Viral angina in children: symptoms, treatment, photo, diagnosis and therapy

Viral tonsillitis in children affects the palatine tonsils. Most often, the development occurs against the background of an infectious infection, then more often doctors talk about a disease that has a pattern similar to that of a sore throat, but has other causes.

Viral angina in children

Today this diagnosis is common. It leads to inflammation of the tonsils, lymphoid ring. In children, most often the disease appears in the cold season.

More often this form occurs in children under three years old, but is most dangerous for toddlers who do not yet have a year.

The viral nature of an inflammatory disease caused by a virus refers to atypical forms. True, however, necessarily have a bacterial character.

Provoking Factors, Types of

Most commonly, the disease causes:

  • adenovirus,
  • rhinovirus,
  • herpes,
  • parainfluenza,
  • enterovirus.

A number of other factors play a significant role in the development, for example, the psychoemotional state, the features of the immune system. Determine the specificity of the work of the organism is very important, since the approaches to treatment caused by microbes are significantly different. With viral angina, the emphasis is on improving immunity.

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Sometimes leads to the formation of the disease Coxsackie virus. When the agent hits the mucous membrane, characteristic rashes appear that resemble herpes. Such a variety is called vesicular.

Doctor Komarovsky tells about dangerous manifestations of sore throat:

Causes of the disease

Viral epidemics are especially popular in the off-season, when the natural protective forces are influenced by various external factors. The virus penetrates into weak cells and multiplies in them. They can be transmitted by contact, household and any other means. The main cause of sore throat is contact with the carrier of infection on the background of weakened immunity.

For exogenous reasons is:

  • seasonal immunity decrease,
  • monotonous nutrition,
  • lack of sanitation,
  • hypothermia,
  • a sharp change of climate.

Symptoms and signs

Classical symptoms are the same as for bacterial forms of the disease. These include:

  • fever,
  • aches,
  • headache,
  • decreased appetite,
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

After a few days, other signs are added to these manifestations, for example, sore throat, hoarseness, runny nose. The main difference is the appearance of small papules on the tonsils.

What distinguishes viral angina from bacterial


When calling a doctor, you need to talk about how sharply the temperature has risen in a child, whether he can eat and drink peacefully. It is important to list all the symptoms and the period of their occurrence.

It is not necessary to deceive the doctor and raise the temperature, in this case, a completely different treatment can be prescribed. The doctor will look at his throat. If the tonsils are enlarged, but not covered by a touch, the doctor will diagnose a viral sore throat.

In the presence of abscesses or plaque, it is a disease caused by bacteria.

For diagnostics a number of techniques are used:

  • Pharyngoscopy. Listening to the rhythm of the heart and the respiratory system.
  • Palpation of the lymph nodes. With angina, they are often enlarged.
  • Blood test. Will show the presence of leukocytosis.
  • A smear from the throat that detects the pathogen.
  • Serological diagnosis aimed at detecting the presence or absence of antibodies.

On the photo throat with viral sore


Many parents, trying to promptly cure viral sore throat, prescribe antibiotics to their children. Such drugs are ineffective. Be sure to observe the bed rest for the first 3-4 days of the disease. It is necessary not to be surrounded by other people, because the probability of infection is high.

At the time of treatment it is recommended to adhere to a diet with the predominant use of semi-liquid and liquid dishes. In order not to cause even more irritation in the throat, it is necessary to exclude pickled, salty, spicy dishes.

Features of treatment of angina in children:


When the temperature rises to high marks, antipyretic drugs are used. The fastest way to achieve the desired effect will help candles, potions. Do not give aspirin to children. Give preference to ibuprofen and paracetamol. They are based on nurofen, ibufen, and ibuklin.

In addition, immunostimulants are prescribed, which enhance the activity of immunity and increase the likelihood of rapid recovery. Before use, be sure to read the contraindications.

For topical use, rinse with soda, furacilin, chamomile. You can use sprays Tantum Verde, Ingalipt and Miramistin. When choosing the right one, the presence of contra-indications and limitations is always taken into account.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of viral sore throat is used a medicinal collection consisting of one part of lime and the same amount of chamomile.10 gr.collection is poured with boiling water and insists for 25 minutes. Then a warm solution needs to rinse your throat as often as possible.

For rinsing you can use calendula, sage, eucalyptus. A proven folk method is warm milk with the addition of honey and butter. Such a solution softens the mucous membrane, which helps to reduce pain.

How to treat sore throats with folk remedies, see in our video:


It includes a whole range of different activities:

  • Treatment of tonsils using anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Cleansing the tonsils.
  • Use of different methods of action for accelerated tissue healing.

A popular method is UHF.During the procedure, edema is removed around the tonsils and lymph nodes. But the very place where the inflammatory focus is located, heating procedures can not be used.

Ultrasound helps to relieve inflammation and has an analgesic effect. As a monotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation is used. It leads to the death of pathogenic microflora.

Another popular method is laser therapy, which can eliminate swelling and sanation. Treatment is possible at any age.

Possible complications than dangerous disease

If a viral sore throat is launched, then complications that arise will be more difficult to cope with. One of them is the development of chronic form. It will appear even at the slightest hypothermia of the feet. Another complication is the inflammation of the middle ear, leading to severe pain, and in children to a partial loss of auditory function.

Prevention of sore throat

Prophylaxis and prognosis

Prognosis for competent treatment is good. To recover proceeded at an accelerated pace, you need to refrain from physical exertion and vaccination during a month. Sometimes doctors suggest removing tonsils to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

The preventive measures include:

  • Strengthening the protective properties of the body.
  • Prohibition of drinking too cold beverages.
  • Carrying out a wet cleaning every day.
  • Frequent ventilation of the room.
  • Creation of a suitable microclimate.

Prevention allows not only to reduce the risk of viral sore throat, but also reduce the likelihood of other inflammatory diseases.

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