Types and types of acne: juvenile, in adults, children

Peculiarities of classification of acne are the attribution of their properties and characteristics to certain groups in which the most important parameters are the degree of skin lesions at the site of acne, the duration of its development and maturation, the presence of content inside the pimple. It is acne that is the most common skin problem, and this dermatological lesion is better curable if the therapeutic effect was initiated at an early stage of the development of this skin defect.

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, first of all, the root cause of the acne should be established, because it depends on what caused this type of neoplasm, the method of treatment effect, duration, and the number of medications used depends to a large extent. To find out the reason for the formation of acne, a diagnosis is made, which is appointed by the attending physician-dermatologist, and when studying acne it is referred to a certain variety, which already implies the choice of a certain method of therapeutic effect.

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Specificity of classification

The basis of the generally accepted classification of acne is the division of them according to the age category of the patient, by the nature of their appearance and location of localization. The most common division of this cosmetic skin defect on the basis of finding a patient in a certain age category. There is a division of acne into types and such:

  • white acne,
  • blackhead,
  • papule,
  • pustule,
  • node,
  • cyst.

There is another classification of acne on:

  • comedones, which are divided into:
    • closed,
    • open,
  • inflamed acne:
    • papule,
    • pustule.

However, for greater convenience and quick selection of the treatment effect, a classification based on the acne subdivision by the type of action on the epidermis( mechanical causes, infections and viruses) is also applied. This classification allows you to consider the resulting pimples of a different nature and species, choose the most effective treatment regimen for both eliminating the symptoms of this unpleasant skin lesion, and the cause that caused their appearance.

What are the pimples, the video below will tell the video below:

The division of acne into species by age of the person

The appearance of pimples and deep boils( a kind of acne that have a deeper penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis and more difficult to cure) is influenced by a variety of factors. The most important are the functioning of the hormonal system, which determines how the mechanism of the appearance of such new growths on the skin, and the depth of their penetration into the skin, as well as the ease or complexity of the cure.

And the age index is decisive in the division of acne into categories, because at certain points in life( child age, adolescence and adulthood), the degree of intensity and quality of the hormonal system changes significantly, which affects primarily the condition of the skin.

Depending on the age of the pimples are divided:

  • children , characteristic for children aged from the period of newborns and until reaching 10-14 years;
  • adolescent , which are noted during puberty;
  • adults - are noted in adults with a stabilized rate of hormonal system work.

Each type of acne at different ages has both its causes and methods of exposure, which help to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Types and types of acne on the body( photo)


  • Acne originating in newborns is most often triggered by maternal hormones that affect the baby, from being in the mother's womb and ending with the period of breastfeeding. At birth, the skin of the baby is particularly sensitive, its condition directly depends on the health of the mother and what hormones are contained in her blood. To stabilize the skin, it is usually enough to normalize the metabolic processes of the mother, because through breast milk, the newborn receives information about the work of the hormonal system.
  • Children's acne at a later age , when the newborn period ends and up to the age of 10-14 years, can be caused by improper operation of their gastrointestinal tract, a hereditary factor in the problem skin of parents( if such skin is detected in one parent, then the probability of transmissionthis problem will be less expressed to the child than if the problem skin is present in both parents).Also, acne in children arise from improper feeding with an overabundance of fatty and fried foods: the gastrointestinal tract in children is very susceptible to malnutrition, reacts to such errors in nutrition, primarily the skin, and it manifests itself in the appearance of rashes, acne and even boils on it.

Most often, such negative changes on the skin occur in the presence of insufficient hygiene of the baby, in case of malfunctions in the hormonal system of the mother in case of breastfeeding, with malnutrition. Characterized by such pimples are usually not too deep in the upper layer of the epidermis, a rare presence of purulent contents in the pustules.

Doctor Komarovsky in this video will tell about acne in children:


During the puberty there is a serious hormonal alteration of the body, the hormonal system begins to work differently, and this change finds a response in the form of greater and more active production of hormones responsible for sexualmaturation of man. Appearing at the age of 12-17 years, acne on the skin of the face and body during this period refer to adolescent pimples, which usually reach the age of 18-20 on their own.

However, even adolescent acne requires some care, so as not to become a chronic phenomenon. Important components in caring for problem areas of the skin with the appearance of adolescent acne should be the following points:

  • thorough personal hygiene, which should be done regularly - in the morning and in the evening, if necessary, in the daytime. Used for washing and washing the skin are special gels and soaps that purify and disinfect the skin, eliminating excess sebum and stabilizing its pH level;
  • regular moisturizing of the skin, allowing to maintain the elasticity of the epidermis and the prevention of the possibility of cracks in the skin;
  • use of disinfectant medications that do not allow the inflammatory process to spread if it is available.

Good results with the abundant appearance of adolescent acne gives the use of antibacterial drugs that reduce the degree of susceptibility to infections when they get on the skin. An integrated approach in the treatment of juvenile acne helps to quickly eliminate external manifestations and prevent their recurrence.

In adults

With the appearance of acne in adults, you can talk about hormonal disorders, unbalanced diet, the use of certain medications that are poorly perceived by the body, as well as allergic reactions( to household dust or chemistry, animal hair or pollen of flowering plants).

Acne in adults is found in less than 5% of the population, their cure depends on the timeliness of eliminating the causes that caused them. The presence of certain concomitant diseases can also lead to the appearance of acne, therefore, first of all, eliminate the causes and diseases that are supposedly the starting point for the appearance of acne on the face or body skin.

The procedure for the treatment of acne in adults is similar to the system of therapeutic effect in eliminating adolescent acne. First of all, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly clean the affected areas of the skin, eliminating inflammation with the use of disinfectant and antibacterial drugs. Drying agents also help a lot, especially if there are deep or purulent pimples.

Changing the diet with the complete elimination of bad habits in the form of smoking, the abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs, the inclusion in the daily diet of more greenery and lactic acid products, as well as a sauna or bath, will sooner eliminate the inflammation of the skin, pimples. An integrated approach will restore the healthy appearance of the skin in the shortest possible time, preserve its health. However, the most important moment in the treatment of this pathological condition of the skin should be called the diagnosis of the upper layer of the epidermis and the control of treatment by a dermatologist to prevent a possible exacerbation of the disease.

External effects of

In addition to those listed, the appearance of acne on the skin can be influenced by factors such as mechanical effects and exogenous causes. Symptoms in general are similar in such acne, but due to the fact that a complete cure will occur only if the root cause of this condition is eliminated, it is necessary to refer the emerging acne to a certain category, which provides for the separation of such neoplasms from the point of view of external factors.


Exogenous factors include:

  • inferior quality cosmetics, both decorative and hygienic products;
  • exposure to sunlight, which can be perceived as a provoking factor with increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • exposure to temperatures - usually high external temperatures cause more active sebum separation, which can cause rapid blockage of the pores and subsequent formation of sebaceous acne, which causes the appearance of acne. At low temperatures, in some cases, characteristic urticaria can occur, which is accompanied by the appearance of pimples on the skin;
  • contact with toxic substances - household chemicals, medications can cause an allergic reaction, accompanied by the appearance of acne on the skin.

In all these cases, to treat rashes, you should determine the cause that caused their appearance, and eliminate it.


There are not many such reasons that can cause skin rashes to appear on the skin. This is a prolonged friction of the skin with tight clothing, as well as accessories that cause clogging of the mouths of the pores. With clogged pores, the removal of toxins and sebum from the skin deteriorates, which leads to the formation of acne.

Change of clothes and control of fit to the skin of accessories will avoid such rashes and maintain skin health.

Acne in adults - topic video below:

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