Atrophic colitis of the intestine is chronic, subatrophic, diffuse type - symptoms, treatment, diet, how to treat?

When atrophic colitis is diagnosed, it means that the inflammatory process that occurs inside the large intestine has led to a thinning of the mucous membrane of the hollow organ. This happens when the pathology lasts a long time, the disease has already passed to the chronic stage, and the chosen therapy does not yield any results. As a result, dystrophic changes develop in the intestine, they affect the connective-muscular apparatus, so the peristalsis decreases, the large intestine narrows, the lumen of the hollow organ decreases. All this leads to a worsening of the work of the described organ, to disorders of the functions of the large intestine.

In approximately 30% of cases, chronic atrophic colitis is a complication of intestinal infections. The disease can also provoke long-term antibiotic therapy, malnutrition, alcohol poisoning, sedentary lifestyle. In fact, factors that can lead to the development of this disease are many, it has symptoms similar to manifestations of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore only an experienced physician can recognize pathology. What should make each of us turn to him for help?- the following characteristic features.

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Symptoms of atrophic colitis

A story about how to treat atrophic colitis should precede an overview of the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Their manifestations are associated with three stages of pathology.

  • The first stage is mild, characterized by minor disorders and weight loss( approximately 5-7 kg).The patient is diagnosed with subatrophic colitis in this case. Atrophy of the muscular apparatus is poorly expressed, in order to restore the functions of the large intestine, a properly selected diet helps.
  • The second stage - the average severity, is characterized by a tangible loss in weight, the patient develops hypovitaminosis and anemia.
  • The third stage is severe( diffuse atrophic colitis), characterized by very severe intestinal disorders, the presence of malabsorption syndrome, the inflammatory process begins to affect other nearby organs, treatment is often associated with resection of the entire large intestine.

Note that chronic atrophic colitis of the intestine can occur in the acute phase, then other characteristic symptoms appear. These are:

  1. Stool disorders.
  2. Acute cutting pain that forms in different parts of the abdomen.
  3. Painful tenesmus.
  4. Severe flatulence.
  5. Dyspeptic disorders.

When the inflammation is localized in the right part of the colon, the patient has diarrhea, the urge to defecate occurs up to 20 times a day, but some of these desires are false. Instead of feces, gas comes out with great force, and along with it, mucus emits through the anus with blood veins. Due to the stagnation of stool, nausea occurs, the symptoms are supplemented by general malaise, severe weakness, decreased ability to work. When the inflammation spreads throughout the large intestine, a diffuse atrophic colitis is diagnosed. This stage of the disease doctors are called precancerous condition. Developing diffuse colitis very quickly, so it is so important to begin treatment as early as possible, with the appearance of the first signs of the described disease. If you find any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a proctologist or gastroenterologist.

Differential diagnosis of atrophic colitis

Today from chronic atrophic colitis can be recovered. But in order to decide what to treat such a pathology, it is necessary to identify the cause, and already from it to build on the choice of strategy. Modern diagnostic tests are able to help in a detailed question. A competent doctor not only carefully collects an anamnesis of the disease, he will certainly carry out differential diagnostics. What does it consist of?

  • First, the patient is assigned a coprologic examination of feces. It makes it possible to evaluate the composition of mucus and to reveal the presence of leukocytes in it. Their presence confirms the correctness of the diagnosis.
  • Irrigrography is then carried out - a radiographic study using a colorant. It helps to assess how far atrophic processes have gone.
  • The final stage is sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. With the help of the first procedure, the proctologist can visually assess the condition of the rectum, and identify changes that can provoke subatrophic colitis, the second procedure gives the opportunity to look into the furthest parts of the colon.

How is atrophic colitis treated?

As mentioned above, atrophic colitis can be very dangerous, treatment is always complex. Before answering the question, how to treat inflammation, it is important to find out what caused the inflammation of the mucous walls.

If the cause is a nervous breakdown or severe stress, the doctor should send the patient to a therapist. If the inflammation was triggered by a prolonged intake of antibiotics, drugs must be eliminated or replaced with traditional medicine. When the described disease is a consequence of malnutrition, the patient is prescribed a medical diet. It is based on several postulates.

First, the diet is completely changing, there are now, six times a day, in small portions. The food is balanced, the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is reduced to the formula 1x1x4.

Secondly, the food will need to be properly cooked: vegetables, meat, other solid foods should be eaten as a puree. It is important to exclude from the diet fried, salted, sour, spicy, hot, very cold. An approximate diet plan for atrophic colitis for the entire course of therapy allows you to see table number 4.Individual changes to the already created menu are entered after the appointment of a doctor.

Please note! A special diet is used to treat any stage of the disease.

If the disease becomes acute, the patient may be hospitalized. In this case, therapy is also directed to the elimination of painful symptoms, including.

For the removal of inflammation, for example, drugs from the series of sulfonamides are prescribed. Pain removes antispasmodics. Diarrhea is eliminated with astringent tablets, constipation - laxatives. Medical treatment of atrophic colitis is aimed at restoring the functions of the large intestine: its ligamentous-muscular apparatus and mucous membrane of the hollow organ.

Physiotherapy and traditional medicine help accelerate recovery processes. Knowing how to treat atrophic colitis, many will be able to understand that independent actions in this case are unacceptable. Wrong therapy can not stop the progress of the disease, resulting in dangerous complications.

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