Xanthoma skin: treatment, removal, causes, prognosis, photo

Xanthoma of the skin, which is a pronounced disorder in the condition of the skin in the form of formation of lipid deposits on its surface, does not lead to the appearance of pain in most cases, only worsening the appearance of the affected areas.

The characteristic symptomatology of this disease can be detected even at the initial stages of development, therefore timely treatment to the doctor with the appearance of even minor negative changes in the skin condition will help in time to identify the xanthoma and begin treatment that will give a positive result as quickly as possible at the beginning of treatment in the earliest stage of the disease.

Features of the problem

The cause of external manifestations lies in the violations of lipid metabolism in the body, which manifests itself as a formation on the surface of the skin of nodules of light yellow hue. Most often such neoplasms are located on the upper eyelid, on the skin of the lower and upper limbs, can be found on the back of the neck.

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In rare cases, xanthoma occurs on the inside of the tendons and the muscle surface, however such cases are rare. And their detection can be difficult because of the absence of pronounced external changes. Morbidity in the formation of xanthoma, the patient, as a rule, does not feel. With the development of xanthoma, there is a violation of fat and lipid metabolism in the body, as a result of which fat deposits with small dimensions are deposited on the surface of the skin.

Xanthoma of the facial skin( photo)

Classification of the skin xanthom

Depending on the location of the lipid deposits, the following varieties of pathology are distinguished:

  • skin lesions of the xanthoma of the skin - this type of disease is most easily and quickly curable, removal of such deposits is easiermainly has no negative health effects;
  • xanthoma, localized on the dura mater of the , in the tendons and on the surface of the muscles. This kind of disease is more difficult and slower to treat, because the deposits are located inside the body and can not always be diagnosed.

Also, the xanth classification is carried out according to the nature of their formation and it looks like this:

  1. Eruptive xanthomas - their characteristic feature is the red color first acquired, which then changes to yellowish. However, even when the color of the neoplasm changes, the characteristic burgundy rim around it remains for a long time. Such lipoid neoplasms usually have a round and hemispherical shape.
  2. Tuberous variety of xanthom - these tumors have a symmetrical arrangement, differ in brown or dark yellow color. They can be large enough and reach a diameter of 2-3 cm. The rim of burgundy color around them persists for a long time.
  3. Flat xanthomas can look like rounded plaques, slightly elevated above the surface of the skin and they are usually located on the hands, on the palms and the back of the hands. Their dimensions can be different - from small( several millimeters in diameter) to several centimeters( 1.5-2 cm).
  4. Xantelasms - a special kind of xanthom, which are located mainly on the skin of the upper eyelids.

Causes of

The formation of lipoid deposits in any part of the body is inextricably linked with certain impairments in lipid metabolism. Changes in the fat balance negatively affect the whole scheme of the functioning of the body, because it is fats( lipids) that are the main source of energy for the body, its base for implementing a variety of reactions in various systems and organs.

Features of the classification of causes of

And the reasons that can cause the deposition of lipids in places uncharacteristic for them, in turn, are classified depending on the mechanism involved. The type of disorders in the body determines the formation of lipid abnormalities, and they are classified as follows:

  • the first type of - in the blood there is an elevated level of triglycerides, lipids and chylomicrons. In the body, lipid deposits are formed mainly on the folding surfaces, on the skin of the buttocks. Most often this type of lesions is detected in childhood, sometimes in adults. The peculiarity is their propensity to spontaneous disappearance when stabilizing the level of triglycerides and chylomicrons in the blood;
  • The second type of is characterized by the presence in the blood of an extremely elevated level of low density lipoproteins and cholestrol. Characteristic is the formation of xanthus on the tendon surface, as well as flat neoplasms of relatively small dimensions( within 2 cm in diameter);
  • with the third type of disorders in lipid metabolism in the body shows an extremely high level of a particular type of lipoproteins( beta-lipoproteins).In the third type, the formation of a large amount of xanthomium on the surface of the palms and the back of the hands and lower limbs is noted, their dimensions can vary significantly - from a few millimeters to 2 centimeters in diameter. Characterized by the most frequent occurrence in persons over 30 years of age, rarely tendon and eruptive species are observed xanthom;
  • for the fourth type of disorders of lipid metabolism is characterized by a high level of triglycerides with a normal cholesterol index in the blood. The frequent age of diagnosing this species by xanth is 30-40 years;
  • The fifth type of is a cluster of low density lipids with a high content of chylomicrons in the patient's blood. In the fifth type of lipid metabolism disorders, the formation of numerous tumors that are located mainly on the skin of the limbs and eyelids, the diagnosis of heart disease, and the pronounced deterioration of the coronary artery condition

are noted. The listed variants of the causes most often provoke excessive secretion of lipids by the body, which are diagnosed as benign neoplasmsskin.

The main provoking factors

To provoking factors of development of xanthus on the surface of the skin, such parallel organic lesions as diabetes mellitus and cirrhosis of the liver should be attributed. They are able to cause a pronounced disturbance of the metabolic process in the body with a failure of lipid metabolism. As a result, there is a much more active release of fats, which form tumors on the skin.

Symptoms in children and adults

The manifestations of xanthogenesis in childhood and in adults may vary slightly. However, the most common manifestations of this pathological condition of the upper layer of the epidermis can be called:

  1. In children, - the surface of the skin becomes thinner, it forms different sizes of clots of lipids. Such neoplasms can have a light yellow and a rich yellow color, with pressure do not cause severe soreness. Children often do not pay attention to such a neoplasm, since they practically do not bother them. Most often, xanthomas are formed in the extensor surfaces, on the abdomen and the back of the neck. Also, a few rashes are diagnosed on the palms.
  2. Adult also has some thinning of the skin in the areas of formation of lipoid neoplasms. On the upper eyelids, in the folds and on the extensor surfaces. Often found eruptions of lipoid character on the palms and the back of the hands.

Some patients reported itching. Symptomatic of this skin disease is quite typical, timely diagnosis allows you to see a doctor for appropriate treatment.


Methods of diagnosis and detection of xanthus are combined in the form of external examination of the skin with neoplasms and laboratory tests of blood samples. With their help you can get about the quality and speed of lipid metabolism in the body, establish the type of lesion and choose the most effective method of therapeutic effect.

Xanthoma under the eye


The treatment technique is determined by the diagnosis and the causes that led to disturbances in the lipid metabolism. The most effective is the complex approach, which combines the intake of certain medications that reduce the level of education in the body of lipids, therapeutic methods based on a specially selected diet, and, if necessary, surgical intervention to remove tumors.

Therapeutic method

The therapeutic methods of action for the detection of xanthomas include a low-lipid diet, in which foods rich in fats and calories are excluded from the daily diet. This allows us to normalize the processes of fat metabolism, thereby often eliminating the appearance of such violations.

By medicamentous method

To drugs that successfully reduce the level of lipids in the body and in the blood, include such as atorvastatin and antiserblerotic servastine. In the detection of concomitantly current diseases that reduce the rate of lipid metabolism( for example, diabetes, cirrhosis), a cure for these diseases is performed.

Surgery or other type of intervention

After elimination of the underlying cause of the disease, surgical intervention may be required that will eliminate obvious manifestations of cosmetic problems on the skin. Often, external manifestations in the form of a lipoid malignancy disappear on their own when the cause is eliminated.

Otherwise, they are removed surgically( moxibustion, removal of nitrogen).

Treatment with folk remedies

As supportive therapy, folk medicine can be used that will stimulate the level of immunity, speed up the healing process.

  • These include tinctures and broths of herbs with immunostimulating qualities( for example, tincture of Echinacea and ginseng), as well as collections of medicinal plants that will help to eliminate the residual manifestations of the disease - collections from camomile chamomile, eucalyptus bark, birch buds: they perfectly clean the body,eliminating the slag and decay products of medicines.
  • Broths of chamomile, peppermint, oak bark can be used to wet the surface of the skin, which allows to restore the normal microflora on it and to remove excessive dryness after the treatment.

Prevention of

  • As a prevention of xanthoma education, balanced nutrition should be considered, in the daily menu, avoid excessively greasy foods and meals.
  • It is also recommended to timely cure all diseases that can negatively affect the metabolism of fats in the body.
  • Regular examination with a doctor will allow timely detection of any abnormalities in the body and start appropriate treatment.

Complications of

Complications include deterioration of the appearance of the skin, as well as significant negative changes in lipid metabolism in the body.


The recovery of the patient is usually 95-98% of cases, but the disease is most easily treated in the initial form of its development.

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