How are anemia and atrophic gastritis related?

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Till now in medicine there are active disputes concerning how anemia and a gastritis are connected among themselves that is the reason, and that consequence. Studies have shown that atrophic gastritis was invariably accompanied by Addison-Birmer disease( anemia).

Why does this happen?

Addison-Birmer disease( pernicious anemia) has an autoimmune etymology. And it is often associated with atrophy of the gastric mucosa. With this disease, there is inflammation, which leads to the death of her glands. In the stomach, a special protein, gastromucoprotein, which is responsible for absorption of vitamin B ceases to be produced. The gastric mucosa thinens and becomes vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria.

When the disease progresses, the musculature of the organ is broken, the gastric epithelium is replaced by the intestinal epithelium. In patients, a decrease in the concentration of gastric bacteria is observed, enterococci, Escherichia and the bacterium Helicobacter pylori begin to actively multiply in the stomach. These microorganisms, when combined with nitrides coming from food, form compounds that have carcinogenic properties. They cause a disruption in the structure of the tissues and lead to the formation of unnatural growths. The food stops absorbing completely, which means that the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body do not enter the bloodstream. This is why anemia and gastritis are so closely related.

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Prevention and treatment of

Recognizing the fact that anemia and gastritis are of an autoimmune nature, one has to realize that it is necessary to radically change the treatment of diseases. Primary is anemia - atrophic gastritis is considered as its consequence. Excluding one and the other can be done by preventing the noted diseases. What does it include?

  1. Timely treatment of gastritis.
  2. Strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic rules( very often anemia and gastritis occur with helminthic worm infection).
  3. Obligatory reception of vitamin "B" 12 for chronic diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, with malformation of the small intestine, with heredity or autoimmune diseases.
  4. Discarding bad habits.
  5. Permanent control of liver function.
  6. Refuse from prolonged use of drugs that increase or decrease the acidity of the stomach.

If gastritis and anemia pass to the stage of chronic diseases, the patient is given systematic treatment. It consists of intramuscular injections of "Campolon".The medicine is used twice in the winter-summer months and once in the spring-autumn.

The one who has anemia and gastritis are frequent phenomena, should understand that there is no sense to treat the disease separately. If only anemia is treated, atrophic gastritis will necessarily progress, reducing the "no" positive dynamics.

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