Hepatitis and gastritis

All internal organs are very closely related to each other. The main organs that somehow interact are the intestine, stomach, liver, esophagus, and gall bladder. Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, and hepatitis is an inflammatory process in the liver.

When stomach disease must necessarily be the right diet - a strict diet and no bad habits, such as alcoholism and tobacco( nicotine) addiction. With such diseases as diabetes, gout and hepatitis, one must be very careful about your health. They can serve as an impetus to the development of gastritis, and chronic. It can also be vice versa. This once again proves that everything in our body is interconnected. Consider such a disease as a complication of gastritis is quite possible.

Hepatitis can occur in acute or chronic form. Often there are viral hepatitis. In turn, they are divided into epidemic( A) and serum( B).Also, a separate group of alcoholic origin is often singled out. Often the causes of the appearance of this disease are causative agents of intestinal infection, viruses, enterovirus and others. Do not overlook the presence of chronic gastritis. He, like no one else can provoke the appearance of this disease.

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There are also a number of medications that can cause disease. In another way, this is called toxic hepatitis. Medications: Voltaren, Levomycetin, Cordarone, Indomethacin, Mercazolil, etc.

Alcoholic hepatitis and gastritis occur in the case of alcoholism or a prolonged intake of alcohol.

With mild liver disease, you can simply not even notice its development. In the first stages, it usually does not occur asymptomatically. To detect the initial stage of the disease can only be through professional examination. Usually, a person changes skin color and then it can be seen only in daylight.

The severe development of hepatitis, in contrast, is expressed by vivid symptoms. Often, the symptoms can be taken: nosebleeds, small bloody presentations on the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, a person has constant fatigue, insomnia, irritability and not a calm mental state.

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