Drug treatment of erosive gastritis( drugs), a regimen of antibiotics, tablets, prescription of drugs Almagel and Omez

This disease, like erosive gastritis( bulbitis), requires immediate medical treatment, otherwise it can easily develop into an ulcer. The people do not inadvertently call this disease ulcerative gastritis. Its distinctive feature is numerous, and bleeding erosions, located on the surface of the mucosa.

After the gastroenterologist has established an accurate diagnosis, they begin the medical treatment of erosive gastritis. It is carried out only in a hospital and consists of 3 stages.

  • Elimination of the cause of the erosive bulbite. In the event that the cause of the disease was the bacterium Helicobacter, antibiotic treatment will be mandatory. It can not be interrupted, otherwise the colony of these bacteria will actively resume in the stomach, and the disease will progress further;
  • Normalization of the acid medium in gastric juice. When the mucosa is affected by erosion, it should be protected from the corrosive action of hydrochloric acid contained in it. Antacids are used for this. Each drug from this group has its own mechanism of action, therefore all prescriptions should be the prerogative of the doctor. To strengthen the production of digestive secretion, slowed down by the action of antacids, and improve digestion, enzymes are used. Also prescribed antispasmodics, which eliminate pain in the stomach;
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  • Mucosal repair. At this stage, medications are prescribed that can enhance the supply of oxygen to affected tissues for better cell regeneration.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with medicines is performed in order to protect the mucosa from further formation of ulcerative defects. If the disease is started and it is difficult to proceed, such medications are prescribed, which reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, thereby reducing its aggressiveness.

Drugs for the treatment of erosive gastritis

In order to restore protection in the gastric mucosa, the administration of such drugs that relieve inflammation( antibiotics), neutralize acid in gastric juice( antacids) and drugs that improve the supply of stomach tissues with oxygen.

But all medicines for these diseases should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment here is strictly prohibited, because they can aggravate the situation and cause irreparable harm to the stomach.

Drug treatment for gastritis provides that any tablets and medications prescribed by doctors should be drunk by courses, according to the prescribed scheme, otherwise their effect will be ineffective.

Most often, with erosive gastritis, such tools as Omega and Almagel are used. This is explained by the absence of contraindications to them, high efficiency and rather rapid action.

The action of Omez capsules is based on the obstacle to the formation of excessive hydrochloric acid, and to reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice. It occurs at the level of the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as the duodenum. They are used not only during exacerbations of gastritis, but also to prevent relapses. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Almagel refers to antacid group drugs and also prevents the production of acid and creates a thin film on the surface of the mucosa, which protects the stomach tissues from the irritating effect of food. In addition, it has adsorptive, and gastroprotective properties.

The scheme of medical treatment of erosion in the stomach with any medications is complex, and completely depends on the factors that caused it. During the prevention of the disease, well, except for tablets( but not in their place!), Use the traditional medicine.

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