Radiation therapy in oncology: types, consequences, recovery, diet, reviews, cost

One of the ways to treat cancer is radiation therapy. It was revealed that young, malignant cells cease to reproduce under the influence of radioactive radiation.

The concept of

When radiation therapy is the effect of ionized study. Its objectives:

  • malignant cell damage,
  • restriction of cancer growth,
  • metastatic prophylaxis.

Used in conjunction with surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

The effect is enhanced by the fact that the doctor can correct the direction of the rays. This makes it possible to use the maximum dose in the lesion.

Sometimes this method is used to treat non-oncological pathologies. For example, to combat bone growths.

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The method is used in 60-70% of patients with cancer. It is considered to be the main one for the treatment of tumors that have a high degree of radiosensitivity, rapid progression, and also with certain features of localization of education.

Radiation therapy is indicated for cancer:

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  • nasopharynx and pharyngeal tonsil rings,
  • cervix,
  • larynx,
  • skin, breast,
  • lung,
  • language,
  • of the uterus body,
  • of some other organs.

Types of radiation therapy

There are several methods of treatment. Alpha radiation implies the use of isotopes, for example, radon, products from thoron. This kind has a wide application, positively wagging on the central nervous system, endocrine system, heart.

Beta therapy is based on a therapeutic effect based on the action of beta particles. Various radioactive isotopes are used. The decay of the latter is accompanied by the emission of particles. There is such therapy interstitial, intracavitary, application.

X-ray therapy is effective for the treatment of superficial lesions of the skin, mucous membranes. The energy of X-ray study is selected depending on the location of the pathological focus.

Separate radiotherapy and for other reasons.


The view differs from the others in that the sources of the rays are directly on the tumor. For him, the distribution of the dose is so characteristic that its main part remains in the tumor.

The method is good if the size of the formation is not more than 2 cm. This type is divided into several types.

Name Features
Near-focus Irradiation affects the formation cells themselves.
Intracavitary The irradiation source is injected into the body cavities. He remains throughout the entire course of contact radiation therapy.
Interstitial The irradiation source is injected into the tumor. The impact occurs in a continuous mode.
Radiosurgical The rays are affected after surgery. The place where the tumor was located is exposed to irradiation.
Application The radiation source is applied to the skin using a special applicator.
Selective accumulation of isotopes Low-toxic radioactive substances are used.


Assumes that the source of radiation is at some distance from the human body.the beam enters the body through a certain area.

Gamma therapy is often used. This method is good in that it allows for the formation of a high dose of radiation, keeping healthy cells intact.

For small cancerous tumors, protons and neurons are used. Remote therapy is static or mobile. In the first case, the irradiation source is immobile.

In modern oncological dispensaries, the method is rarely used. The mobile technique allows you to direct the source along different trajectories. This ensures the greatest efficiency.


Specificity consists in the administration of radiopharmaceuticals in the patient's body. They affect the outbreaks. The targeted delivery of substances forms very high doses in the outbreaks with small side effects and minimal affecting of healthy tissues.

Popular is radioiodine therapy. The method is used not only for oncological patients, but also for the treatment of people with thyrotoxicosis. If there are bone metastases, then several compounds are used at once.


Radiation exposure when three-dimensional irradiation planning is used to obtain the field shape. The method allows adequate doses of radiation to be applied to tumors. This greatly increases the chance of healing.

Special devices are used to exclude tumor release from the irradiated area, for example, equipment for active control of breathing.


Radiation therapy based on the use of protons, which are accelerated to high values. This allows to provide a unique dose distribution in depth, when the maximum dose is concentrated at the end of the run.

The load on other surface cells is minimal. Radiation does not dissipate through the patient's body.

Usually the method is used for small formations, tumors located close to critical radiosensitive structures.


This species has several types. It allows to prevent the recurrence and metastasis. The source is introduced into the body cavity and is present throughout the entire irradiation session.

It is used to create the maximum dose in tumor tissues.

This method is usually combined with a remote one. Radiation therapy of this kind is used to treat cancer of the female genital area, rectum and esophagus.


This method reduces the time of cancer treatment.

It is used for the treatment of brain tumors, internal organs, circulatory system. The rays act very accurately on the tumor.

Photo of stereotaxic radiation therapy

It is carried out with full control over the location of the tumor, allows you to adjust to the patient's breathing and any other movement.

The result of such exposure is not visible immediately, but in a few weeks, as the tumor cells die off gradually.


There are several situations when radiation therapy is contraindicated:

  • general severe condition with signs of body intoxication,
  • fever,
  • cachexia,
  • extensive cancer cell damage, accompanied by bleeding,
  • radiation sickness,
  • severe forms of concomitant diseases,
  • severe anemia.

The limitation is a sharp decrease in the blood of leukocytes or platelets.

How does radiation therapy work?

First, additional procedures are performed to accurately determine the location of the tumor and its size. From this the dose is selected. With the help of a special apparatus, the field of irradiation is determined. There can be several such areas.

In the process of radiotherapy, the patient is lying down. It is important during the irradiation not to move, as this can lead to the fact that the rays damage healthy tissues. If a person can not move for a long time, then the doctor fixes the patient or the area of ​​the body.

Some parts of cars can move and make noise, it should not be frightened. Already at the beginning of treatment, pain can be reduced, but the greatest effect is achieved after completion of the course.

Duration of the course

Treatment is often performed on an outpatient basis. The session, depending on the method used, lasts 15-45 minutes.

Most of the time, the correct placement of the patient and the direction of the device for irradiation take place. The process itself lasts a few minutes. Staff at this time leaves the room.

How is the procedure carried over?

Radiation therapy itself does not cause painful sensations. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for several hours. This will help restore strength, as well as reduce the risk of side effects.

If the irradiation was subjected to a throat or mouth, then it is recommended to rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions or sea-buckthorn oil to remove discomfort.

Symptoms after irradiation

After the course of radiation therapy may appear:

  • fatigue,
  • mood and sleep disturbance,
  • reactions from the skin and mucous membranes.

If the effect was carried out on the chest area, dyspnea, difficulty breathing, coughing occurs.

Consequences of

Skin most often suffers. She becomes tender, sensitive. Can change the color.

The skin reaction to irradiation is about the same as for a sunburn, but it develops gradually.

There may be blisters. In the absence of proper care, such areas can be infected.

If exposed to the organs of the respiratory system, the radiation damage develops within the next three months. There is an unproductive cough, the body temperature rises, there is a deterioration in overall well-being.

Specialists note that often side effects are:

  • hair loss,
  • hearing and vision reduction,
  • increase in the number of heartbeats,
  • change in blood composition.

Recovery after irradiation

The recovery process can occur at different times, doctors recommend tune up a long way.

Treatment of burns

Redness usually appears immediately, but in some people burns begin to show up not immediately. After each session, it should be lubricated with a protective cream.

In this case, before the procedure, this should not be done, since this can reduce the effectiveness of the manipulation. For the treatment, "D-Panthenol" and other drugs are used to remove inflammation and restore the dermis.

How to raise white blood cells after radiotherapy?

You can increase the number of white blood cells only after permission from the doctor. Must diversify your menu with raw vegetables, buckwheat, fresh fruit, oatmeal.

Positively on the composition of the blood affects the pomegranate juice and beet. If these methods do not help, the doctor will prescribe special medications.

What should I do at a temperature?

Temperature in most cases is a sign of infection. After radiation therapy, it takes a long time to restore immunity.

It is better to see a doctor right away, which will help to identify the cause and prescribe the treatment. If there is no possibility, observe bed rest, use antipyretic drugs that are not contraindicated for your ailment.


Their treatment is performed using high doses of steroids. Then the symptoms disappear after 24-48 hours. The dose decreases gradually.

Additionally used breathing exercises, massage, inhalation and electrophoresis.

The treatment program is made individually, taking into account the type of tumor and its prevalence, the presence of other complications.


For treatment, you must strictly follow the diet and bed rest, use medicines and traditional medicine. Radiation radiation leads to disruption of maturation of the epithelium, inflammatory processes on mucous membranes.

Local therapy is used for treatment, which allows cleaning the intestines and eliminating inflammatory processes.


To eliminate the problem, laxatives, cleansing enemas are used. High efficiency was shown by a warm shower directed to the rectum area, baths with manganese.

The doctor may prescribe hormones, rectal suppositories and anesthetics.

Dietary food

Full nutrition is one of the main methods of treatment of radiation injuries.it is necessary to take soft foods. If the oral cavity has suffered from irradiation, then effectively use oil, a solution of novocaine.

During the most radiotherapy, patients usually complain of a lack of appetite. At this time, add nuts, honey, eggs, whipped cream to the menu. They contain many nutrients. For the preparation of protein in the diet, soup-purees, low-fat fish and meat broths are added.

Contraindicated the use of foods containing large amounts of cholesterol, fatty meat, mushrooms, tangerines, sausage.

It is highly not recommended to use alcohol, sweet and baking. If you can not refuse bread, choose varieties of wholemeal flour.

Answers to

  • questions What is the difference between chemotherapy and radiation therapy?

Chemotherapy-action on cancer using drugs. Radiation therapy is based on the principle of cell destruction under the influence of rays.

World standards provide a combination of these two techniques, as the chance of healing in this case increases.

  • Do hair fall out after radiation therapy?

After radiation exposure, the hair falls out only at the place where the rays pass. Usually doctors warn about the possibility of baldness. It is best in this case to make a short haircut.

When caring for hair since the beginning of treatment, use a comb with rare teeth or buy a comb for newborns. Before going to bed, use a special net to sleep, so that the hair is not pressed or stretched.

  • Can I get pregnant after radiation therapy?

Many methods of treatment leave a negative trace, affect reproductive functions. After radiation therapy it is recommended to protect several years.

This will allow the body to recover, give birth to a healthy child.term usually says the oncologist depending on the stage of cancer, the results of treatment.


Most women undergoing treatment in domestic dispensaries are prescribed radiotherapy after chemotherapy.

The procedure is painless, but leads to unwanted reactions. For example, when irradiated in the intestinal region, vomiting often starts, and from constant nausea can not be disposed of for a long time.

To determine the localization during the procedure on the body markers indicate the exact areas. In this case, you can wash in the future only under the shower. Do this carefully so that the water does not fall on the target. Often allergies occur.

How much is treatment in Moscow and St. Petersburg for

Patients undergoing treatment in regional and urban cancer clinics receive radiation therapy free of charge in accordance with schedules and standards.

If you want to undergo treatment on the newest equipment, you will have to go to private clinics. They will also undergo emergency radiation therapy to relieve pain in inoperable patients, as well as in urgent conditions.

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