Sphincteritis of the rectum-Symptoms and treatment of erosive, catarrhal, anal and ulcerative forms

In the diagnosis of abnormalities of the digestive organs, the leading place is recently occupied by the sphincteritis. It occurs even more often than the known hemorrhoids are known to a large number of people. This disease is characterized by a strong inflammatory process that develops in the lower part of the rectus intestine and anal opening, controlled by the obturator muscle. This almost always leads to very serious complications.

The sphincteritis is epidemiologic in nature, as in all diseases, the development of which can provoke multiple factors, mostly expressed in concomitant diseases:

  • Autoimmune causes and effects of irradiation;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, including malignant neoplasms in the rectum;
  • An unreasonable diet that calls for frequent constipation, leading to damage to the sphincter by caked solid masses of calves;
  • Anal cracks, trauma to the anus, hemorrhoids;
  • Infectious causes.

Also, sphincteritis can develop in the case of technical errors that have arisen after surgery performed on the lower parts of the digestive organs, any chronic disorders of stool and hypothermia.

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To recognize the sphincteritis of the rectum without a special diagnostic study is difficult, because it accompanies nonspecific symptoms. And this often leads to the fact that the time for appropriate treatment, which almost always leads to a patient's recovery, is missed and serious consequences start to develop.

Symptoms of sphincteritis

The first manifestation of the disease, which almost no one pays attention to, short-term pain, which is stitching. Gradually they begin to grow and become aching, localized in the right hypochondrium. After eating, their perceptibility becomes stronger. In the event that the patient did not pay attention to this symptomatology and did not consult a specialist in order to start timely adequate treatment, other signs appear that indicate that the sphincteritis develops:

  • Nausea, almost always ending with vomiting;
  • Bitterness in the mouth, resulting from the ingress of bile into it. Against this background, there is almost always jaundice, which is characterized by itching, which can occur in various parts of the body;
  • Involuntary spasm of the sphincter also indicates the progression of this pathology.

Among the general physiological signs - malaise and weakness with fever, fever, chills. Feces become very light, almost whitish, and urine takes a dark shade. All these alarming symptoms of the rectal sphincteritis should alert the patient and force him to undergo the necessary diagnostic examination to detect a pathology developing in the body.

Diagnosis of rectal sphincteritis

In order to deliver the patient with this diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, one of his complaints about the clinical manifestations of the disease and primary examination by a specialist is not enough, since all the signs are so unspecific that they can indicate the development of any other inflammatory pathology. For a more accurate diagnosis, the following research methods are required:

  • Fibrocolonoscopy;
  • Recto-manoscopy;
  • Anoscopy.

All these instrumental techniques allow a specialist to examine the internal surface of the rectum with the help of special instruments and visually assess their condition. In addition, if a sphincteritis is detected, it is necessary to conduct a microbiological study for dysbacteriosis, and feces for protozoan and helminthic cysts. Only after applying all these techniques can you put an accurate diagnosis, excluding other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Forms of manifestation of sphincteritis

Thanks to these techniques, the specialist has an opportunity to reveal not only the presence of this pathology, but also its variety. Although they occur with a similar symptomatology, getting rid of each of them requires an individual approach.

Catarrhal sphincteritis is the initial stage of a pathology that lasts usually several days. If the diagnosis of the disease is carried out in a timely manner and appropriate treatment is prescribed, then the patient has almost 100% chance of forgetting the unpleasant symptoms of the disease forever. With a visual examination of the rectum during this stage, the specialist sees such changes in the lower part of her mucosa, as a small puffiness and redness, the presence on the walls of mucous serous or purulent exudate. If you do not start immediately treatment of catarrhal sphincteritis, then it quickly takes a chronic course or because of an irritating factor of stool on the mucosa, erosion is formed.

Erosive sphincteritis of the rectum, arising as a complication of the catarrhal form, is characterized by the formation of ulcerative defects on the walls of the lower rectum. This type of disease always proceeds according to the chronic type and differs from the mild form in that the destructive process extends deep into the mucosa. On it at this time there are numerous erosions, gradually transformed into ulcers, which are prone to frequent bleeding during defecation due to friction about their surface stool. The form of the disease that flows through such a type is also called an erosive-ulcerative sphincteritis. Complications in the absence of appropriate treatment may well be peritonitis.

Anal sphincteritis can be called all varieties of the disease. It is characterized by the fact that processes of different degrees of severity are localized in the anus area, not extending to the rectum. Symptomatology is the same as in hemorrhoids, only there are missing nodes from the anus. With this form of pathology, the patient suffers constant unpleasant itching in the anus, as well as severe puffiness and redness.

Any of these varieties of the disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, is able to give quite severe complications, expressed in cicatricial stenosis, as a result of which the patient develops such pathologies as recurrent pancreatitis, cholestatic hepatitis or obstructive jaundice.

Methods for treating sphincteritis

When diagnosing a patient for this disease, specialists recommend using complex therapy, which consists of observing the appropriate diet, taking medications and applying traditional medicine. In the case when the proposed technique does not give positive dynamics, surgical intervention is performed on the lower part of the rectum.

When treating sphincteritis of the rectum in the first place, you need to remove spasms and eliminate the inflammatory process leading to the formation of erosion and ulcerative defects. For this purpose, specialists prescribe antispasmodic and antibacterial drugs, as well as ointments and creams that help reduce pain.

The use of rectal suppositories with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is also recommended. During the treatment of the sphincteritis, the patient's increased attention should be paid to personal hygiene - the washing of the anus must be done not only in the evening, but also in the morning.

Folk methods are used to safely remove symptoms of the disease. Also, many of the recommended herbal remedies effectively reduce the swelling of the lower part of the rectum and the anus, caused by the development of the inflammatory process with sphincteritis. This therapy is carried out with the use of disinfecting sedentary baths, microclysters based on phytospores, as well as rectal tampons and suppositories with medicinal herbs.

This technique is used at home, but only after consulting a specialist and selecting the medicinal plants that are most suitable for the patient on pharmacological actions. The effectiveness and safety of this method of treating sphincteritis has been proven by a multitude of patients.

It should not be forgotten that the use of traditional and traditional medicine in the treatment of this pathology of the lower part of the rectum and anus must be carried out only against the background of a special diet, thanks to which the walls of the digestive organs are most shy. With the development of a disease such as sphincteritis, patients are encouraged to eat vegetable and fruit dishes that have been thermally treated so that coarse plant fibers do not cause additional damage to the inflamed mucosa.

Also in the diet of the patient in need of meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. All served dishes should be cooked on steam or boiled, and the products present in them, are sufficiently crushed. Only a full and balanced diet, containing the necessary complexes of trace elements and vitamins, is able to support the body of the patient, who develops sphincteritis.

Surgical intervention on the rectum may be required only when patients are allowed serious errors in the therapy of this disease and the methods recommended by the specialist do not bring the required result. And in general, with proper treatment and compliance with the prescribed diet, the sphincteritis forecast is favorable and in most cases leads to complete recovery.

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