Gastritis of the stomach with high acidity - causes, symptoms, treatment, diet, nutrition menu, folk remedies( herbs)

With gastritis - an inflammatory pathology that occurs for a number of different reasons in the mucous membrane of the stomach, you probably do not need to explain to anyone. More than half of humanity is familiar with this unpleasant health problem, not by hearsay.

But since it can arise both because of the various causes provoking it, and with a completely different etiology, and, correspondingly, the accompanying symptoms and the measures necessary for successful cure, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail all the various forms that can be observed in thisdisease.

One of the rather serious varieties of this insidious disease occurs against the backdrop of increased digestive secretion, that is, increased acidity of the main organ of the gastrointestinal tract.

Elevated gastritis

This form of the course of this disease is quite dangerous for humans. In her, the mucous membrane of the digestive organ is prone to excessive aggressive action of hydrochloric acid, the content of which in the digestive enzyme is increased with this type of disease.

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This, accordingly, leads to the appearance on the surface of epithelial tissue of a large number of burns, which quickly enough transform into ulcerative, often bleeding erosions. Gastritis, which is aggravated by their formation, is difficult enough to cure completely and easily passes into an ulcer or stomach cancer.

This type of inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which was formed due to increased acidity in the digestive enzyme, as in the clinical picture, is divided into 3 types: chemical, antral and base gastritis. Each of them has its own reasons for education and development, but the alarming symptoms in all three types are similar. What factors can push the human body on the development and progression of this pathology?

  1. The fundamental variety of this disease arises from the genetic predisposition of the patient;
  2. Antral type in gastritis with high acidity is caused by a certain bacterium( Helicobacter), which not only lives well, but also reproduces in the aggressive environment of the digestive enzyme;
  3. The chemical variety of this gastritis usually provokes both excessive abuse of strong alcohol-containing beverages and a long, completely uncontrolled intake of medicines, to which, for the most part, either antibiotics or non-steroid preparations.

The main cause of the formation of gastritis with high acidity is laid in the physiological features of the digestive system, which releases free pepsin and hydrochloric acid into the lumen of the main digestive organ, necessary for the favorable course of the digestion process.

Even in spite of good protective properties provided by nature in the mucous membrane, increased aggressiveness of the digestive enzyme promotes the appearance of the process of self-digestion of epithelial tissue due to excessive exposure to the walls of the digestive organ of these gastric enzymes.

Symptoms of gastritis with increased acidity

To correctly determine the type of this disease of the digestive tract, it is necessary, based on the occurrence of anxiety symptoms, to urgently undergo confirmatory diagnostics and begin the appropriate treatment that the specialist doctor will prescribe without fail on the background of a strict diet and appropriate diet.

The manifestation of gastritis with high acidity is very difficult not to notice, and, therefore, to start timely treatment, thanks to accompanying its specific symptoms, among which the most frequently manifested are the following:

  • In the epigastric region, frequent pains occur. They can be both aching and pulling. The occurrence of them with gastritis with high acidity usually occurs a couple of hours after eating, but this symptom is also possible on the "hungry stomach".Pass usually after eating or drunk milk or soda solution;
  • Heartburn, a fairly perceptible burning sensation that spreads from the abdomen up the esophagus and ends in the mouth. Most often, this symptom is more likely to occur after eating foods banned at this type of disease;
  • Changes in appetite with gastritis with increased acidity were not seen in patients;
  • Immediately after eating, vomiting occurs. But this symptom happens only in the case of a long break between meals.

There are also signs such as constipation, acidic eructations, excessive sweating. The tongue acquires a bright red color with a whitish coating.

It should be remembered that these symptoms accompany a form of gastritis, which has increased acidity, not all the time, but mainly in the autumn or spring seasons, or after severe nervous shocks, as well as stress. Their manifestation suggests that you should urgently go to a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment to have a longer period of remission during this illness.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

This disease should be applied only to a complex method of treatment, carried out by medicines( tablets) on the basis of a strict diet and the concomitant herbal medicine from the age-old recipes of traditional medicine.

Drug treatment with increased acidity associated with gastritis is based on triple therapy, that is, the administration of drugs belonging to different groups:

  • Antibiotics related to a range of penicillins aimed at the rapid cessation of the inflammatory process;
  • In order to normalize the increased acidity, with this kind of gastritis, antacids are used;
  • For the effective removal of painful spasms usually prescribed antispasmodics.

In addition, when choosing the necessary drugs and tablets, the doctor draws attention to the fact that with gastritis with increased acidity, to obtain the greatest therapeutic effect, one should use means for removing dyspeptic disorders, as well as normalizing the muscular motility of the digestive organ.

In the complex treatment of this type of disease necessarily include vitamin therapy. For the most part, patients suffering from inflammation present in the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed vitamins from groups such as B and C.

And in the event that it is complicated by internal bleeding from erosive damage and the accompanying any kind of anemia, then inCompulsory procedure also includes preparations containing iron.

Therapeutic diet for gastritis with high acidity

Dietary nutrition for this type of inflammatory pathology should be quite strict and, in addition to rejecting a certain type of foods and drinks that irritate the mucous membrane, should not cause it both mechanical and chemical or thermalirritations.

That is, all food can be consumed by the patient only in a slightly warm form and have a fairly liquid consistency, which does not contain coarse lumps. Well cooked dishes should be additionally kneaded or wiped.

The so-called "increased gastritis", that is, having a high acidity of the digestive enzyme, requires a very careful attitude due to the highly inflamed and damaged mucosa. And this can only be achieved by a properly organized diet that contains dietary products.

Menu for gastritis with high acidity

When a patient has symptoms of this particular pathology of the digestive organ, he should pay special attention to the diet menu, which will represent his daily diet. After all, a properly composed and nutritious menu is the basis of a diet for gastritis with high acidity.

The basis of nutrition in this case will be well-cooked milk porridge from various types of cereals, as well as puree dietary soups. All dishes should be slightly warm, so as not to exert any irritation on the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

You can also include diet and non-fat types of meat and sea fish fillet in the menu. Great importance in the preparation of the menu will play a split meal - food should be taken at least 6 times a day and in fairly small portions.

Folk remedies and herbal preparations for the treatment of gastritis with increased acidity

In addition to drug therapy, diet and a rational menu, with all the rules of nutrition, it will be very good to use herbal medicine and various folk remedies for this disease. They will not only have a good preventive effect on gastritis with increased acidity, but will also remove all the unpleasant and painful symptoms of this rather serious disease.

From herbs for therapeutic purposes, with gastritis with high acidity, those are used that will have a beneficial effect on the mucosa by its enveloping, analgesic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory action.

The best reputation in this case for medicinal plants such as St. John's wort, camomile, calgan and calendula. Very popular are such centuries-proven folk remedies, like bee products, potato juice and birch mushroom chaga.

Therefore, one must take into account the fact that the best therapeutic effect for gastritis with increased acidity will be achieved only through a complex therapy using, in addition to medicines and folk remedies.

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