Symptoms and treatment of frontitis without discharge from the nose

1 Description of the pathology

The chronic course of the inflammatory process of the frontal sinus is a pathology that lasts for more than a month. As the cause of the appearance is an incomplete acute or persistent blockage of the withdrawal anastomosis. Chronization of the process is possible due to deformation changes in the septa, polyps or chronic course of allergic rhinitis.

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2 Symptoms of the disease

Frontitis is a serious pathology that is tolerated from severe other forms of sinusitis. Frontite without discharge from the nose refers to the chronic form of pathology, which has its own symptomatology. The acute course of the disease acquires chronization 4-8 weeks after the progression of pathological processes. This is possible due to inadequate therapeutic manipulations or simply ignoring the symptoms of the disease.

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Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease are not as pronounced as in acute leakage:

  1. Pain syndrome of the aching or oppressive characteristic, which is localized in the frontal sinus, is enhanced in the case of tapping.
  2. If you press, there are sharp pain in the inner eye corner.
  3. The sense of smell is broken.
  4. There are problems with breathing.
  5. In the mouth often there is dryness and coughing, since the nose is constantly stuffy.
  6. Epifezdicheski appears subfebrile temperature.
  7. Decreases performance, there is sluggishness and weakness.

With the easing of symptoms, do not think that the disease recedes, on the contrary, when the pathology is chronicized, more serious consequences and complications that are very dangerous for life can be provoked.

3 Therapeutic actions

There are 2 effective options for the therapy of this pathology: medications and by surgical intervention.

They can be used both together and without dependence from each other. In the presence of an initial frontitis, even if the process is chronic, surgical treatment is not always required, since it is possible by medications, but it will be long enough. After diagnosing the frontitis, only the doctor can prescribe the required medications.

Chronic form of the frontitis can be cured by medicinal preparations, as it is not unlike the simple type of the disease. In general, therapeutic manipulations with medicinal preparations are prescribed to facilitate breathing to the patient, as well as to ensure the release of purulent discharge from the nasal sinus.

In this case, the therapist should only determine the nature of the disease. If the disease is caused by the appearance of pathogenic agents, then antibiotics of both local and internal effects are used. Antibiotics help to destroy bacterial microorganisms, however they are not used in the viral etiology of the disease, in particular of the frontitis in adults. The type of antibiotic will be determined after a bacteriological examination.

An excellent preparation for therapy of a frontitis - Amoxicillin. If it is supplemented with various auxiliary drugs, it will be able to recognize and destroy in a short time the bacterial microorganisms that caused the frontite. To auxiliary substances can be attributed those that are not limited to the effects of antibiotic, but only provides protection to the body from excessive negative impact on the organs.

In the case of diagnosis of chronic frontalitis, treatment of adults may be difficult, since the symptoms will be evident for some time after using intramuscular antibiotics, for example, Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime. However, it is not necessary to be upset, since with adequate therapy all symptomatology will pass.

Another issue is the treatment of the frontitis surgical method. Such treatment will be used in case of a complicated course of the disease in the presence of dangerous complications. The basis is Trepanopuncture of the frontal bone to the sinus of the nose, which ensures a qualitative and rapid outflow of pus outward. This procedure should be performed only by a highly qualified surgeon, while using an endoscope.


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