Etiology and pathogenesis of gastritis

Such inflammation of the stomach as gastritis occurs when exposed to chemical, bacterial, mechanical and thermal factors. As a result, the patient decreases appetite, eructation, a feeling of heaviness and pain after eating, as well as heartburn. All this is called: a violation of the digestive process. In addition, a person who has a gastritis, there is a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in the general good state of the body and rapid fatigue.

If the rules of treatment prescribed by the doctor and, of course, the diet are not respected, the gastritis may develop into an acute, protracted form, and a stomach ulcer may also occur. Below we will consider the etiology and pathogenesis of both forms of this inflammatory process.

External etiology of :

  • bad habits in food( spicy, fried and smoked food);
  • irregular methods of poor-quality food;
  • the use of alcohol, after all it promotes the strengthened allocation of gastric juice;
  • smoking( especially constant smoking, especially on an empty stomach);
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  • professional factors, especially harmful production( dusty conditions).

Internal etiology:

  • endocrine system disorders;
  • disorders of blood circulation and respiration, which lead to tissue hypoxia;
  • pneumonia, mostly chronic, inflammation of the inner surface of the mouth, as well as the nose and throat;
  • indigestion;
  • chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases of the digestive system;
  • poor excretory system performance;
  • immunity disorders.

The pathogenesis of gastritis

Among the fairly common symptoms of this disease can be called aching dull ache in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, anorexia and an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity.

At the initial stage of the disease, the secretory work of the stomach persists within the usual limits or is amplified, and it may also subside. Among the pathogenesis of prolonged gastritis after a certain time, a decrease in glandular secretion can be observed and a decrease in gastric juice is observed.

Etiology of acute gastritis

This kind of inflammation is a very different etiology, which affects mainly the mucous area of ​​the stomach.

The etiology of gastritis is divided into endogenous and exogenous forms. In acute exogenous form of the disease are considered, initially, mechanical, chemical and thermal agents. Thus, the use of very rough, difficult to digest and hot food in its nutrition leads to the development of an acute form of gastritis. In particular, the spice has a bad effect on the mucous surface: mustard, vinegar and pepper.

Mucous irritated and damaged as a result of drinking strong coffee, alcohol and tobacco smoking. Special negative consequences result from the use of drinks with alcohol content of 20% or more, they include vodka, rum, cognac and moonshine.

The etiology of acute gastritis includes the causes that cause inflammation in the small intestine and stomach, as well as the serious condition of the patient's body as a whole, include eating food that is infected with microorganisms.

Pathogenesis during acute gastritis

Consider pathogenesis for various acute inflammatory processes by changing the mucous membrane in acute gastritis.

Catarrhal. In this case, the mucous membrane thickens, filled with blood, covered with a lot of mucus. Erosions and hemorrhages appear on the surface. It is in this case that they start talking about an erosive gastritis.

Pathogenesis of fibrous gastritis. There are already necrotic changes in the mucosa of the stomach, on the surface of which films are formed. They accompany the impregnation of the necrosis zone with fibrinous-purulent exudate. Sometimes deep necrosis can form.

Necrotic. The main pathogenesis in such an inflammatory change is colliquated and coagulation necrosis. In this case, not only the mucous membrane is destroyed, but also the layers of the wall that are located deeper. Erosions, perforated and acute ulcers are formed.

This is not the entire list of the etiology and pathogenesis of gastritis, however, the most basic.

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