Folk remedies for diaper rash: in newborns, in children, in adults

The appearance of diaper rash is usually associated with the location of skin folds near each other, the absence in such places of sufficient ventilation and increased humidity. Treatment of diaper rash is associated with the restoration of microflora in the areas of skin folds, improving the skin condition. The methods of treatment can vary significantly, however, the methods of traditional medicine perfectly cope with the manifestation of diaper rash, the removal of high humidity in the places of their formation and at the same time are characterized by a minimal number of possible side effects.

Thanks to the variety of methods of influence, folk medicine takes into account both the general condition of the skin, the specificity of the formation of diaper rash, and provides the best conditions for their prompt elimination. Depending on the location of places with diaper rash may be somewhat different and the method of treatment. Easily accessible spaces on the body can be exposed to frequent rinsing with selected remedies and ointments, and more difficult places( for example, under the female breast, inguinal folds, axillary areas) should be treated with specific efforts and special manipulations.

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Basic rules for the use of such tools

Because the diaper rash is accompanied by such unpleasant manifestations as the itching of the damaged skin, its probable soreness, the appearance on it of places with shallow, superficial cracks, it is easy enough to detect diaper rash. The earlier the therapeutic effect is initiated, the sooner the effects of diaper rash will be eliminated, the normal healthy kind of skin is returned.

If there is insufficient attention to the skin condition, the probability of entering a secondary infection into the injury sites is great, which, with its active reproduction, manifests itself in the form of numerous purulent eruptions. Such abscesses are detected when the diaper rash is running. Treatment in this case will be possible if there is a parallel effect on pyogenic infection.

The rules for the application of folk medicine are as follows:

  1. Mandatory personal hygiene , which provides for regular washing of places in which intertrigos formed, disinfection of existing abrasions and cracks on the skin, and drying of damp skin.
  2. The use of neutral detergents , which will not overdry the skin, which has become particularly sensitive and thin at places of diaper rash.
  3. In parallel with the use of diaper rash preparations, use means that increase the level of immunity of , facilitating the regeneration of damaged areas. This will cope with both excessive moisturizing of the skin during the formation of diaper rash with insufficient ventilation, and prevent the attachment of other infectious processes.

The listed recommendations are simple in execution, and at the same time their high effectiveness in parallel use with the means that eliminate the very manifestations of skin diarrhea, will allow to correct in the shortest possible time with unpleasant manifestations and preserve the health of the skin.

Treatment at home

The use of medications in the detection of diaper rash can lead to some negative manifestations, which significantly worsen the general condition of the skin. This is especially true with increased sensitivity of the skin, its tendency to manifest allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of methods of traditional medicine will allow and maintain skin health, and not cause negative consequences during the treatment.

The application of traditional medicine at home is quite feasible, since most of them do not require special conditions for medical treatment and procedures, this requires mainly drugs and drugs, which are mostly available and widely available.

Given the advantages of such time-tested methods, it is possible not only to eliminate manifestations of diaper rash, but also to reduce the risk of relapse, and to improve the general condition of the skin. However, it should be remembered that the methods of application of folk methods can be slightly different when used for adults and children, especially in the early childhood and neonatal period, when the skin is more sensitive and sensitive to external influences. The main differences in the treatment of children and adults are the dosage and concentration of the drugs used, the duration of their use.

Dr. Komarovsky in this video tells how to treat diaper rash in a child at home:

Folk remedies for diaper rash

There are a number of folk medicine methods that help to cope with the manifestations of diaper rash. The use of natural natural components, which practically do not have any side effects when used, makes it possible to eliminate external manifestations of diaper rash as soon as possible and reduce the risk of purulent infection.

The most effective tools include the following:

  • decoction of oak bark, which quickly and easily removes inflammation, eliminates excessive skin moisture. When using such a decoction, rapid removal of inflammation, elimination of signs of degenerative processes is achieved. Preparation of the broth requires 0.5 liters of water, which is added to 2 tablespoons of chopped oak bark. After boiling it, the broth should be infused for 40 minutes with the lid closed. After this, strain, and the resulting liquid to wash the sites of inflammation and localization of diaper rash;
  • decoction or infusion of leaves and eucalyptus bark has a pronounced disinfecting effect, removing signs of inflammation, eliminating the symptoms of waterlogging the skin. Preparation of decoction and infusion also does not require special efforts: boiled water( half-liter) is added crushed bark or eucalyptus leaves, boiled for 15 minutes, after which the broth is infused for 30-40 minutes and filtered. The broth is used for washing the places of diaper rash;
  • broth chamomile, which is used in the same way as a decoction of oak bark: for 0.5 liters of boiling water 2-3 tablespoons of dry or fresh chamomile flowers are added. After boiling for 10 minutes, the broth is infused, after which it is filtered and used as compresses on the inflamed skin, for its lavage;Sunflower unrefined oil. Before use, it should be boiled beforehand in a water bath, after which it should be cooled to room temperature and used for rubbing the inflamed places;
  • aloe, having a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, increases the degree of healing of the skin, eliminating the signs of its degeneration. Aloe juice should be applied to the affected areas, to improve the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to hold the cut aloe leaf in the refrigerator for 3-4 days before use.

The listed methods of influence on places with signs of diaper rash allow to accelerate the process of skin regeneration, eliminate the increased moisture of the epidermis, which serves as an excellent nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.

For adults

The use of these and other treatments for diaper rash in adults differs to some extent from measures of exposure to damaged skin in childhood. The concentration of infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants for adults can be sufficient( specified in a specific recipe), the duration of application depends on the presence and speed of the appearance of positive dynamics during the treatment.

  • For example, decoction of an oak cortex for adults is recommended to be applied exclusively externally to the lesion sites, it is necessary to apply 3 to 6 times during the day. With such decoction, you can do rubbing places with identified intertrigo, compresses( not long) to increase the degree of impact, rinsing. Areas under the armpits and in the groin are processed with special care, since in these parts the skin is particularly sensitive and tender.
  • A decoction or infusion of chamomile and eucalyptus is also used by adults in the proportions indicated in the recipe. The frequency of application of the drug is 5-8 times a day, the duration of use is 1-2 months, depending on the degree of manifestation of positive dynamics. Skin under the female breast, where signs of pathology may also be revealed, decoction or infusion of chamomile and eucalyptus should be handled carefully: this area is sensitive to external influences.
  • Aloe juice can be rubbed for an unlimited amount of time, since this plant not only removes signs of diaper rash, but also regenerates tissues, speeding up the healing process and relieving inflammation. Even healthy skin when exposed to her aloe juice improves its performance both in appearance and in protective qualities.

At children

In the childhood because of hypersensitivity of the skin allergic reaction can develop, therefore at any negative displays at application of national methods of treatment of diaper rashes it is necessary to stop influence or to lower concentration of a used substance. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants for children are used in a diluted form, and during treatment this indicator can be adjusted: as you become accustomed to the drug, the concentration of decoctions and infusions can increase, which will speed up the healing process.

For children it is better to use such folk methods of influence, like broths of chamomile, collection of herbs from mint, chamomile, verbena, infusion of birch buds, which has a pronounced regenerative and regenerative effect on the skin. The frequency of application of the listed herbal decoctions and infusions on the damaged skin areas averages 3-8 times during the day, the duration is determined by the dermatologist, taking into account the age of the child and its tolerability.

In newborns

During the newborn period, the treatment process also requires increased caution. Quickly eliminating inflammation, the drugs used should not cause allergic manifestations.

So, herbal infusions and decoctions should be at the beginning of applying the minimum concentration. As you get used to it and with constant monitoring of the healing process, the concentration may increase, but it should be done gradually and accurately. For newborns, the best way is to use herbal decoctions and infusions, which are then poured into a bathing bath. After water procedures, carefully dry the skin and allow it to breathe, do not rush to dress the baby. Air baths allow you to quickly pass the signs of diaper rash, and also contribute to the hardening of the body.

How to treat diaper rash under a diaper using folk methods, this video clip will tell:

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