Emergency care for hypertensive crisis: the delivery algorithm, signs in women and men

Hypertensive crisis is one of the most dangerous complications that accompany arterial hypertension. Most often, it happens in the late stages of the disease, but even with the initial degrees of hypertension, there is a fairly high risk of an attack.

Crisis can lead to a number of dangerous complications, so be able to recognize it in time and provide timely assistance should be able to both hypertension and their loved ones. Therefore, today we will tell you about the first symptoms of the disease, as well as about the algorithm of action for urgent first-aid and medical emergency care for hypertensive crisis.

The first symptoms of

Symptoms, like the crisis itself, appear suddenly, and include the most common manifestations of cardiac and cerebral signs. In each of the cases, the seizure has common features:

  • extensive manifestations of the cardiac system,
  • started sudden or relatively sudden,
  • high blood pressure( AS),
  • presence of cerebral and vegetative signs.
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But, nevertheless, the first signs of hypertensive crisis in men and women may differ, we'll talk about this later.

About the first signs of a crisis in children will tell the following video:

In women

Symptoms of the first stage

The first signs of an attack that belongs to type I, manifest very quickly. At this time, such symptoms develop as:

  1. excitation,
  2. dizziness,
  3. trembling,
  4. headache of pulsating nature,
  5. severity in body,
  6. dyspnea.

Also type I crisis can provoke the appearance of temporary problems with vision, sweating, a feeling of heat. The person who has had an increase in blood pressure, you can find out by the characteristic red spots on the face.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Symptoms of II and subsequent stages of

Symptoms of II and subsequent stages of hypertensive crisis appear more slowly, on increasing. Gradually the following symptomatology arises:

  • headache, focusing in the occiput mainly;
  • drowsiness and feeling of sluggishness;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • dysfunction of vision: "flies", darkening, etc.;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • difficulty in speaking and confused consciousness.

For more serious stages, a distinctive feature is that the increase in pain sensations occurs gradually, but the pulse is always kept normal. From the side it can be seen that a person has difficulties with motor activity, the person takes a cyanotic-red hue, and the skin becomes cold. Some patients also suffer from pain in the heart.

In men,

Manifestations of any symptoms of hypertensive crisis in the male are always similar to those of women. The only difference is the frequency of seizures. According to statistics, it is the strong half that suffers more from this disease.

Next, we will describe in detail the algorithm of action, urgent first aid and medical care for hypertensive crisis in women and men. Emergency first-aid for hypertensive crisis

When providing first aid, one of the simplest and most ancient truths is "do no harm".When hypertensive crisis is very important to try to reduce the pressure gradually and prevent it from falling sharply, so taking any medication should be careful.

The following video tells us about the symptoms of hypertensive crisis in adults and the first urgent help with it:


Each of the patients with hypertension must necessarily know how to independently block the attack. Subsequently, many manage to suppress the crisis on its own at the very beginning, but with pronounced symptoms, as well as the first manifestation of the disease, you should immediately call an ambulance.


action algorithm The algorithm for the hypertensive crisis is as follows:

  1. It is permissible and even desirable to give the patient any sedative from the list of those that he usually takes in such cases. It is important not to allow panic and any anxiety, as they are capable of provoking an additional increase in blood pressure, which definitely will not benefit the patient. Excellent for calming means that are present in almost every medicine cabinet - motherwort, corvalol, valerian.
  2. To prevent panic attacks and the normal intake of oxygen in the body, it is important to equalize breathing. A few slow exhalations and breaths will help a lot to restore normal breathing. Asphyxiating clothing is better to remove or weaken its pressure, just open the window.
  3. The patient should not take a recumbent position, because the symptoms become stronger in her. Optimal position - semi-sitting. Then the patient is warmed, as many experience a cold snap of the extremities. It is advisable to lay a heating pad under your feet, and put a mustard plaster on your chest. On the forehead and head, on the contrary, it is necessary to pack a cold compress.
  4. Extraordinary intake of the usual dose of the drug lowering blood pressure is justified. If at the same time there were chest pains, you can take half a tablet of nitroglycerin. If it does not disappear, it is permissible to take another pill.

Necessary drugs

In order to quickly eliminate the attack, patients who have previously been diagnosed with hypertension must necessarily have a number of any prescribed drugs that can quickly normalize blood pressure. Use for this purpose can be cordaflex, nifedipine, captopril, Corinfar, but it is better to do this only in cases when they are recommended by a specialist.

At the first symptoms inherent in the crisis, under the tongue lies 1/2 tablet, even later you can repeat the dosage, if it did not pass. If the next 30 minutes does not pass the attack, you should call the doctor immediately.

Until the arrival of an ambulance it is important to constantly monitor the level of pressure and try to measure it every 20 minutes. Thus, it is possible to significantly help an incoming doctor. So, if the blood pressure is kept in the same range, practically not decreasing, there are pains in the chest and other specific signs of a heart attack, this will help to quickly diagnose the disease, and therefore help, avoiding dangerous consequences.

About the standard of emergency medical care for hypertensive crisis upon the arrival of doctors read on.

Upon arrival of the ambulance

Crises of the 1st degree and seizures that occurred on the street

Urgent actions are used if there is a high probability of complications that will lead to a crisis, while the risk of any lesions of target organs is almost minimal. In this case, the speed of arrival of medical personnel does not play such a serious role, since it is important to lower the pressure in the next 24 hours.

This includes primary crises of the I degree, as well as attacks that occurred on the street. In the future, the patient is able to successfully successfully overcome the emerging symptoms. After the arrival of the ambulance, an injection of dibazolum, obzidan, aminazine, rausedil is often done, and then the question of hospitalization is decided.

II type of crisis and subsequent stages

Immediate assistance to physicians is important in other stages of the hypertensive crisis, when there is a huge risk of damage to organs directly affected by increased pressure. In this case, a steady drop in blood pressure is important to achieve in the first hour of the onset of an attack.

  • Patients with type II crises often make a dropper with sodium nitroprusside because it has very fast efficacy and shows its antihypertensive effect after 5 minutes. In addition, he does not have such a large range of contraindications, quickly emerging from the body. The drug is administered under the condition of constant blood pressure control.
  • To stop the attack helps diazoxide, as well as funds with ganglioblokiruyuschim action. Benzohexonium and pentamine are some of the best.
  • In the presence of already beginning to develop complications it is important to conduct a pre-hospital period with another therapy. So, when an acute coronary syndrome arises, it is mandatory to eliminate the pain syndrome. For this, a combination of fentanyl and droperidol may be used, or a nitroglycerin solution may be administered intravenously.
  • Diuretics are used to prevent other cardiac problems. If the accumulation of liquid or sodium occurs systematically, then furosemide is best suited. It should also be used in the development of pulmonary edema, left ventricular failure, encephalopathy, or edema of the brain. Together with this drug, with the appearance of the last complication, it is worth using magnesium sulfate( the introduction is very slow).
  • The prehospital period of care also presupposes the appointment of calcium antagonists that are part of the nifedipine group. In comparison with verapamil and drugs included in this group, they more effectively contribute to a decrease in diastolic pressure. Equally well suited for the use of both liquid and tableted forms of medicament.

A lot of the first medical aid is played by what complications develop in this or that case, that is why physicians always carry out individual therapy, stopping not only the attack itself, but also other symptoms.

Even more useful information about emergency care and administration of drugs for hypertensive crisis contains the video below:

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