Alcohol barrier AlkoBarrier: price, indications, instructions, real testimonials

Alcoholism is a serious illness that requires professional long-term treatment. Modern narcology possesses a mass of techniques and has in reserve a lot of drugs effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence. And such medicines every year becomes more and more. Each time the production technologies of such products are improved, so that as a result an uninterrupted and effective drug that overcomes alcoholism is obtained. One of the latest novelties is Alcohol Barrier. According to the manufacturer, the drug passed all the necessary tests, during which its high therapeutic effectiveness against alcohol dependence was confirmed. But is it?

Alcohol barrier against alcoholism

The drug Alkobarrier is a biologically active additive, ie, this drug does not belong to the drugs. Produced in a powdered form, the powder does not smell, tasteless and almost colorless. The average price of Alcobar is about a thousand rubles per package. In one package, five packets of powder, i.e. 5 doses of the drug.

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The product is characterized by its natural composition, which ensures the declared effect. What is included here:

  • Fibregam is a fibrous component of acacia resin that promotes the accelerated withdrawal of toxic alcoholic substances and has fortifying properties;
  • Artichoke extract - reduces craving for alcoholic beverages and has a hepatoprotective effect, performs detoxification functions, cleansing the body of alcoholic toxins and ethanol decay products;
  • Pyridoxine or vitamin B₆ - is necessary for everyone, and alcohol-dependent patients are especially needed, who have a deficit of such an element. This vitamin has a beneficial effect on nervous system activity, prevents stress, etc.;
  • Motherwort extract - has a soothing, hypotensive and cardiotonic effect. Relieves increased excitability, relieves of neuroses, including alcohol;
  • Amber acid - has a detoxification effect, eliminates hangover symptoms, accelerates the recovery of the physical condition of an alcohol-dependent patient.

Dosage form

The drug against alcoholism is available in powder form. A beverage is prepared from powdered raw materials. However, it is permissible to add drugs in the form of drops in the food of the alcoholic or his drink. According to the manufacturers, the efficiency with such an application does not decrease. Hence it follows that the mechanism of action of this tool is not in any way connected with psychological conviction or auto-suggestion. There is also a drip dosage form of the drug.
Video review of the drug AlcoBarrier:

Principle of action

The manufacturer declared therapeutic effectiveness for the following items:

  • Reduction of the desire to take another portion of alcohol;
  • Cessation of manifestations of withdrawal symptoms or a hangover state;
  • Restoration of nervous system activity occurs;
  • The psychoemotional state of an alcohol dependent patient is normalized;
  • The activity of the liver and other organs is restored.

The action of the Alcobar has two directions - it eliminates alcohol cravings and eliminates symptomatic manifestations at the time of a hangover or withdrawal syndrome.

Principle of action of the drug AlcoBarrier


Alkobarrier is recommended for patients who want to part with alcohol dependence. For those who repeatedly tried to "tie", but constantly returned to the glass.


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Manufacturer states that Alcobarrier has undeniable advantages:

  • Suitable for patients of all age groups;
  • Has no restrictions on sexual or medical conditions;
  • Absence of GMOs;
  • Natural composition;
  • Has a favorable general organic effect;
  • Facilitates the state of hangover syndrome;
  • With regular intake quickly eliminates dependence on alcohol.

Due to the availability of the above-mentioned pluses declared by the manufacturer, Alcobarrier begins to feel itself to act after the first receptions of

. Instruction for use of

. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to read the instruction, where its order is indicated. Powder from the sachet must be dissolved in a glass with water and a drink. The maximum daily dosage is 2 bags per day, although usually one is enough.

The duration of therapy depends on the degree of alcoholism and the strength of the will of the alcohol dependent. The drug is also in the form of drops that are added to tea, juice and other beverages. And the patient will not even notice that in his drink or food something is added. After taking a quick-dissolving serum, it is not recommended to drink or eat anything for some time.


Alcohol barrier has no contraindications. The only condition for refusing to use such a dietary supplement is the presence of intolerance to any particular component of the drug.


No cases of overdose, according to the manufacturer, were declared.


About the drug Alcobarrier in the network there are many reviews. As for doctors in the field of narcology, they do not see anything surprising and unique in the composition of Alcobarrier, which could really provoke an alcoholic's desire to give up alcohol. To be convinced of the ineffectiveness of this bioadditive, you can purchase all the components of the drug separately, which will be spent much less than the cost of Alcobar. By taking these components, you can see for yourself whether the drug is useless.

However, there is another group of real opinions. In these patients, patients are warned that people do not waste money on this useless drug. Yes, the drug helps to alleviate the state of hangover syndrome, however, this is its "miracle" and ends. And in some patients, in addition to futility, there was also an allergic reaction to Alco-Barrier.

Of course, whether or not to take such a remedy is a personal affair of the patient. Perhaps, someone does not have enough of this drug as a basis for self-confidence, to quit alcohol. If the alcohol addict himself wants to stop drinking, then he will manage it and without any Alcobar.
Advertising video of an alcoholism drug AlcoBarrier:

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