Atopic gastritis, its symptoms and treatment

Among the numerous forms and types of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, sometimes, quite rarely, you can find such a rare species as atopic gastritis. This disease belongs to the allergic type and is caused in the patient by certain allergens.

It, in spite of its rarity, causes anxiety of specialists above all, because there are no obvious signs of inflammatory pathology of the main digestive organ. This disease appears due to atopic dermatitis, which is caused by an allergy of the body to the protein contained in cow's milk. It manifests itself as clinical symptoms associated with a more chronic, less often acute, gastritis.

Symptoms of atopic gastritis

The main signs of this, although rare, but rather severe disease, occur in the complete absence of pain and are as follows:

  • After eating, there is a heaviness and a feeling of overflow in the digestive system;
  • Unavoidable belching with air, having an unpleasant aftertaste and always accompanied by heartburn;
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  • Almost complete loss of appetite, associated with violations of the basic gastric functions.

Also with atopic gastritis there are general physiological symptoms that are expressed in external allergic signs, corresponding to dermatitis, manifested after eating strong weakness, excessive sweating, dizziness. The stool of a person with this type of inflammatory digestive pathology of a person is disrupted, and manifests itself with frequent diarrhea or constipation.

Treatment of atopic gastritis

In the case when, due to the absence of pain syndromes, a person does not pay attention to this disease and starts it, it almost always turns into more severe gastrointestinal diseases.

This can not be tolerated only by observing a special diet, taking the medicines prescribed by the specialist and changing the way of life, while refusing the products that are allergens.

Treatment for atopic gastritis should be applied only conservatively. Surgical intervention with this type of disease is absolutely not required. Until the moment when significant glandular changes begin to occur in the cells of the gastric mucous membrane, they can be returned to normal vital activity without special problems.

If timely treatment of the disease due to the absence of signs indicating an inflammatory pathology of the stomach is not made, it will progress, causing more serious complications to the digestive organs.

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