Symptoms of stomach gastritis, what are the signs of the disease, complaints with suspicion, diet, photo

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In the clinical picture of gastritis, it often happens that the disease begins without any symptoms. However, one way or another at some point the disease will begin to manifest itself. In the clinical picture of gastritis, it often happens that the disease begins without any symptoms. However, one way or another at some point the disease will begin to manifest itself.

If you feel negative changes in the body that are pushing the suspicion of this disease, you need, without delay, to see a doctor. Modern medicine has all the means to treat the disease and its symptoms. If there is a suspicion of gastritis, the doctor should conduct all the necessary studies, tests and prescribe the necessary medication.

First signs of

The first symptom of gastritis in medicine is considered to be heartburn. Heartburn is a very unpleasant feeling that can occur in the chest, in the stomach, in the esophagus and even in the throat. It occurs often after eating. Heartburn with gastritis occurs, as after taking certain foods( spicy, peppery, sour, too salty, as well as fried foods).However, even with a diet or diet correction, this symptom can make itself felt.

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The second symptom of gastritis, which comes immediately after heartburn, is a frequent and uncomfortable eructation with an unpleasant odor that plagues a person with signs of illness both after eating and on an empty stomach.

A frequent sign of gastritis can be nausea, which appears in the person immediately or after a meal. This symptom occurs with any diet, and even in people who are following the

diet. The two above mentioned signs are already a strong argument for thinking, not the symptoms of gastritis, whether you are experiencing?

Symptoms that indicate the progression of the

disease The next major symptom of the disease is the pain in the upper abdomen. Pain with gastritis can come abruptly and last for a short time. In the case of progressive disease or its acute form, seizures are replaced by constant painful sensations, which are very painful for the patient. To muffle the pain with a variety of analgesics - most often analgesics - is a bad idea. For some time, the pain will go away, but with uncontrolled use of drugs, you can exacerbate the harm to your health. In addition, the clinical picture after taking medications can be "blurred", complaints will disappear. This will make it more difficult for the doctor to diagnose and choose the right treatment.

If you experience all of the above symptoms of gastritis, then, in theory, you should have been a patient of a medical institution for a long time. If you are still pulling with an address to a doctor, with a high probability, prepare for a long and difficult treatment, possible complications in the form of a stomach ulcer. In the most neglected cases, the consequence of the absence of gastritis treatment is stomach cancer. Yes, there are cases in medicine where gastritis led to oncology.

Another sign of gastritis is the large amount of saliva in the patient and complaints of a not passing dry mouth sensation. This is due to the loss of fluid in the body with a symptom such as frequent vomiting.

The course of the disease is noted by another sign - a violation of the stool. In a person suffering from gastritis, diarrhea can often be opened or, on the contrary, constipation may occur.

It is important to pay attention to the general condition of the body. The patient may experience weakness, body temperature may increase, and blood pressure may fall. The patient has a headache, a pulse is increasing, sweat is intensively allocated.

Symptoms in the acute erosive phase of

It must be understood that the gastritis that has arisen will not pass by itself, at least in medicine the frequency of such cases is within the statistical error.

Symptoms of the disease occur due to inflammation and lesions of the gastric mucosa. The erosive phase occurs when the patient's symptoms are already observed for a fairly long time, but he has not received qualified medical care so far. In this case, ulceration of the gastric mucosa begins.

The main symptoms of gastritis in acute erosive form are similar to the previous signs, but there are also serious changes that should make the patient and the doctor really bother the alarm.

Gastric bleeding is added to traditional symptoms( heartburn, acute abdominal pain, nausea, belching, vomiting, temperature, sweating, heart palpitations, weakness, diarrhea or constipation).

To understand that gastritis has passed into the erosive phase, it is possible by the fact that along with the vomit from the esophagus there is blood. It is dark clots or veins.

In addition, the chair becomes dark, similar in color and structure to tar. The above symptoms indicate that the disease has come to a stage very dangerous for the patient's life.

The patient may, without knowing it, lose blood. Inflammatory processes develop at a higher rate. Immunity and general health of the body are greatly weakened. A person suffers from dehydration, almost can not eat normally. As a consequence, the patient, as a rule, sharply grows thin. He is weak, constantly sleepy, and very irritable.

Medicine provides a single measure for such symptoms of gastritis. The patient should be called an ambulance and immediately hospitalized.

Symptoms in the chronic phase of

Chronic gastritis affects people, usually receiving inadequate medical care in the treatment of the initial or acute stage of the disease, in the event that the main symptoms of it were ignored, the treatment was inadequate or incomplete.

Medicine is also known for a number of factors that cause the chronic stage and, as a consequence, its symptoms.

First of all, it is a harmful bacterium Helicobacter( Helicobacter), which can enter the body in a variety of ways. Doctors mention and chemical gastritis. This condition, with the attendant symptoms, causes a prolonged intake of certain drugs that adversely affect the gastric mucosa and cause its inflammation or lesion. In addition to drugs, chemical gastritis can be caused by other toxic substances.

Autoimmune gastritis and its symptoms occur for other reasons. In this case, the damaged human immunity causes the body itself to produce compounds that adversely affect the stomach.

Modern medicine currently has effective methods of diagnosis, allowing to determine the type of gastritis and its stage.

The first signs of chronic gastritis, which you need to pay attention to, are absence or loss of appetite. The patient begins to eat less, his gastronomic predilections change. This can continue until apathy for food. As a rule, this leads to weight loss, rapid fatigue, irritability.

Another symptom of chronic gastritis is discomfort in the mouth, associated with an unpleasant taste. Appears and burp with a heavy smell. After eating, the patient experiences a feeling of bursting and heaviness in the intestines.

After some, often quite a short time after eating, a person has complaints of abdominal pain. As a rule, they are stupid and aching, and cause enough torment.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis are also manifested in rumbling in the abdomen, swelling of the intestine, flatulence. The patient often vomits after eating. Changing the chair - there are diarrhea or constipation.

Symptom of gastritis( photo) may be even a changed appearance of a person. His nails start to separate, the condition of the hair changes greatly. They become dry, brittle, lose their natural shine and beauty, often the intensity of their loss increases. The person strongly loses weight, looks bad, constantly sleepy and tired.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis can worsen at certain times of the year, usually in the fall and spring. To the same effect can lead to the use of certain medicinal medicines. It is necessary to refrain from smoking and alcohol, which also lead to an exacerbation of symptoms.

As already mentioned, chronic gastritis occurs with periodic exacerbations and remissions. During the remission, the symptoms of the disease practically disappear, however, again appear during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Aggravation can be seasonal in nature( for example, in spring and autumn), and can also be provoked by a violation of diet, smoking, alcohol, and the use of certain medicines.

Symptoms of gastritis that can not be ignored

To avoid the development of gastritis, and long treatment, you need to carefully treat your condition. You should seek medical help or advice if you notice:

  • Heartburn
  • Frequent and uncomfortable burp with an unpleasant odor
  • Aching or sharp pains in the abdomen and stomach area.
  • Stool disorders( diarrhea or constipation)
  • Frequent vomiting after eating
  • Bowel flare and flatulence
  • Changes in stool color to dark and tarry
  • Poor overall health, fatigue, fever, sweating, heart palpitations.

Complications of gastritis and its symptoms can become a stomach and duodenal ulcer or stomach cancer.

Do not ignore the first signs of the disease and take care of your health.

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