What is acute rhinosinusitis and how to treat this disease?

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1 Symptomatic pathology

Acute rhinosinusitis in its development is manifested by such symptoms as a stuffy nose, discharge of pus and mucus from the nose, headache, fever. In addition, the patient is concerned about pain in the forehead and can be diagnosed with one or both sides of the head puffiness of the face in the area of ​​inflammation. The person's sense of smell is reduced, the voice becomes nasal, that is, the person speaks in the nose, and also worries about the cough that occurs during the night, during the rest period.

But these are common symptoms. Physicians for each of the forms of acute rhinosinusitis determine their symptoms. Due to the fact that the symptoms vary, and the treatment will be selected corresponding:

  1. Acute antritis when the maxillary sinuses are inflamed. The patient is diagnosed with such signs of the disease as pain and a feeling of heaviness in the cheek area, which are amplified when the head is tilted.
  2. In acute form, when there is inflammation of the frontal sinuses, the pain and heaviness in the forehead are diagnosed, which are intensified when the head is tilted.
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  3. Etomoiditis, that is inflammation of the sinus sinus. The voice will acquire a nasal hue, becoming hoarse.
  4. In inflammation of the sphenoid sinuses, acute rhinosinusitis has such a characteristic symptom as a constant, dull headache.

2 Stages of

disease The physicians distinguish 2 stages of the disease course:

  1. Acute catarrhal rhinosinusitis, when in the presence of a rhinitis the inflammatory process passes to the paranasal sinuses. This occurs on day 2-3 and leads to edema of the latter. According to its clinical form, catarrhal rhinosinusitis practically does not differ from the usual common cold: the same congestion of the nose and discharge from it in the form of mucus, puffiness and a certain severity in the face and nose. In the absence of treatment, the disease will develop into a second stage.
  2. Acute purulent rhinosinusitis. There is an inflammatory process that occurs in the sinuses. There is edema of the mucosa in the region of the anastomies, the holes that connect the cavities of the sinuses and nose. The process is caused by the negative action of bacteria. If there is acute purulent rhinosinusitis, pus accumulates in the sinuses, the general condition, the patient's condition worsens, the body temperature rises, and headaches are aggravated.

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3 Causes of the disease in adults and children

Speaking about the fact that acute purulent rhinosinusitis or its catarrhal form in children and adults can occur, in this case it is worth highlight the following main points.

Acute rhinosinusitis occurs, usually after an acute respiratory viral infection, caused by bacteria. And predisposing factors in this case may be anatomical features of the structure of the nose, which do not allow free cleaning of its sinuses: curvature, narrow strokes, and so on.

In addition, to provoke such a form of rhinosinusitis may weakened immunity and chronic diseases, allergies, and an unsuccessfully performed dental procedure( removal, treatment of the tooth and jaw).Along with this, rhinosinusitis in children can occur after entering into the nose of foreign bodies injuring it, as well as after the child's infections typical of the adolescent period: chicken pox, smallpox and scarlet fever.

4 Means for treating a child

When talking about how to treat this disease in a child, doctors often prescribe:

  1. Vasodilating drops and sprays containing phenylephrine and antibiotics. Separately shown antibiotics, having systemic action, from the penicillin group.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin and paracetamol.
  3. Mucolytics that dilute and remove mucus from the nasal sinuses: ATSTS and Mukaltin, infusion of thyme to wash the nasal sinuses and inhalations.
  4. Herbal medicines help effectively treat acute rhinosinusitis in children.


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5 Acute form therapy in an adult

In this case, the treatment may be different, it all depends on the severity of the course of the disease, its stage and general indications of physicians. In this case, talking about how to treat the disease, you can come to the conclusion that the whole process can be medicated, unconventional or surgical.

Drug treatment involves the use of vasoconstrictive drops and sprays in the nose, which will remove puffiness, helping to remove pus and mucus, to allow full breathing. In this case, as in the case of children, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds are shown in the early stages of the course of the disease. If the situation worsens, steroid drugs and drugs are taken that contain antibiotics. Mucolytics are also shown - they are the ones that dilute mucus, promoting its quick and easy elimination.

It is also possible for such a disease as rhinosinusitis, treatment without the use of medications. It provides for punctures of the embedded sinuses: under local anesthesia, a puncture of the wall with a thin needle is made, and so the sinus is freed from the mucus. After that, it is washed with antiseptic drugs, eventually getting a quick excretion of pus, improving the overall condition of the patient. The only drawbacks in this case can be called the fact that you can only get to the sinus located in the upper part of the jaw. With an anatomical curvature, this method is prohibited. Many believe that a puncture can cause a sharp purulent rhinosinusitis to develop into a chronic form, into a sinusitis, when punctures will be done frequently and will be the only way to cleanse the sinuses. It's a delusion. It is such a surgical intervention in many cases allows you to do without antibiotics, for example, if a woman is pregnant or has an allergy to a particular drug.

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You can wash with saline solution of nasal sinuses. This method can be used as an agent for the treatment of rhinosinusitis at home or in a hospital. In this case, you can use different devices or simple syringes at home, and when using the procedure in a medical institution, use a method called Cuckoo. When applying this method, a physician is poured into one nostril with a physiological solution, and the other is pumped out through a pump. A person at the same time should make such sounds as "ku-ku", so that medicines do not get into your mouth and throat.

Possible application during the treatment of the YAMIK catheter. In this case, a catheter is inserted into the nose of the patient, which is inflated with 2 balloons in the nasopharynx and in the nostril. When the nasal cavity is closed, pus and mucus are drawn through the discharge channel using a syringe, then injected into the cleared nostril drug. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is not possible to withdraw all pus and mucus at a time, therefore it will be necessary to conduct several sessions.

Physiotherapy is usually prescribed to fix the positive dynamics obtained at the stage of recovery. Deep surgical intervention( not puncture) is an extreme method. It is indicated only in the diagnosis of ophthalmic or intracranial complications, which rhinosinusitis can give.

6 Folk methods

The arsenal of folk remedies, of course, is not a panacea in the treatment of rhinosinusitis, but it's exactly what they can do to help a speedy recovery. The people know that the most effective treatment for treatment is salt heating, inhalation and instillation of drops from herbal medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus and marigold.

All these methods in any case should be agreed with the doctors. Only after this, you can proceed to the very process of treatment.

Speaking about folk recipes for the treatment of rhinosinusitis, several basic, natural and time-tested ones can be distinguished.

Boiled potatoes perfectly help to clear the airways. It is enough to boil potatoes in a uniform, stretch them and breathe over the received mass while it is still hot.

A solution of water, iodine and manganese also works well. In 1 tbsp. Warm water is worth adding 3 drops of iodine and the same amount of potassium permanganate. You need to mix everything and get the nasal passages from the obtained composition.

You can take one rhizome root of radish and finely grate it. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. To wash the nasal sinuses and strokes it is enough to drip 3-4 drops into each nostril.

Sea salt and tincture of iodine also help. At 1 tbsp.water, boiled and warm, take 5 drops of tincture of iodine and 1 tsp.salt. All is mixed until the salt dissolves completely, and is drawn in by one nostril, releasing through the mouth.

You can take 1 onion head medium size, finely chop to the state of gruel, pour 1 tbsp.boiling water and allow to cool, insisting. After the water has cooled down, add 1 tbsp.l.honey and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Then you need to strain the remedy and rinse with such infusion nasal passages.

The choice of folk remedies, as well as the means of traditional medicine, must be determined by a correctly diagnosed diagnosis.

7 Useful advices

Remember that rhinosinusitis is a dangerous disease, which in the most severe cases can lead to death. To avoid this, follow the simple rules that help prevent infection. Be healthy!

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