Kalina with gastritis

Kalina is a shrub about 4 meters high, with branched branches, on which are located small red berries. Take it to the family of honeysuckle. Fruit ripening is at the end of August or early September. In its properties - it is a very useful berry and it is used in many methods of treatment. Kalina with gastritis can be eaten, it even is a medicine, to some extent. But there is one nuance. Gastritis should not be accompanied by high acidity.

Chemical composition of the Kalina. Bark:

  1. Glycoside viburnin - 1-2%
  2. Organic acids;
  3. Vitamin K;Tannins, resinous and bitter substances.


  1. Sugar;
  2. Tanning agents;
  3. Pectin;
  4. Ascorbic acid;
  5. Vitamin K;
  6. Vitamin R;
  7. Vitamin E;
  8. Vitamin A;
  9. Mineral substances.

The leaves of this shrub are rich in ascorbic acid, but in seeds there is a large amount of fatty oil, about 21%.

Kalina in the folk treatment of gastritis

When gastritis is advised to drink infusion of berries of viburnum. To do this, 20 grams of mashed berries pour 1 glass of water and insist 4 hours. After that it should be drunk on 0,5 glasses 4 times a day.

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Although viburnum is certainly a curative and healthy berry, there are contraindications to it, like any other medicinal product.

First, it is an increased blood coagulability. Secondly, it's low blood pressure. Thirdly, it is a gastritis with high acidity.

In these cases, the berry is contraindicated, because it will not only exacerbate the situation, but it can still cause great harm to health. Pregnant dangerously unlimitedly is this berry, and healthy, too, must use it in moderation.

Grape juice with gastritis

With gastritis with low acidity, it is possible to be treated, both by the fruits themselves, and by infusions, and by juices. The juice of the viburnum is not inferior in characteristics to the berry itself in its natural form. The use of juice, just like the berry itself, extends to the treatment of many organs. This is the heart, and the stomach, and the digestive system, and nerves, and the lungs, and the brain, and blood vessels, and skin, and even the reproductive system. The juice of viburnum is very popular in the treatment and prevention of allergies and cancers.

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