Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis manifests itself as an increase in blood pressure( BP), against which a whole series of symptoms appear. The lesions of target organs with this form of pathology do not occur, therefore it is less dangerous, however it is still necessary to achieve a decrease in pressure gradually so as not to incur the risk of ischemia. So, uncomplicated hypertensive crisis, its symptoms, causes and treatment.

Features of the ailment

The peculiarity of the crisis lies in the fact that its beginning is strictly individual and depends only on the capabilities of the organism. So, some people experience it and with increasing blood pressure values ​​up to 140/90 mm.gt;Art. Therefore, the lower values ​​of pressure at the time of the attack are very individual. As for the upper ones, the digits from 240/140 mm are considered as the crimson ones.gt;Art.

It is customary to refer people over the age of 40 to the risk group, whereas children and adolescents are less likely to have a disease.

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At the end of the last century, a special classification of the disease was carried out, which makes it possible to select the appropriate treatment more quickly. According to the data, uncomplicated hypertensive crises are:

  1. catecholamine,
  2. renin-dependent,
  3. sodium-dependent.

It's impossible to accurately predict the scheme by which the increase in blood pressure will occur. The system's creator, Larag, in this case recommends monitoring the patient, appointing each of the drugs in turn.

Forms of

Based on the signs observed in the diagnosis of uncomplicated crisis, the disease is differentiated into hypokinetic and hyperkinetic forms.

  • The first type of pathology is characterized by a number of symptoms such as pallor, a serious increase in diastolic pressure, the attack develops slowly, often there are signs from the target organs.
  • Hyperkinetic attack may be treated with a single drug, whereas complex therapy is required for hypokinetic attacks. For the pathology of this form is inherent rapid development, hyperemia( abnormal reddening of the skin), tachycardia, a strong increase in systolic pressure, anxiety.

About the symptoms and causes of uncomplicated hypertensive crisis read below.

The causes of

The reasons for the appearance of uncomplicated hypertonic crisis include:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • alcohol abuse,
  • stress,
  • fatigue,
  • coffee consumption,
  • thyroid disease,
  • lupus,
  • vascular disease,
  • polyarthritis,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • physical overload,

The crisis can occur against a failure of antihypertensive drugs or an atmospheric droppressure. Often it develops in diseases that cause an increase in blood pressure( for example, arterial hypertension), as well as with a lack of adequate antihypertensive therapy.

Symptoms of

A distinctive symptom of the crisis is a headache of a pressing nature, and it can encircle the head or be localized in any area of ​​it. It is often accompanied by nausea, loss of clarity of vision, noise in the ears, dizziness, vomiting.

Some feel the chest pain, so they confuse it with the manifestation of angina pectoris. High blood pressure is maintained for a long time, which is greatly facilitated by panic conditions.

For more details on the symptoms of hypertensive crisis, see the video below:


Special attention is paid to anamnesis in the diagnosis of a crisis. After the examination, the patient necessarily answers a number of questions important in the appointment of treatment and on the basis of which all the therapy is made up. It is especially important to isolate all accompanying diseases, to receive information about the transferred pathologies and even chronic ones.

It is compulsory for the doctor to find out whether arterial hypertension has happened before and what was its duration, what figures of blood pressure for a person are considered the norm, whether earlier medication therapy was conducted. It also shows the duration of the attack, the accompanying symptoms, as well as whether any funds were taken before contacting a specialist.

If there are symptoms from the cardiovascular system, special attention should also be given to ECG research. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of a heart attack and the development of coronary syndrome. In the examination for the possibility of its development indicate the depressive segment of ST, as well as the negative and symmetrical tooth T.

About what treatment tactics are used for uncomplicated hypertensive crisis, we will tell further.

Treatment of


After the onset of an attack, all the recommendations given by the doctor are strictly observed. The main treatment consists in competent drug therapy, but we should not forget that our own participation and consciousness play a significant role in achieving a positive effect of treatment. It will be necessary, in particular, to exclude the bad habits of one's life and after stabilizing AD to accustom oneself to performing exercises from exercise therapy.

On what drugs are used to treat hypertensive crisis, read on.


The main goal of therapy is to gradually reduce the pressure, no more than 25% of the already available. An excessively rapid decrease in it threatens to worsen the symptoms and poor blood supply to the organs. Drugs for arresting the attack should be selected by the doctor, since it is important to know not only the type of hypertensive crisis, but also the exact dosages of medicines, the way of administration for lowering blood pressure strictly up to certain values, and so on.

As with hypokinetic and hyperkinetic form of the disease, treatment begins with the use of calcium antagonists with short-term action. These drugs include: rootfar, nifedipine. In a small dosage( up to 30 mg), its absorption is rapid, which allows reducing blood pressure in the next 10-30 minutes. A calcium antagonist helps relax the vascular wall. However, their use is prohibited when decompensating blood circulation, tachycardia, aortic stenosis of severe form.

ACE inhibitors are not less effective, although they have no advantages over previous drugs. For example, captopril also begins to act after 10 minutes. During lactation and with kidney failure use the product is prohibited.

These medications are in many cases sufficient to stop the attack, but if the effectiveness is insufficient, additional therapy is performed:

  • Stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors. The introduction of drugs of this spectrum is always accompanied by a control over the rhythm of the heartbeat and the level of blood pressure. If it is impossible to use Obsidan, use Proxodolol, which also helps to relax the vascular wall. The drug can be administered several times( not more than 10 ml for the entire time!) In the absence of effect after every 10 minutes. Both medicines are prohibited from prescribing for heart failure, bradycardia, worsened atrioventricular conduction.
  • If the patient experiences a pronounced sense of fear, inject up to 4 ml of droperidol. The drug has antihypertensive and neuroleptic effects.
  • If the patient has concomitant pathologies, such as, for example, renal or circulatory failure, the best effect of treatment can be achieved with Furosemide.
  • If, for the most part, the signs of a crisis from the side of the brain predominate, then more thorough antihypertensive therapy is performed in combination with calcium antagonists. Good results are given by injections of Euphyllin or Dibazol.

When the cause of the appearance of an uncomplicated hypertensive crisis is the abolition of a habitual antihypertensive drug( eg, Clofelin), then, first of all, a small dosage of just such a drug is administered.

Emergency first aid is necessary for the first case of hypertensive crisis, if the medications taken do not have the proper effect, as well as for any cardiological symptoms. More details about the algorithm for providing pre-medical care for hypertensive crisis, as well as about the standards of emergency care and treatment in the clinic is described in a special material.

About treatment of the uncomplicated hypertensive crisis folk remedies we will tell you further.

Folk remedies

It is not advisable to use any medications on a primary seizure, therefore some methods of folk remedies can be applied:

  1. You should prepare a warm bath, add some mustard powder and put your feet into the water. Alternatively, you can paste the mustard paste on the calf, in the heart area.
  2. Instead of a bath apply lotions, which are applied to the heels and feet. Soak the compress in weak solutions of apple or wine vinegars.
  3. Reduction of blood pressure is promoted by any products from chokeberry( compotes, preserves, etc.).
  4. Broth from motherwort and valerian must be taken with nervous shocks to avoid an attack.
  5. Astragalus in the form of a decoction helps prevent a crisis if you take it a month.


Prevent an attack with concomitant diseases if you follow the doctors' recommendations and do not miss the appointment of prescribed funds. Considerable attention should be given to lifestyle changes: smoking and alcohol withdrawal, control over blood pressure level, adequate nutrition, moderate exercise.

Avoid not only abuse of bad habits, but also stress. These simple measures help a lot in preventing uncomplicated hypertonic crisis.

Complications of

With prolonged absence of treatment, the uncomplicated one can flow into a complicated hypertensive crisis, in which the target organs are damaged at the time of the attack. Often there is a deterioration in vision, kidney damage, and sometimes neglected disease leads to a stroke or a heart attack.


Untimely assistance in case of a serious attack can lead to the development of a number of complications and even death.

How to prevent the emergence of hypertensive crisis, tells the following video:

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