Nervous gastritis( reflex, nervous) - symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the stomach, accompanied by ulcers and erosion, basically have an inflammatory process. As a result of significant changes in the structure of the cell, the immune system, considering it alien, strives to destroy the affected cell. Infection of the cell can result from the ingress of toxins and toxins into the bloodstream, as well as infections, such as Helicobacter pylori. Among the causes of gastritis, a person's mental state is of great importance. It's no secret that nervous breakdowns, depression directly affect the deterioration of the blood supply to the mucosa. This changes the normal motor activity of the stomach, with a violation of the balance of the protective and offensive functions of the stomach, which are the main ones, which ultimately leads to the development of gastritis on the nerves.

Symptoms of nervous gastritis

Speaking about gastritis on a nervous basis, it should be noted that its cause is not only a nervous breakdown, but also the presence of other factors, a stressful situation can lead to the instant development of the disease. The main signs of the disease that require immediate response include the following:

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  • Acute acute abdominal pain after eating with no therapy can lead to fainting, tachycardia and rapid development of the ulcer.
  • Burning sensations in the esophagus, nausea and heartburn.
  • Unpleasant odor with eructations.
  • Heaviness in the stomach, swelling and rumbling of the abdomen.
  • Lack of appetite, diarrhea.

In addition to the listed above, the symptoms of gastritis on the nerves, inherent in this type of gastritis can be attributed to rapid fatigue, drowsiness, arrhythmia, low blood pressure and pain in the heart. Having found out at itself corresponding signs, it is impossible to be engaged in a selftreatment. The danger of a nervous gastritis is that it develops very quickly, and not a timely call for medical help can lead to very serious complications.

Treatment of gastritis on nervous nerves

The treatment for this type of gastrointestinal disease results from the cause of the illness. Therefore, in addition to the help of gastroenterology, it is necessary to consult a therapist. The psychotherapist will help the patient to overcome anxiety and depression, to teach them to relax at the right time. The decisive role in the treatment of a disease that corresponds to the symptoms of this type of gastritis is to prescribe a diet and emotional rest, with the exclusion of provoking factors.

It is recommended to perform an accurate diagnosis before starting a treatment course. The main method in this case is gastroscopy, which is currently being done with no harm by Japanese scientists. Among the types of gastritis on chronic nervous nerves associated with disorders of gastric motility, reflex gastritis can be distinguished, which develops against the background of diseases of other organs and is caused by disorders of the neuro-reflex regulation of the stomach.

Such gastritis can be called secondary. Inflammation of other organs contributes to the deterioration of the blood supply of cells, which, together with nervous disorders, provokes the development of ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa. After elimination of destabilizing factors of influence on mental health, on the basis of results of analyzes appoint treatment. In most cases, the cause of nervous gastritis is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and the treatment is based on the use of antibiotics in combination with drugs that remove unpleasant symptoms.

Antibiotics are taken for about two weeks. Antacid drugs are used to quickly eliminate such symptoms as eructation, heartburn, pain. Antisecretory drugs are used in case of increased acidity, and prokinetics are necessary for normalizing the tone. Drug treatment is combined with diet therapy. When sharpening the disease special. The diet should be strict, eliminating the intake of food completely for at least one day.

Transition to the chronic stage of the flow of nervous gastritis allows you to switch to a specialized menu adjusted for the condition of a person. In any case, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of strong meat broths, fatty, spicy, salty and spicy food. Consume lean meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, steamed or boiled.

In addition to the diet should adhere to certain rules for regular meals in small portions, spend more time in the fresh air, avoid physical activities to lift weights. And most importantly, he will learn to control his emotions, realizing that the painful perception of unpleasant situations, primarily affects the state of the stomach.

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