Diet with gastroenteritis number 4, the menu of nutrition in adults, what you can eat( eat), how to eat after illness?

If you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with gastroenteritis, the main task is the organization of dietary nutrition. When treating gastrointestinal diseases often only compliance with the diet can restore the damaged functions of the stomach and intestines. Diet with gastroenteritis provides unloading of digestive organs and sparing attitude towards them.

At the onset of the disease requires a complete refusal to eat. Any, even the most dietary food, will even more provoke diarrhea and vomiting, irritating the inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. To prevent further dehydration of the body and clear it of toxins and toxins, it is necessary to drink a large amount of simple still water, which has body temperature.

Warm herbal infusions and teas are permitted, for example, from chamomile. When vomiting is recommended frequent drinking in small sips. Do not drink too cold or hot drinks, this will provoke additional irritation of the mucosa. It is necessary to exclude strong tea and coffee from the menu.

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On the second day, with gastroenteritis, you can eat wheat rusks. Industrial products with additives are better not to eat.

On the third day in the nutrition menu with gastroenteritis, you should include rice porridge. Do not add sugar, milk, butter and dried fruits to it - these products are excluded. Decoction of rice cereals, in addition, is a good remedy for diarrhea.

In the following days, a thin broth of chicken, preferably home-made, is gradually added. You can eat with gastroenteritis baked apples, cooked carrots and potatoes, preferably in the form of mashed potatoes. It is also recommended to mash banana.

New products should be added in small amounts and gradually. If a couple of hours after their use, the manifestations of the disease are not resumed, in the future you can increase the dose.

On the 6th day, the menu of nutrition with gastroenteritis expands due to other cereals, boiled or cooked steamed vegetables and fruits, chicken and lean meat and fish.

When compiling a diet menu for gastroenteritis in adults, you need to change the list of allowed products as the inflammation decreases and the well-being improves.

Diet after gastroenteritis

The diet for gastroenteritis in adults provides gentle nutrition for a long time. Even after alleviating the symptoms, you should not immediately switch to the usual diet. Favorite foods are safer to inject gradually, for a month or two.

For two weeks, the menu excludes:

  • mushrooms and legumes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and products from it;
  • sweets;
  • fatty, fried and smoked dishes;
  • alcohol, coffee, chocolate and cocoa;
  • pickles, spices, spices and preserves;
  • baking, fresh and rye bread.

The most effective for intestinal diseases, including gastroenteritis, is diet number 4. Its main principles are frequent, at least five times a day, fractional food and the rejection of products that irritate the intestines. What can you eat when you follow the diet number 4?

Features of diet No. 4 for gastroenteritis

Diet No. 4 is based on the following nutritional requirements:

  • reduced caloric intake by limiting carbohydrates and fats;
  • limit the use of sugar and salt;
  • eliminates the consumption of too hot, cold, hard, fatty and spicy foods.

During the day, you must drink at least one and a half liters of fluid. The daily caloric content of the diet can reach up to 2000 kcal.

When gastroenteritis is recommended to eat small portions, 5-6 times a day. Food is consumed in cooked( cooked on steamed) and mashed.

During the diet, you must drink light green, herbal and black tea, juices diluted with water, clean water without gas. Freshly squeezed juices, milk, coffee, cocoa and alcohol are forbidden.

Meat and fish products with gastroenteritis are allowed to eat their low-fat varieties, baked or steamed. Dishes are eaten in ragged or liquid form.

Soups are prepared on water or a weak broth.

It is allowed to eat one egg a day in the form of an omelette for steaming or cooked "in a bag".In the raw, fried or hard-boiled eggs are prohibited.

It is allowed to eat dry bread from wheat flour and cookies without adding baking. It is necessary to exclude from your menu pancakes, muffins, rye bread and products with the addition of bran, nuts and seeds. From pasta products you can eat only thin noodles, adding it to broth or soup.

Fresh dairy cottage cheese is allowed from dairy products. It is necessary to forget for a while about cheese, sour cream, kefir, fatty milk. For the preparation of cereals and some dishes it is allowed to add a little milk, yogurt and butter.

Vegetables are eaten only in boiled, baked and wiped form. Mashed potatoes and potatoes are recommended.

Diet No. 4 recommends the use of oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat and rice porridge. Coarser grains( barley, millet and barley) should be excluded from the menu.

It is allowed to enjoy mashed potatoes, kissels and fruit drinks from non-acid fruits and berries. From fresh and dried, as well as from jam and honey will have to be abandoned.

If the diet is not respected, it is possible to resume gastroenteritis, the occurrence of repeated seizures and complications of the disease.

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