Penicillin infusion is used even when treating young children. The effect of the procedures is noticeable after the first session. To get rid of inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to take a sterile cotton wool before every treatment of the eyes. This will help to avoid the re-spread of the infection.

Inflammation of the eye can help eliminate the decoction of wheat cereals. It is recommended to treat inflamed eyes before and after bed. This tool is applicable for adults and children.

In order to prevent inflammation of the eyeballs, many patients make a strong infusion of a mixture of black and green tea. For every 200 ml of the drug add 1 tbsp.l.dry wine. This means inflamed vision organs are treated up to 3 times a day until complete recovery.

Do not forget that even folk remedies for conjunctivitis can be used only after a conversation with your ophthalmologist. This applies to any form of inflammation, even the most innocuous.

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