The doctor who treats gastritis, what heals, to which one to go?

When a person feels uncomfortable in the area of ​​the stomach, he first runs to the therapist at his polyclinic. Residents of rural areas go to a doctor who practices a common practice. After that, the person receives direction already to a specialist of narrow focus. Residents of large cities have the opportunity to immediately get to a professional in some paid clinic. But to which specialist should you go if you find the first symptoms of gastritis( nausea, eructation, diarrhea and heartburn)?Some do not know this.

Gastroenterologist - a doctor, treating gastritis and other inflammatory processes in the stomach. In addition, this specialist treats and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the intestine and esophagus. He also takes on the diseases of other organs that are involved in the digestive process, for example, the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. If the doctor has additional qualifications, such as "hepatologist" and "proctologist", then he can safely be entrusted with the treatment of pathologies that are related to the functioning of the intestine or liver.

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The main thing when choosing a specialist is not to make a mistake and not stumble upon some amateur who can only make things worse. For this you need to know some rules.

Correctly choose the attending physician

What should be the reception? Initially, to make sure the correct choice of a doctor, you need to pay attention to the fact that an expert should listen to all your complaints. Then there is clarification and additional questions. When complaining of stomach pain, you need to tell about the peculiarities of nutrition, the frequency and nature of pain, about the presence of your digestive tract in one of your relatives, and about other your diseases.

Initial recommendations. If the attending physician you addressed to immediately after the conversation with you begins to call a diagnosis, for example, gastritis, and prescribes treatment, then it is worthwhile to think about and choose another specialist. This qualified gastroenterologist can only give a cautious preliminary prognosis, and draws conclusions only after receiving the results:

  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity( stomach);
  • basic tests( blood, urine, etc.);
  • biopsy of the gastric mucosa;
  • FGS( Fibrogastroscopy - examination of the stomach with an endoscope).

From his first recommendations on the detection of gastritis, to which the doctor will come after examining the tests, examination and questioning, he should prescribe a sparing diet. Then he will tell you about contraindications. From drugs at the first stage of treatment of gastritis, he can prescribe only a universal symptomatic remedy, for example, from unceasing diarrhea and nocturnal spasms.

Then the specialist prescribes preparations stronger, can advise and folk remedies. This should not be frightened. For your reference: In the best European clinics gastroenterologists offer their patients useful herbs and homeopathic remedies.

Is it better to choose a young doctor or go to an older specialist? In this case, age is not so important, because a young professional is better able to navigate in new modern technologies, as well as in the new achievements of science. The older doctor has more experience.

What's the last tip? When choosing which doctor to go to when gastritis or any other disease, it is important to also the criterion of courtesy of any professional medical worker, as well as readiness to answer all your questions in detail and clearly.

It should be noted that in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, if the patient believes in the professionalism and literacy of a specialist, as well as the correctness of the prescribed procedures, then in 60% of cases he quickly goes on to recover.

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