Chronic inactive gastritis

Chronic gastritis is a long-term inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, in which the restoring function of epithelial cells is disturbed. In 95% of cases, it is caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

Gastritis has two forms: active( period of exacerbation, first only affects the bottom of the stomach, then spreads to the entire cavity) and inactive( the period of remission, symptoms are weakened or completely disappear).The causes of this illness can be the following factors:

  • Incorrect( irregular) food - the constant use of too fatty or spicy food, eating dry, malnutrition;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Smoking;
  • Some medicinal substances;
  • Heredity.

And for the development of this inflammatory pathology in the mucous membrane of the stomach is enough even one of them.

Pathogenicity of chronic inactive gastritis

With this form of the disease, the mucous membrane does not change its thickness, the gastric fossa becomes wider and smaller, the secretory function is suppressed. Since the regeneration of glandular cells is disrupted, instead of hydrochloric acid they produce mucus, which does not participate in digestion.

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Because of this, the gastric mucosa, abundantly covered with it, looks quite healthy. Special symptoms, during an inactive disease, a person may not notice, but the brightest of them will be:

  • Nausea( or even vomiting);
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • Flatulence;
  • Frequent constipation.

It is also possible weight loss, decrease in the amount of vitamin B12, headache.

Treatment of the chronic form of inactive gastritis

The inactive stage of the disease is characterized by the fact that in the treatment, in general, no specific medications are prescribed. To treat a gastritis in this case it is recommended observance of a diet. There are several types of sparing food for patients with inactive form:

  • Basic( or diet number 2): the patient eats fully, consuming mostly boiled, stewed or baked food. Meat, fish dishes, sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits are allowed;
  • With painful gastritis( or diet number 1a): you can eat only cooked, wiped or steamed food in the form of liquid and puree;
  • If the symptoms of an inactive form of illness( or diet No. 1) are calm: you can not eat cold, hot meals, and foods rich in fiber;
  • With manifested enteral syndrome( or diet number 4): fractional nutrition is recommended.

Also cope with inactive inflammation will help you get rid of bad habits. Often, the disease can last up to several years, to quickly overcome it, you need to listen to your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

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