Bile gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Often people think that they have poisoned themselves when they have a vomiting that contains bile, or there is a weight in the epigastric region. If everything passes quickly and the symptom reminds of itself infrequently, the patients continue to live, as before, without drawing conclusions and changing their regime. Usually, such manifestations indicate a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

Bile gastritis( biliary reflux gastritis) refers to the reverse entry of the contents of the duodenum or jejunum with an abundance of enzymes and bile in the stomach. The main cause of the disease is problems with the functioning of the bile excretory system. In this case there is an unsynchronized work of sphincters. As a consequence, in the process of digestion there is a malfunction and uneven distribution of pressure in the intestine and bile ducts. Further imbalance extends to the pancreas and stomach. The essence of the process boils down to the fact that food released into the duodenum to continue digestion, for some reason, returns back to the stomach, only together with an excess of enzymes of the pancreas and bile. Once again, the contents have an aggressive irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, since the lower acidity of the stomach is significantly reduced.

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Often gallstones are associated with an inflammatory process in the duodenum. This is due to the fact that the normal rhythm of bile production has been disturbed, which is not only eliminated for the process of digesting food, but also outside it.

Symptoms of bile gastritis

As a rule, only a gastroenterologist can establish an accurate diagnosis by assigning a complex of studies, but not the patient himself, who senses the symptoms described below. Although there are a number of symptoms that are likely to indicate a progression of gallstones.

  1. Sensation of severity in the stomach, observed shortly after eating.
  2. Belching with bitter aftertaste, which is felt for a long time.
  3. Attacks of nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  4. Alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  5. Frequent flatulence.
  6. Weak pain syndrome. Usually this symptom becomes aching or drawing character and becomes stronger after eating.

To a number of indirect signs it is possible to carry:

  • weight reduction;
  • pallor and dry skin;
  • long healing seizures;
  • fast fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • sleepiness.

Treatment of bile gastritis

Bile gastritis is treated with a combination of medications and adjusted nutrition. As a rule, after the diagnosis is made, the gastroenterologist prescribes a number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at achieving such results.

  1. Cessation of the irritating effect of the food lump on the gastric mucosa.
  2. Restoration of normal digestive function with maximum absorption of nutrients.
  3. Normalization of the motility of the stomach, intestines and ducts.

Regarding nutrition, the general recommendations for gall-bladder gastritis will not differ much from those that are typical for other types of this disease:

  • all unhealthy foods, sauces are banned;
  • at the time of treatment for gallstones, smoked, fried, fatty, spicy and salty are excluded. This applies to the preparation of any products;
  • should cook food for a couple, in the oven, boil, but not on an open fire;
  • should stop drinking any alcohol and preferably permanently quit smoking;
  • distribute the daily ration for 5-6 servings, and eat them at regular intervals;
  • food must certainly be pleasantly warm;
  • in a portion of food should not be present large pieces of ingredients, it is better to grind them;
  • is preferred vegetable broths, cereals, bread can be eaten stale or in dried form, rye, and all fancy products in the period of exacerbation - are prohibited;
  • with caution should be taken to dairy products, it is better to use little kefir, cottage cheese, they should be chosen with the least fat content.

In addition, it is important not to overdo with physical stress and slopes. Go to bed right after eating - you can not. Bile gastritis must be treated as soon as possible, until it is overgrown with a number of concomitant, no less serious diseases.

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