Reactive( chemical) gastritis

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Inflammation of the mucous membrane, proceeding in a constant regime, otherwise called chronic gastritis, has many kinds, depending on the causes that caused it. One of them is chemical or reactive gastritis of type C. As a rule, its development is associated with the consequences of carrying out a resection of the stomach, full or partial pyloroplasty. In addition, chemical gastritis can be caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, preparations containing iron and potassium, causing damage to the gastric mucosa.

Usually, the transition between the contents of the stomach and the duodenum is controlled by a strong muscle pulp so that the cavities do not come into contact with different levels of acidity. With the weakening of this septum( sphincter), which is normally closed in the normal state, it is possible that the movement of dietary masses is reversed, the so-called reflux.

Symptoms of reactive gastritis

In the initial stage, the development of reactive gastritis in the gastrointestinal tract passes without obvious symptoms. In the future, its manifestations are as follows:

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  1. The pain in the upper abdomen increases after eating and does not decrease after taking medications to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting with an admixture of bile. In this case, after the vomiting, the taste of bitterness remains and the heartburn is possible.
  3. Nonspecific signs in the form of bloating, stool, moderate anemia.

Methods for examination for chemical gastritis

The simplest but not the most reliable method for diagnosing reactive gastritis of type C are laboratory studies. In this case:

  • clinical analysis of urine and feces;
  • tests for the presence of bacteria Helicobacter pylory;
  • study of protein fractions of blood and protein.

Instrumental studies include ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs, x-ray of the stomach, gastroduodenoscopy with the help of a special device and express analysis, taken with biopsy, mucosal samples.

Methods of treatment of reactive gastritis

Given that this type of disease is associated with the aggressive action of the alkaline environment of the contents of the duodenum invading the gastric mucosa, which is habitual for the acidic environment, the partial neutralization that occurs while this results in a decrease in the acidity of the gastric juice. At the same time, digestion processes are disrupted, the risk of infections increases, and the possibility of counteracting the mucosa to the effect of negative factors is reduced. It should be noted that the alkaline environment creates good conditions for the development of Helicobacter pylori infection, which increases the risk of ulcers and erosions in reactive gastritis. Therefore, modern methods of treatment of jet gastritis are aimed at normalizing perelstatics, that is, reducing muscle mass of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring the standard acidity of gastric juice and resistance to the effects of aggressive factors of the mucous membrane itself.

Based on this, a complex treatment is prescribed, which includes taking medications, dietary recommendations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Specific recommendations are given, based on the results of the examination and the condition of the patient with chemical gastritis. The diet should be very strict during the exacerbation of the reactive gastritis and gradually the menu is expanded in the transition to stabilization of the condition. However, in any case, it is necessary to completely exclude fatty, sharp foods, pickles, marinades from the diet, which irritate the mucous membrane and promote increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. In the same row there are alcoholic drinks, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks.

If there are concomitant diseases of the gallbladder, intestine or pancreas, then the diet is prescribed taking into account these diseases. In the technology of cooking with a reactive gastritis, like other types of this disease, preference is given to boiled, stewed foods, and if fried, then without using breadcrumbs and flour for breading. Products must be ground or rubbed and used in a warm form.

With reactive gastritis, medications are prescribed for the treatment of various functional disorders:

  1. Metoclopramide is used to normalize the closing function of the cardia and increase the resistance of the gastric mucosa.
  2. Fosfalugel neutralizes the aggressive action of bile and also has an enveloping property and adsorbs bile acids.

Very widely used in the treatment of reactive( chemical) gastritis drugs that contribute to the alteration of the structure of bile. Translating bile into a water-soluble form, its irritating effect on the mucous membrane decreases. Operative treatment, which creates the possibility of additional bile withdrawal, is used if conservative methods have proved ineffective.

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